List of Hetalia comic diaries
From Hetalia Archives

A single comic panel from the July 2008 memo page on Kitayume commemorating a special announcement.
The following list encompasses all Hetalia comic diary webcomic collections posted to Kitayume. All dates generated below are listed using JST (Japan Standard Time), though some comics were likely posted when Himaruya was studying overseas in New York City (EST).
- 1 Collected Comics
- 1.1 Diary Sketches Summary
- 1.2 Comic Diary Summary Part 2
- 1.3 Comic Diary Summary Part 3
- 1.4 Comic Diary Summary Part 4
- 1.5 Comic Diary Summary Part 5
- 1.6 Comic Diary Summary Part 6
- 1.7 Comic Diary Summary Part 7
- 1.8 Comic Diary Summary Part 8
- 1.9 Comic Diary Summary Part 9
- 1.10 Comic Diary Summary Part 10
- 1.11 Comic Diary Summary Part 11
- 2 Uncollected Comics
- 3 References
Collected Comics
Diary Sketches Summary
- (「日記の楽書き総まとめ」 Nikki no raku kaki sō matome) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- We're not friends while training, but Boss and Subordinate (訓練中は友達じゃなく上司と部下でいたいのに Kunren-chū wa tomodachi janaku jōshi to buka de itainoni )
- Posted on January 4, 2007
- The Axis begins training for the day, but Italy is distracted and keeps going off on tangents about food, causing Germany to put him in a headlock.
- Japan Has a Cold (風邪っぴき日本 Kazeppiki Nihon )
- Posted on December 30, 2006
- Japan catches a cold, and Italy tells him he should go home and rest. It's revealed that Japan caught it from America, which happens every time the latter gets a cold.
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance (日英同盟かけねぇ Nichieidōmei kakenē )
- Posted on December 31, 2006
- It is explained that the Anglo-Japanese alliance is so effective because its hard to tell which one is the Tsukkomi (straight man), as opposed to a relationship similiar between Italy and America which is two Bokes (funny man).
- The Allied Sentai Forces (連合戦隊 ふぉーしーず Rengō kantai fōshīzu )
- Posted on December 31, 2006
- The Allies debate what color they'd be in a Super Sentai team.
- A Demanding Santa (要求サンタ Yōkyū Santa )
- Posted on December 31, 2006
- Poland dresses as Santa and demands presents from Lithuania.
- A Brief Christmas Story (クリスマス小話 Kurisumasu kobanashi )
- Posted on December 31, 2006
- During Christmas, England crosses the battlefield trench to call a temporary truce with Germany and they play soccer. This comic was later redrawn as "Battlefield Kick-Off" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. It was also adapted in Episode 100 of the anime series.
Comic Diary Summary Part 2
- (「日記漫画まとめ その2」 Nikki manga matome sono 2) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- America and the World Map (アメリカと世界地図 Amerika to sekai chizu )
- Posted on January 30, 2007
- England brings America a world map so he doesn't just keep referencing a map of only himself.
- Summer Break Project: Understanding Italy (夏休みのイタリア研究 Natsuyasumi no Itaria kenkyū )
- Posted on January 26, 2007
- The Axis begins training once more, but before Italy can go off on a tangent Germany pulls his ahoge and he gets quiet. He tells Japan that if Italy starts being noisy he should just pull on it, and Japan doesn't know how to tell him that its an erogenous zone.
- From the English Army's Activity in Iraq Manual (イギリス軍のイラクでの活動マニュアルより。 Igirisu-gun no Iraku de no katsudō manyuaru yori. )
- Posted on January 15, 2007
- An explanation of what British soldiers should do when encountering Americans.
- Aniki, Me, and the Breast Romance (兄貴と俺とおっぱいロマンス Aniki to ore to oppai romansu )
- Posted on January 16, 2007
- Korea asks China about the ownership of Japan's breasts.
- This is an Ero-ge? (これなんてエロゲ? Kore nante eroge? )
- Posted on January 24-25, 2007
- Korea is upset that Japan doesn't watch his movies and asks China whether he loves him. A dialogue box appears indicating that both responses have an R18 ending.
- Terribly Fond of Quirky Hair (くるんかくのがやけに好きです。 Kurun kaku no ga yakeni sukidesu. )
- Posted on January 16, 2007
- Germany continues to try and figure out what Italy's ahoge is, and Romano is scandalized when he sees what they're doing.
