2011 Christmas Event
2011 Christmas Event | ||||
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Christmas greeting from the first page of the event. | ||||
Event Information | ||||
Holiday | Christmas | |||
Date | December 26, 2011 - January 10, 2012 (on hiatus) | |||
Location | Kitayume | |||
Also known as | Merry Christmas!! 2011 | |||
Chronology | ||||
The 2011 Christmas Comic (クリスマス2011 Kurisumasu 2011, lit. Christmas 2011) is a site event that began on December 26, 2011 in observance of Christmas and ran for over two weeks before going on hiatus on January 10, 2012. The plot of the event begins with Italy, Germany, and Japan answering reader questions about themselves and other characters as they wait for more nations to show up for a party. The event is inter-spliced with 4komas detailing past experiences of the characters. An additional set of Christmas Trivia Comics (クリスマスの豆知識漫画 Kurisumasu no mame chishiki manga ) were also produced.
In 2013, with the advent of the Halloween 2013 event, it was noted on Kitayume that the event would resume on December 25, 2013. However, nothing materialized at the time. A Christmas event was announced in January 2015, but ultimately took the form of blog sketch requests similar to the 2009 event.[1][2][3]
- 1 Plot Summary
- 1.1 Main Storyline
- 1.2 Kugelmugel and Liechtenstein Crossover Request
- 1.3 Main Storyline (Continued)
- 1.4 Little Prussia Request
- 1.5 Main Storyline (Continued)
- 1.6 Main Storyline (Page 2)
- 1.7 Russia with a Smile and Japan Request
- 1.8 Main Storyline (Page 2 Continued)
- 1.9 Spain's Good-Luck Charm Request
- 1.10 Main Storyline (Page 2 Continued)
- 1.11 During the transfer between two meetings (Austria Request)
- 1.12 Main Storyline (Page 2 Continued)
- 1.13 Main Storyline (Page 3)
- 1.14 Christmas Trivia Comics
- 2 Character Appearances
- 3 Trivia
- 4 References
- 5 External Links
Plot Summary
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This plot summary is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this summary to add missing sections and complete it. |
Main Storyline
The event begins with an image depicting the three countries Japan, Germany, and Italy dressed up in Santa-esqe outfits in front of a public square brightly lit with Christmas decorations. Italy is lying down with his head resting on Germany's leg, while Japan and Germany sit normally and Germany appears to be looking at a piece of paper. Germany speaks first, saying "Frohe Weihnachten" (German for "Merry Christmas") and that the three of them will be the hosts for this event. Japan stutters wildly when introducing himself and politely sharing his anticipation for working with Germany, prompting Germany to ask if he is OK. He replies that being the host is extremely nerve-wracking, and that he feels like a father at his daughter's wedding ceremony. Germany prompts Italy to chime in, only to realize that Italy is asleep. After silence, Japan imitates Italy's voice with great accuracy, introducing him from Italy's point of view. Germany's attempt to wake him is futile, and Japan suspects that he will wake up if guests arrive.
Japan reads the first letter ("Letter" being a request or question submitted to the event) which asks why there are only two reindeer, rather than eight, in Japanese depictions of Santa. Japan finds this surprising, and Germany receives a fax from Finland regarding the answer, asking whether it matters and suggesting contacting America about it instead. They call America, who wishes them a Merry Christmas, even though it's still December 24th at his house. Germany wonders aloud whether there was a time difference last year, and Japan asks America if Santa officially has eight reindeer, receiving a "Yep!" and that each one has a name. A diagram of the typical American version of Santa, with labeled features and iconic elements pertaining to the figure is shown, and America states that Santa became famous and then was reimported back to Europe from his house, as well as that he changed the depiction to be more dream-like than scary. Germany agrees about scary figures in European Christmas tradition, listing a few and scaring Japan, and Italy mumbles in his sleep about a witch in his own traditions. He wakes up, apologizing for sleeping, then asks Germany if any girls have arrived. Germany replies with a no, and Italy immediately falls asleep again. Japan addresses the viewer by stating that they are now accepting requests for desired scenes (comics or drawings), but asks that the requests are not impossible, as he cannot turn into a bridge or anything like that. Italy, awake, repeats the call for requests, adding that the viewer should "feel free" to request him flirting with cute girls, earning him a scolding from Germany.
