List of lost Hetalia material

The following list encompasses all Hetalia content that was hidden or removed from Kitayume prior to it's closure, or from any of Himaruya's Bamboo Thicket blogs, or material that could otherwise be considered discarded.
These comics had been hidden from public display and public listings on Kitayume at the time of it's closure, and in some cases were deleted outright from the server itself. The canonicity of this content is ambiguous, though their removal would indicate that Himaruya no longer considers them part of the series' story.
- Hetare 3: G-R Nonaggression Pact? (Deleted Strips) (ヘタレ3 G-R Nonaggression Pact? Hetare 3 G-R Nonaggression Pact? )
- The original opening strips for this chapter deal with the titular Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, though they were removed from the chapter shortly after publication, with all but the last strip deleted from Kitayume's servers. The first two strips detail the extent of Russia's threatening nature, as he sends Germany several letters encouraging them to become friends. After Germany has ignored so many of his letters, Russia sends a threatening one detailing that he'll make one of Germany's friends disappear if he doesn't answer. Germany reluctantly signs a pact with Russia, and then decides that he'll help Italy become stronger to take off the pressure. These strips were likely deleted as they display misconceptions and inaccuracies about Germany and Russia's roles in the pact, as well as their actual relations. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact would be later included in a different form in "Hetare 5: Lietuvis!!", along with the final pages alluding to the invasion of Poland, an event that was depicted in a small throwaway doodle in one of these deleted strips (with a laughing Russia fleeing after having just beaten up Poland). These strips also imply that Germany and Russia have been enemies since their youth, an element that is not present in the rest of the series.
- Boticelli's Erotic Paintings (ボッティチェリのエロ画 Botticheri no ero-ga )
- A 2006 comic that was removed from public listings and had it's first two strips deleted sometime in 2008. It was likely deleted because the plot of the comic involved France and Spain contemplating in detail having sex with Chibitalia (though a note at the end indicates that they did not go through with it). This comic is also notable in that Spain does not speak with an Osaka dialect as he does in later appearances. The page itself remained hidden on the server, along with the second half of the comic involving four omake illustrations. The first illustration depicts Italy and Romano as puppies and describes them as "The Weakest Creatures on Earth", while the latter three show America and France going to a restaurant where England works as a "British Waiter" (naked except for an apron).
- Holy Roman Empire is No More (神聖ローマはもういないんだ Shinsei rōma wa mō inai nda )
- A 2006 draft comic page depicting an injured France telling an older Italy that the Holy Roman Empire is no more, and that he should forget about him. While the draft was linked on the Kitayume homepage at the time, it was never added to the comic index for the series and the page it was hosted on was deleted from the Kitayume (though the image itself remained on the server until the site's closure). The comic was likely abandoned as it dealt directly with the ultimate fate of Holy Roman Empire after he parted ways with Chibitalia and went off to war, a plot thread that has seemingly been left intentionally ambiguous by Himaruya.
- Gakuen Hetalia (学園ヘタリア Gakuen Hetaria , lit. "Hetalia Academy" or "Hetalia School")
- A 2006 story illustrating an early conception of the Gakuen Hetalia continuity, focusing on Japan as the main character. While the page remained publicly listed on Kitayume at the time of it's closure, all the images on the page had been deleted from the site's server.
- Who Are You? (あなたはだれ Anata wa dare )
- A 2007 unfinished comic depicting a French soldier recognizing France as a man that his grandfather knew and wonders why he has remained so young. While the page it was hosted on was deleted, the image itself remained on Kitayume's server until the site's closure. It is unclear why the comic was initially abandoned, but the story was later re-conceived and completed in 2011 as "Though I May Depart, You Shall Remain".