- America’s English and the original English from the UK are a bit different (アメリカ英語と本場イギリスの英語は微妙に違う )
- Posted on January 9, 2007
- England asks America for a rubber (eraser) and America, assuming he means a condom, asks if a guy like him even has a partner.
- The Mechanisms of You and Me (俺とお前のメカニズム Ore to omaeno mekanizumu )
- Posted on January 7, 2007
- While hiding in the bushes, Italy explains to Germany that soldiers in war situations have the urge to reproduce when faced with life-threatening situations. Elsewhere, Romano asks Spain why he isn't participating in WW2.
Comic Diary Summary Part 3
- (「日記漫画まとめ その3」 Nikki manga matome sono 3) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- England's Last Wish (イギリス最後の願い Igirisu saigo no negai )
- Posted on March 11, 2007
- America comes to an ailing England's bedside and asks if there's anything he can do. England asks him to call him "England" like he used to, but America refuses.
- It's Seriously Contagious! (マジで伝染るよ! Majide utsuru yo! )
- Posted on February 27, 2007
- Japan goes on vacation to Italy's place, and comes back acting just like Italy. This comic was later redrawn as part of "The Circumstances with European Cars" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. It was also adapted in Episode 63 of the anime series.
- Even with Great Effort, a Human Can’t Look Like a Beautiful Swan (人に見えない努力なんて白鳥並以上 Hito ni mienai doryoku nante hakuchō nami ijō )
- Posted on February 18, 2007
- Hungary tells Chibitalia to be quiet because Austria has a cold, leading Holy Roman Empire to think he's ignoring him.
- Unusual Current Events (珍しく時事ネタ Mezurashiku tokijineta )
- Posted on February 8, 2007
- China spams the internet with gag images of Korea claiming Mars as his own.
- I Thought of Something Similar Too (俺もちょうど同じこと考えたんすよ Ore mo chōdo onaji ko to kangaeta n su yo )
- Posted on February 4, 2007
- China attempts to teach Korea about poetry.
- A Dream I Saw Once (さっき見た夢 Sakki mita yume )
- Posted on February 5, 2007
- In a crossover with Barjona Bombers, Chibitalia runs into Yamato Nara and asks him to take him to the person who shares the same face at him. Upon finding Italy, Chibitalia demands that he acknowledge him.
Comic Diary Summary Part 4
- (「日記漫画まとめ その4」 Nikki manga matome sono 4) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- The Cuisine That Was Originally England's (元はイギリスのあの料理 )
- Posted on March 26, 2007
- Japan attempts to imitate England's cooking after an admiral requests a beef stew he had while abroad, resulting in the creation of Nikujaga. This comic was later redrawn as "It Came From England" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2. It was also adapted in Episode 34 of the anime series.
- Take It Latvian (それいけラトビアン Sore ike ratobian )
- Posted on April 2, 2007
- Estonia declares that no matter what happens, he won't call out Latvia's name anymore.
- An Ally Country's Lunchbox (同盟国弁当 Dōmeikuni bentō )
- Posted on March 23, 2007
- Italy makes Germany an Axis-themed onigiri lunch. This comic was later adapted in Episode 67 of the anime series.
- The Week in Valentino (バレンチーノの一週間 Barenchīno no isshūkan )
- Posted on March 13, 2007
- Italy messes up again during training, and is convinced Germany is angry at him even as he dotes on him.
- Korean Children's Song (韓国童謡 Kankoku dōyō )
- Posted on March 21, 2007
- Japan watches a naked Korea sing a children's song about an Elephant.
- No-Good Chibis (いやなちび Iyana chibi )
- Posted on March 13, 2007
Comic Diary Summary Part 5
- (「日記漫画まとめ その5」 Nikki manga matome sono 5) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Comic Diary Summary (日記漫画まとめ Nikki manga matome sono )
- Posted on May 4, 2007
- A quick explanation of Greece's hairstyle.
- Therapy for Spain (スペインの癒し Supen no iyashi )
- Posted on May 3, 2007
- Spain tries to get Chibiromano to pay attention to him speak by pulling on his ahoge, leading the latter to conclude that he's a pervert.
- Just Like Switzerland... (スイスのように… Suisu no yō ni... )
- Posted on April 30, 2007
- Switzerland tells Japan that he's too much of a yes-man and teaches him to be more assertive like him, much to the shock of America and Korea.