The first request, read by Italy and written in English, is from Veitnam, asking to see a meeting of Kugelmugel and Liechtenstein. Japan notes that this question was likely the first one because the individual requested normally around the announcement time. Germany knows that they have met once, but that he does not know if they have had a conversation, then is cut off by the arrival of Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Switzerland states that he is there because he was told to be by Germany and that he should be thankful, while Lichtenstein politely introduces herself. They are greeted by Germany and Italy, and Switzerland states that he won't say any clever comments about the interaction (though it is implied that he actually can't), while Lichtenstein is looking forward to it.
Kugelmugel and Liechtenstein Crossover Request
The strip depicts Switzerland walking with Lichtenstein, frustratingly asking why Austria doesn't understand that their arrival "isn't something to be overly welcoming about", but Lichtenstein says that she likes it when they talk. They are interrupted by a voice crying out "It's art!" repeatedly, and Switzerland sees the source, someone standing in front of a large sphere, (the territory of Kugelmugel) but not recognizing it. However, Liechtenstein runs toward the individual, asking Switzerland to give her a moment and believing she recognizes the sphere. She approaches Kugelmugel and cheerfully expresses that she is honored to see Kugelmugel with her own eyes, and that Kugelmugel's adorableness exceeds her expectations. The scene then switches to a meeting of Kugelmugel and his boss, in which the King says that Kugelmugel's request to make the sphere bigger is absurd, receiving an unwavering declaration from Kugelmugel that small things are not art, though small *living* things are.
Main Storyline (Continued)
Liechtenstein reminisces that Kugelmugel was quite cute and that she would like to meet again, but Switzerland states that he felt a dangerous aura from him. Germany says that "that boy" is difficult to deal with, surprising Italy, while Lichtenstein thinks to herself that he must be mistaken to refer to Kugelmugel as a boy, revealing that she believed him to be a girl.
Japan asks Switzerland how he spends Christmas in his home, and Switzerland replies that they bake confectioneries like brunsli and Chranbeli (a type of brownie and cookie respectively) and toll bells to welcome Christmas. Leicenstein adds that their image of Santa is similar to America's, but has a more angelic impression. Santa is called Samichlaus and visits on December 6th in her big brother's house. Italy chimes in that the 6th of December must be busy, as "Sinterklaas" visits Netherlands' home on December 5th and Belgium on December 6th as well. Switzerland says that the presents given are not large and specifically requested like America's or England's, but small treats and toys. He states that it is a wonderful gift from the parents to the children, but cuts himself off before saying "parents" and says "Samichlaus" instead, looking in the direction of Liechtenstein. She agrees, explaining that it is why they are more accustomed to cookies than cakes at Christmastime, and that even now, Samichlaus gives out presents and games that children love. Italy offhandedly says that wants to try the cookies they bake, and Switzerland replies that he will make some for him to eat, catching Italy off guard, stuttering out appreciation. Germany thanks them as well, and believes that having a peaceful Christmas as described is great. This gets an enthusiastic response from Switzerland who says he can't agree with him more, and exasperatingly wonders how Christmas nowadays seems to turn strange every year, and when it approaches he must be vigilant (likely referring to previous Christmas events). Japan asks if they will be spending the rest of Christmas in their home, getting a solid "yes" from Switzerland, who says he will not step a foot outside their home for the rest of the day. He believes that this Christmas will be good, and asks to be excused to leave, while Lichtenstein wishes them a pleasant Christmas.
Italy prepares to read the next request, which is simply "LITTLE PRUSSIA!" repeated several times. Germany says he feels the enthusiasm, then says that his brother said himself that he was strong, cool, and awesome when he was small to Germany. Italy hesitates when replying to he, settling with that he was a "free spirit".