- The Christmas Sequel (クリスマスの後日談 Kurisumasu no gojitsu-dan )
- A sequel to the 2007 Christmas Event featuring a crossover with characters from Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club Pure and Barjona Bombers that was removed from Kitayume at some point in 2008. While the page hosting the comic was deleted, the images themselves remained on Kitayume's server until the site's closure. The comic was likely removed due to the heavy tie-in to storylines from Pure, which was largely wiped from the site around this time due to questionable content that frequently surfaced in that series and the wider pivot back toward the original Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club that began in early 2007.
- Uncollected Comic Diaries
- From 2006 until 2008, a handful of comic diaries were posted to memo pages on Kitayume but were never officially collected in any of summary pages. At the time of Kitayume's closure, all but the 2008 memo pages had been removed from Kitayume, though the images themselves still remained on the server.
- America and Buffalo-san (アメリカとバッファローさん Amerika to baffarō-san )
- A 2011 draft comic depicting America's production of the Brewster F2A fighter jet (nicknamed "The Buffalo"), and his subsequent dealings with Japan and Finland. This comic was posted to Bamboo Thicket along with a note from Himaruya indicating that it would be removed once the finished version was made available on Kitayume. However, the comic and the blog post itself was removed without a final version materializing. It is possible that the unfinished webcomic "That Day of Winter and Autumn" was intended to be the final version of this comic, as it shows a plane (albeit a different model) parked outside of a Finnish dining hall.
These comics were hidden or unlisted in official indexing, but otherwise remained widely available through other links or official publication. Unlike other hidden content, these are considered canon.
- Hetare 5: Lietuvis!! (Hidden Strips) (ヘタレ5 Lietuvis!! Hetare 5 Lietuvis!! )
- At the time of Kitayume's closure, this chapter was labeled unfinished and spanned sixteen pages (lie.htm through lie16.htm). However, five additional pages were located on orphaned pages spanning lie21.htm through lie25.htm, while it remains unclear if the pages falling numerically in between ever existed or hosted additional content, or if they were ever intended to. The bulk of this content, with the notable exception of the page featuring Lithuania and Poland, was reprinted as "Extra: Toward an Unknown Tomorrow" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1. When the chapter was reposted to the Bamboo Thicket prototype blog in 2018, these hidden pages were not included.
- Asian Scribbles or Something (なんかアジアンな落書き Nanka ajian'na rakugaki )
- A 2007 series of sketches depicting the Asian characters that wasn't listed in the official index as of 2008. The page itself and all of the images were still active at the time of Kitayume's closure.
- Medieval England's Clothes and Hair (イギリス中世の服と髪 Igirisu chūsei no fuku to kami )
- A 2008 comic featuring a young England and France that was featured on the main page at the time of it's release but was never added to the official index. The entirety of the comic was reprinted as "Medieval England's Fashion Fiasco" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2 and "The Revenge of England's Fashion Fiasco" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. The page itself and all of the images were still active at the time of Kitayume's closure.
- Who's Been Drawing These Pictures? (あの絵って誰が描いてるんですか? Ano e tte dare ga kai teru ndesu ka? )
- A 2008 comic featuring the Allied Forces that was listed in the official index at the time of it's publication, but was later removed at some point after 2010. The entirety of the comic was reprinted as part of "Hello World! Hello Italy!" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2. The page itself and all of the images were still active at the time of Kitayume's closure.
- The Book Volume 2 - Reverse Countdown Comic (The本2巻 逆カウントダウン漫画 The hon 2-kan gyaku kauntodaun manga )
- A 2008 comic advertising the release of Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2 that was featured on the main page at the time of it's release but was never added to the official index. The page itself and all of the images were still active at the time of Kitayume's closure.
- All The Best For 2009! (2009年もよろしくね! 2009-nen mo yoroshiku ne! )
- A 2009 comic featuring Finland and Sweden commemorating the New Year that was featured on the main page at the time of it's release but was never added to the official index. The page itself and all of the images were still active at the time of Kitayume's closure.
In rare instances, content that was hidden was later restored to public listings on Kitayume.