- Disneyland Is Too Far Away (ディズニーランドは遠すぎる Dizunīrando wa tō sugiru )
- Posted on May 8, 2007
- China greets Japan wearing a knock-off Hello Kitty costume and invites him to his new amusement park filled with knock-off mascots.
- Japan's view on Switzerland (日本の考えるスイス Nihon no kangaeru Suisu )
- Posted on May 11, 2007
- Japan imagines a more stereotypical view of Switzerland based on a musical, sunny mountain landscape. This comic was later redrawn as part of "I Am Switzerland" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. It was also adapted in Episode 88 of the anime series.
- Together with Su-san (スーさんといっしょ Sū-san to issho )
- Posted on May 15-19, 2007
- Finland and Sweden have lunch together, and Finland talks about his desire to have a harbor while under Russia's rule. This comic was later redrawn as part of "With Sweden" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. It was also adapted in Episode 82 of the anime series.
Comic Diary Summary Part 6
- (「日記漫画まとめ その6」 Nikki manga matome sono 6) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- They Might Really Eat Them In Some Places (ある地方ではマジで食うらしい Aru chihōde wa maji de kuurashī )
- Posted on May 28, 2007
- China becomes distressed when he discovers that Hello Kitty has a pet cat.
- Brothers (兄弟 Kyōdai )
- Posted on May 28, 2007
- Spain brings Chibiromano over to Austria's house to spend time with Chibitalia, and the Italy brothers' ahoges form a heart shape.
- Giant Moussaka (巨大ムサカ Kyodai musaka )
- Posted on May 26, 2007
- Greece tells Japan about an action movie he made about a giant moussaka attacking a town.
- A Timeless Question (長年の疑問 Naganen no gimon )
- Posted on May 23, 2007
- A young America asks England why pig meat is called pork and cow meet is called beef, and England is reluctant to admit that they're originally french words from when he left the cooking to France. This comic was later redrawn as part of "England, Dreaming About the Past" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3.
- Make a British Food (make a British food meiku a burittishu fuudo )
- Posted on May 23, 2007
- America compliments Lithuania on his cooking, and explains that England hadn't been very good at it. A flashback reveals a young America telling England the burnt food tasted good so as not to hurt his feelings.
- The Well-Informed Holy Doki-Doki Empire (物知り神聖ドキドキ帝国 Monoshiri shinsei dokidoki teikoku )
- Posted on May 21, 2007
- Chibitalia asks Holy Roman Empire about a philosophy book and declares that he's very smart, much to the latter's embarrassment.
- Cute Poland's Polish Joke (ポーランドジョークのポーランドカワイイ Pōrandojōku no pōrando kawaii )
- Posted on May 21, 2007
- Poland excitedly shows Italy a plane he's made with an ejecting seat, inspiring Italy to make one of his own.
Comic Diary Summary Part 7
- (「日記漫画まとめ その7」 Nikki manga matome sono 7) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- No-Good Chibis 2 (いやなちび2 Iyana chibi 2 )
- Posted on June 25, 2007
- A series of illustrations of Chibitalia demanding that his Papa acknowledge him.
- Increased (増えた Fueta )
- Posted on June 29, 2007
- Chibitalia demands to be acknowledged, inspiring Holy Roman Empire to demand acknowledgement as well.
- Austria's Annexation (オーストリア併合 Ōsutoria heigō )
- Posted on June 22, 2007
- Germany conducts a poll in Austria about the Annexation, and Austria himself fills out many votes indicating a yes response.
- Inside of You (お前の中身 Omae no nakami )
- Posted on June 21, 2007
- China is hugging Shinatty-chan and is disturbed to discover that the man who normally wears the costume isn't the one inside it.
- Height difference between Su-san and me (スーさんと僕と身長差 Sū-san to boku to shinchō-sa )
- Posted on June 18, 2007
- Sweden gives Finland some of his old, nice clothes, but due to the 12cm height difference they do not fit him.
- Soon Already (もうそろそろ Mō sorosoro )
- Posted on June 20, 2007
- Japan and Greece brainstorm what to get America for his birthday, and decide to make something instead.
- A Greek Joke (ギリシャジョーク Girishajōku )
- Posted on June 15, 2007
- How many Greeks would it take to change a light bulb?