Little Prussia Request
The strip begins with a memory of a bearded man standing before a line of adults in religious robes and a tiny, young Prussia within a church. He declares that they must protect their chastity as the Teutonic Knights, and that they have to do things like be virgins, abandon worldly desires, and bar anything perverse from their minds, getting an unenthusiastic "yeah" from all he is addressing. Little Prussia, speaking to young Poland, tells him that this is the reason he cannot talk to girls so much. Poland, fretting, asks why he's telling him these things, to which Prussia says that he must let him touch his balls. Poland, terrified, asks "Why!?" and Prussia calmly says that he's heard stories about girls that dress up as guys, and Poland kind of looks like a girl. Poland yells out that he's definitely not, and the next scene depicts Poland desperately running away, chased by Prussia yelling out "Let my touch your balls!!". An onlooking Hungary watches in discomfort as they run by.
Main Storyline (Continued)
As Germany silently processes what he just saw, Italy cheerfully reminisces about how Prussia's been like that ever since the Teutonic Knights. Japan offers an explanation to how the Teutonic Knights, who could not marry, could possibly still exist, saying that many Germanic countries contributed members and that often the second-born son would join, the first-born receiving the house. His explanation stops when he notices Germany. Germany suddenly and angrily exclaims "What is that brother of mine doing?!" Italy, confused, says he hasn't changed since then. Germany wonders what could be so cool about that, and Japan quietly tells Italy that he thinks Germany believed every word Prussia told him about his past. Italy quietly agrees, and Germany says that a cross-examination of Prussia is needed.
Main Storyline (Page 2)
An image of Prussia bragging about how they need him to come and that he's elusive, wearing a shirt "that dads always wear", is accompanied by Germany explaining that this is the reason they must be prepared for him to arrive at any time. Japan feels that it seems he may come down from the sky on that day, then moves on to the next request, which is for Russia, with a hearty smile, and Japan. Japan isn't thrilled, but Italy is, asking if the next guest is Russia. Germany replies that he won't be right now, but later more guests will arrive.
Russia with a Smile and Japan Request
Russia approaches Japan, shovel in hand, cheerfully saying that they should make a tunnel, which shocks him. Russia tells him that it's truly not a bad thing, and that transportation would be easier between their houses, with Europe even being reachable using one railroad. Japan feels as if it is a good idea, but is hesitant and asks if there's some ulterior motive behind the request. Russia turns up his creepy smile and aura, replying in a sing-song voice that he only wants to become better friends with Japan. Japan dismisses it uncomfortably, saying that he will consider it.
Main Storyline (Page 2 Continued)
This last strip leaves Japan shaking and silent, unnoticed by Germany who says it seems like a normal operation and Italy who presents a picture of a genuinely smiling Russia.
Germany wonders aloud about the weirdness of something, and when Italy asks why, he says that their next guest has been around for quite a while already, but he can't sense his presence. A fearful Japan hopes it isn't the "guys from last year" (referring to the alternate universe felines from the Christmas 2011 event) and Germany immediately wishes to stop talking about it, so Japan moves to the next request.
Italy reads the request, which reads that the requester will be happy if they see Boss, referring to Spain, giving his cheerful good-luck charm. Italy says that he also likes Spain's charm.
Spain's Good-Luck Charm Request
Romano is frantically working on a paper in a business suit. Spain pops in with a "Yo!" and happily sees that he's working hard, then offers him his cheerfulness for a charm. Romano bites back that he doesn't want it, and that he has to finish the work that's piled up. Spain says he understands and crouches down so he won't be in Romano's way, while Romano fumes and continues to tell him to definitely not do it and that he means it. A moment of silence, filled only with scribbling and a single flowery shape from Spain, passes. As quickly as the silence came, it leaves with a quiet, cheerful "fusososo" from Spain, unleashing the angry Romano, yelling "I TOLD YOU NOT TO!!!"
Main Storyline (Page 2 Continued)
Italy expresses how glad he is to see his brother working, and Germany concurs with the power of Spain's cheerfulness to inspire one to work harder, though before it worked on him, he was overrun with a desire to knock him down. Japan counters that in a sense, it was inspiring enough, right before Hungary and Austria appear to join them. Hungary and Austria apologize for being late, and Austria says that it's his own fault, but that everything is Germany's fault anyway. Germany wonders to himself aloud why it should be his fault, then assures them that it's still early and that others aren't there yet. They receive a big, happy welcome and "Buon Natale" (Merry Christmas) from Italy, and Hungary replies the same message in her own language, then thanks them for inviting her. Austria also shares an Austrian-German "Merry Christmas", and hopes that it won't end up vulgar again. Japan says suddenly that, as if destined, the next request is Austria written in Chinese. Hungary expresses that she feels relieved that they managed on time, and the next request begins after Italy asks what it was that she just said.