- Asian and Western Festivals (アジアと西洋の祭り Ajia to seiyō no matsuri )
- A 2006 comic featuring Japan celebrating the winter holidays with China. It was featured on the main page when it was officially uploaded to Kitayume in 2007, but was only added to the official index years later around 2012, where it was listed twice – under it's official title and again as "2006 Christmas Asian and Western Festivals" (2006年クリスマスアジアと西洋の祭り 2006-Nen kurisumasu ajia to seiyō no matsuri ).
- Korea's Private Pictures (韓国さんと秘密の写真 Kankoku-san to himitsu no shashin )
- A 2007 comic featuring Korea showing his photo album to China. While it was featured on the site when it was initially uploaded, it was only added to the official index around 2012 as a part of the "Korea Story Series" (韓国ネタシリーズ Kankoku netashirīzu ).
- Soviets (ソビイズ Sobiizu )
- A 2007 comic featuring the Baltics and their tenuous relationship with each other. While it was featured on the site when it was initially uploaded, it was only added to the official index around 2012.
While these comics were posted publicly on Kitayume or Bamboo Thicket, the title or linear notes indicate that it's content which has been "discarded". In some instances its to indicate content that was drafted for inclusion in a published volume or serialization but was then omitted, but it's meaning and even the canonicity of the content itself is often left ambiguous.
- Axis Bento (Axis Bento )
- A comic featured in the "Hetalia The Book Special Page Countdown Start!" as a "discarded comic" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1, showing each of the Axis receiving a custom-made bento box suited to their different food tastes. However, it was later reprinted as part of "Hello World! Hello Italy!" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2.
- A German Learning Italian (イタリア語を習うドイツ人 Itaria-go o narau doitsunin )
- A comic featured in the "Hetalia The Book Special Page Countdown Start!" as a "discarded comic" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1, showing Germany visiting Italy's home and trying to interact with the locals. However, it was later reprinted as part of "Hello World! Hello Italy!" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2.
- Techniques to Improve Someone Through Praise (褒めて育てる技術 Homete sodateru gijutsu )
- A comic featured in the "Hetalia The Book Special Page Countdown Start!" as a "discarded comic" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1, showing Japan reading a book on praising techniques and lending it to Germany, who then tries out some of the tips on Austria.
- Italy's House Is the Best (イタリアの家は最高だ Itaria no ie wa saikōda )
- A comic featured in the "Hetalia The Book Special Page Countdown Start!" as a "discarded comic" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1, showing Romano arguing with Italy for letting Germany stay at their house. Germany, not understanding Italian, watches and thinks about how nice it is there, only to revert to his normal self upon returning home.
- Together with Grandpa Rome (ローマじいちゃんと Rōma jīchan to )
- A comic featured in the "Hetalia The Book Special Page Countdown Start!" as a "discarded comic" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1, showing the spirit of Ancient Rome visiting Italy and Germany one night. However, it was later expanded into a full-length webcomic of the same name and subsequently revised and reprinted in Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2.
- Discarded Strips Uploaded (没ったコマUP Botsu tta koma UP )
- A "discarded" alternate version of "Bakki Baki" from Comic Diary Summary Part 11 posted to Bamboo Thicket a day after the final version was uploaded to Kitayume.
- Discarded Nero Comic (没のネロ漫画 Botsu no nero manga )
- A "discarded" comic initially intended for the Shonen Jump+ serialization featuring an early version of Nero which was posted to Bamboo Thicket in October 2014.
After the announcement in October 2018 that Geocities Japan would be shutting down on April 1, 2019, Himaruya began reposting comics to his Bamboo Thicket prototype blog. As of February 2020, these are the comics that have yet to be mirrored. Content that is still available on the original Bamboo Thicket but was never uploaded to Kitayume is not included on this list. Unlike other content on this page, which was unavailable due to intentional curation, these comics are not considered lost and are unambiguously canon.