- New Person (新人間 Shin ningen )
- Posted on June 15, 2007
- Japan recognizes Greece even with his face covered by cats.
Comic Diary Summary Part 8
- (「日記マンガまとめ その8」 Nikki manga matome sono 8) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- One With Many Lovers (恋多き人 Koi ōki hito )
- Posted on July 23, 2007
- Japan asks Italy what book he's looking at, and he says its his battle history. Once it becomes clear that its just pictures of Italy with cute girls, Japan closes the book on his face. This comic was later redrawn as part of "Hello World! Hello Italy!" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2. It was also adapted in Episode 34 of the anime series.
- Erotic Ambassador (エロ大使 Ero taishi )
- Posted on July 21, 2007
- France decides to pass his world authority on horniness to England, much to the other's chagrin. He attempts to pass it on to Greece, who doesn't see anything scandalous about sex, before talking to Japan and receiving a lecture on 2-D love. This comic was later reprinted as "The World's Number One Pervert" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1.
- You Might Be Mine (お前は俺のかも Omae wa ore no kamo )
- Posted on July 15, 2007
- America convinces Japan to buy a bunch of computers he's invented. Later, when America asks Japan if he can play some of his dating sims, Japan agrees on the condition that he relaxes his regulations.
- If You See A Ghost's Actual Form (幽霊の正体見たり Yūrei no shōtai mi tari )
- Posted on July 5, 2007
- While sleeping outside, Italy gets cold and grabs onto Germany for warmth. After hearing a noise, Italy becomes concerned that there's a ghost, only to discover Germany appears much more frightened than he is.
- Saying That There Must Be a Book of Magic in There (絶対あの中に魔法の本が一冊あるって Zettai ano naka ni mahō no hon ga itsusatsu aru tte )
- Posted on July 31, 2007
- A footnote outlining some historical information that can be found catalogued in the New York Public Library, including that the Italian Army brought large quantities of pasta to the Sahara Desert during the war and the British brought furniture such as tables with them.
- Hand Grenades of Every Country in WW1 (WW1の各国の手榴弾 WW1 no kakkoku no shuryūdan )
- Posted on July 31, 2007
- Illustrations showing the innovations Germany and France made in throwing grenades during WW1.
- Hooray Lithuania (リトアニア万歳 )
- Posted on July 5, 2007
- An illustration of a young Lithuania and Poland.
- It's Their Proud Skill (お得意技ですから O tokui-wazadesukara )
- Posted on July 4, 2007
- After being beaten by Germany and Italy, England decides to put a curse on them, but is interrupted by America. This comic was later reprinted as "England's Secret Weapon" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1. It was also adapted in Episode 13 of the anime series.
- A Kid Who Can Do It If He Tries (やれば出来る子 Yareba dekiru ko )
- Posted on June 29, 2007
- While at sea, Turkey (then the Ottoman Empire) encounters a surprisingly strong Chibitalia who bests him in battle.
- Go Go Grecian Troops! (いけいけギリシャ軍! Ike ike Girisha-gun! )
- Posted on June 29, 2007
- A footnote outlining what the Greek army was like during WW2.
- America's Strange Invention (アメリカ君の発想力 Amerika kimi no hassō-ryoku )
- Posted on July 2, 2007
- America shows Japan a weapon he invented that makes people fall in love in order to demoralize opposing armies. However, Japan explains that in Ancient Turkey and Greece soldiers didn't want to look weak in front of their lovers and it made them stronger, causing America to point the gun at himself.
Comic Diary Summary Part 9
- (「日記漫画まとめ その9」 Nikki manga matome sono 9) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- New York People's Chic-ness (NYオサレピープル NY osarepīpuru )
- Posted on April 10, 2008
- A contrast between the foreign stereotype of New York fashion versus how people in New York actually dress.
- French... (フレンチ… Furenchi… )
- Posted on January 26, 2008
- An examination of how, when the word "French" is put in front of some English words, it becomes sexy.
- Twisted Noble (ひねくれ貴族 Hinekure kizoku )
- Posted on September 13, 2007
- Austria's Newspaper exposes a presidential candidate's past as a German officer, drawing strong reactions from other nations and making Austria evaluate his stance on it.