During the transfer between two meetings (Austria Request)
Austria trails Germany as they leave for a meeting, looking exhausted, even though the starting point is still within view. He pants and says he's tired of walking and asks Germany to take a break, surprising a Germany that says there's no time. An exhausted-looking Austria then asks Germany to do the "starting block position" to help him, saying that he's strong in track and field, and nearly begs him, saying he can't walk anymore. Germany finally concedes and gets down into the position, and Austria plops down upon him for a good long sit.
Main Storyline (Page 2 Continued)
Germany, Hungary, and Italy are unaffected by this absurdity and agree amount themselves that it is business as usual, while Japan, out of the loop, asks Austria if it happens frequently. Austria says that it is "what (he has) become after ordering Germany around for so long" and that it is quite terrifying, while Germany feels it goes beyond ordering. Hungary interjects that despite this, Austria was a strong soccer player 80 years ago as well as having mobile troops, despite not having the best generals. A younger, little Austria was just fine with walking into the wilderness with little equipment without eating for a while, accompanied by an image of little Austria in a tattered cape. Austria implores them to be careful, as having an indoor lifestyle can cause being as out of shape as he is to anyone, to which Japan is startled and hastily agrees.
An unidentified voice yells out "Crăciun fericit!!", immediately putting Hungary in a bad mood, and Romania arrives. He immediately apologizes for being late, but trails off and gets into an angry, silent stare-off with Hungary. Bulgaria comes close behind, and apologizes as well, expressing disbelief that yogurt could fall down somewhere, implying it delayed their arrival. Italy gives a hearty welcome to Bulgaria, but Japan tells him he forgot to do the "DUN DUN", then greets Bulgaria and Romania formally. Germany wonders what that means, but quickly says that they were worried about them being late, but their arriving safely was all that mattered. Bulgaria shakes his head, and Japan asks if he doesn't want to sit. Austria explains, however, that when he shakes his head it means yes, and when he nods, it means no. Bulgaria is upset with himself for doing it unknowingly and means to break this bad habit. He asks the group if they should try and stop the Hungary Romania stare-down, and Japan agrees that they should. Italy, seemingly noticing it for the first time, asks if something's beginning, and Bulgaria awkwardly apologizes again for being late.
Main Storyline (Page 3)
Christmas Trivia Comics
Character Appearances
- Japan
- Germany
- Italy
- Finland (by fax)
- America (by phone)
- Kugelmugel (in strip)
- Liechtenstein
- Switzerland
- Netherlands (by name reference)
- Belgium (by name reference)
- Prussia (in strip and image)
- Poland (young, in strip)
- Hungary
- Russia (in strip)
- France Number 23/Alternate Universe France (by proxy)
- Alternative Universe Spain (by proxy)
- Alternative Universe America (by proxy)
- Spain
- Romano
- Hungary
- Austria
- Romania
- Bulgaria
- In a diagram of Santa as depicted by America, an animal labeled "Red-Nosed Reindeer" appears, likely the American-created Rudolph.
- Scary Christmas traditions referenced by Germany refer to several European cultures.
- "Threats to take (the kids) to Spain" refers to a depiction of Santa from the Netherlands, where naughty children will be put in a sack and taken to Spain for a year so they learn to behave.[4]
- "having the Devil as a companion" refers to the Austrian myth of Krampus, whose chains represent a binding with the Devil.
- The witch that Italy refers to when discussing Christmas traditions is Befana, a witch that delivers presents, similar to the tradition of Santa.
- ↑ http://himaruya.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-1650.html
- ↑ http://himaruya.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-1664.html
- ↑ http://himaruya.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-1668.html
- ↑ Cooper, James (2016). "Christmas in The Netherlands / Holland". http://www.whychristmas.com/cultures/holland.shtml. Retrieved January 20, 2016.