- My Younger Days (俺がちびだった頃 )
- Posted on September 2, 2007
- While watching some of the younger nations play, France and Spain reminisce to when they were kids but realize they just got beat up a lot. Later, Poland ranks Italy as the most likable country, upsetting Lithuania, who wasn't considered in the rankings.
- Finland's Holiday Home - Part 1 (フィンランド別荘を作る その1 Finrando bessō o tsukuru sono 1 )
- Posted on August 30, 2007
- The opening strips from "The Battle for America" starring Finland and Sweden.
- Popular Spain (もてもてスペイン Mote mote Supein )
- Posted on August 22, 2007
- Spain gushes over how cute Chibitalia is and asks to marry him when he grows up, prompting a jealous Chibiromano to hit Spain with a broom and get the same proposal. Later, in 2005 after Spain legalized same-sex marriage, he approaches Italy and Romano with the news only to discover Italy has forgotten and Romano has a list of demands.
- Notebook Scribbles (ノートの落書き Nōto no rakugaki )
- Posted on August 21, 2007
- Illustrations of Chibitalia and a young England.
- NO kangaroo NO koala (NO カンガルー NO コアラ NO kangarū NO koara )
- Posted on August 7, 2007
- The nations discuss the image of themselves that are known throughout the world, and how they can be lacking.
- Smaller (ちいさいの Chīsai no )
- Posted on August 4, 2007
- Illustrations of a young Hungary, Spain, England, and Russia.
- Stop it, jeez~ (やめてよもー Yamete yomo ̄ )
- Posted on August 3, 2007
- England wears a shirt revealing major spoilers for the final Harry Potter book, upsetting Japan. However, when he takes the shirt off, he has another major spoiler written on his chest.
- Pasta and Curls (パスタとくるん Pasuta to kurun )
- Posted on July 31, 2007
- Romano runs out of pasta and doesn't have anything to eat for lunch. After he turns down Germany and Switzerland's respective offers of potatoes and cheese, Spain arrives and gives Romano a "cheer up charm". This comic was later redrawn as part of "I Am Switzerland" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. It was also adapted in Episode 88 of the anime series.
- Let's try it! The way someone from the Meiji era would give a phone call (やってみよう!明治の電話のかけ方 Yatte miyou! Meiji no denwa no kakekata )
- Posted on August 8, 2007
- Japan makes a phone call using terminology from the Meiji Era.
Comic Diary Summary Part 10
- (「日記漫画まとめ その10」 Nikki manga matome sono 10) - [Read:
(ブログのような竹林prototype / Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- He can’t work like when he was young… (若いときみたいに動けない… Wakai toki mitai ni ugokenai… )
- Posted on August 16, 2008
- China attempts to do a downward stretch but it puts a strain on him. Eventually, Korea asks what he's doing and pushes down on his back, injuring him.
- Germany, Italy and the Kubelwagen (ドイツとイタリアとキューベルワーゲン Doitsu to Itaria to kyūberuwāgen )
- Posted on July 11, 2008
- Italy remodels Germany's Kubelwagen, and when he shows off the new features he's ejected up into the sky and out of sight. A distraught Germany assumes he is gone for good while in actuality he lands in a tree a ways away. This comic was later redrawn as part of "The Circumstances with European Cars" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 3. It was also adapted in Episode 91 of the anime series.
- Liechtenstein vs England (リヒテンシュタインVSイングランド Rihitenshutain VS Ingurando )
- Posted on June 17, 2008
- Liechtenstein and England prepare to play a soccer match against each other, only to discover that both of their national anthems share the same melody. This comic was later reprinted as "Liechtenstein vs England" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 2.
- Super Angry Japan (ゆるゆる日本大フンドー Yuruyuru Nihon dai fundō )
- Posted on June 6, 2008
- Greece asks to see what Japan is like when he gets angry, but he doesn't show any physical signs when he tries. This comic was later adapted in Episode 67 and Episode 68 of the anime series.
- Lazy Japan's Anger – Part 2 (ゆるゆる日本大フンドー2 Yuruyuru Nihon dai fundō 2 )
- Posted on June 9-10, 2008
- In a continuation of "Super Angry Japan", Japan thinks about wasting money and gets visibly angry, leading Greece to call Turkey to ask to borrow his camera and document it. This comic was later adapted in Episode 69 of the anime series.
- Excuses (言い訳 Īwake )
- Posted on May 20, 2008
- Spain isn't woken up by Chibiromano headbutting him for once, only to discover its because Chibiromano had wet the bed and was trying to hide the evidence. This comic was later reprinted as part of "Romano's Diary" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 4. It was also adapted in the episode "Romano's Diary" of the anime series.
- March Revolution Executive (エグゼクティブ三月革命 Eguzekutibu sangatsukakumei )
- Posted on April 14, 2008
- Austria considers having his own revolution in the wake of France's, so the archduchess Sophie von Bayern casts out the foreign minister and calls the revolution a success. This comic was later reprinted as "March Revolution Executive" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 4.
- The Three Baltic States That Lack Unity (まとまりのないバルト三国 Matomari no nai barutosangoku )
- Posted on May 8, 2007
- The Baltics deal with internal discord over whom they should side with in WW2 due to their varying degrees of independence from Russia. In the end, they declare neutrality, but end up getting attacked by both sides.
Comic Diary Summary Part 11
- (「日記漫画まとめ その11」 Nikki manga matome sono 11) - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Canadian Time (カナディアンタイム Kanadian taimu )
- Posted on October 21, 2008
- Canada gets some free time due to the holidays and decides to get some chores done. However, he gets distracted by how cute Kumajiro is and wastes the entire weekend.
- Bakki Baki (バッキバキ Bakkibaki )
- Posted on October 18, 2008
- Lithuania comes back from a date with Belarus, and when he tells Poland about it its revealed that she broke all his fingers when they held hands.
- Making a Home (家作っぞ Ie tsukuzzo )
- Posted on October 5, 2008
- Sweden works on building a kennel for Hanatamago so he can have his own house. Finland remarks that he would like to have some private space as well, and Sweden gives up everywhere except for a corner of the room where he curls up.
Uncollected Comics
The following are comics from the old site logs that were never formally added to any of the above collections. While these logs contain numerous one-off illustrations, the ones below either take the form of short comics or asides that most resemble the collected diaries listed above.
- ??? (今日は君に一言だけ言っておきたいんだ Kyō wa kimi ni hitokoto dake itte okitai nda )
- Posted on October 17, 2006 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the October 2006 Memo Page.
- in France's Explanation (inフランスの言い訳 in Furansu no iiwake )
- Posted on October 19, 2006 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the October 2006 Memo Page.
- Hetalia Interrelations Chart Tentative Version (暫定版ヘタリア相関図 Zantei-ban hetaria sōkan-zu )
- Posted on November 5, 2006 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the November 2006 Memo Page. A large chart illustrating the relationships between the characters.
- "I like Mr. Austria" Comment Response (オーストラリアさんが好きです。 Ōsutoraria-san ga sukidesu. )
- Posted on December 19, 2006 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the November 2006 Memo Page.
- A Child Portrait (ちびの肖像 Chibi no shōzō )
- Posted on December 19, 2006 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the November 2006 Memo Page.
- La France (ラ・フランス Ra Furansu )
- Posted on December 19, 2006 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the November 2006 Memo Page. Italy adopts some of his older brother's mannerisms to try and trick Germany, but gives himself away when he asks for a hug.
- ??? (最近のラトビアがあぶれてる件について Saikin no Ratobia ga abure teru kudan ni tsuite )
- Posted on January 15, 2007 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the January 2007 Memo Page.
- The English and Okinawa (イギリス人と沖縄 Igirisujin to Okinawa )
- Posted on April 30, 2007 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the April 2007 Memo Page.
- ??? (KOFは韓国が(以下略) KOF wa Kankoku ga (ikaryaku) )
- Posted on April 30, 2007 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the April 2007 Memo Page.
- I kinda wanted to draw this, so (なんか描きたかったので Nanka kakitakattanode )
- Posted on April 30, 2007 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the April 2007 Memo Page.
- ??? (弟の友達に期待しすぎる。 Otōto no tomodachi ni kitai shi sugiru. )
- Posted on April 30, 2007 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the April 2007 Memo Page.
- Celebrity Photo, 8 Won. (ブロマイド 8ウォン。 Buromaido 8-won. )
- Posted on August 15-16, 2007 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the August 2007 Memo Page.
- ??? (ゆるゆる Yuruyuru )
- Posted on March 2, 2008 - [Read:
(Hetarchive mirror) |
(Hetarchive mirror)]
- Part of the March 2008 Memo Page.