List of minor European Hetalia characters

- Due to technical restrictions, this has been separated from the main list of minor Hetalia characters.
This is a list of the minor characters who are personifications of European countries, regions, and other national representations that appear in the series Hetalia, created by Hidekaz Himaruya. These characters often do not appear within the manga or anime, but are drawn in official artwork or sketches, or are referenced in official materials.
An unseen character that is mentioned in Greece's bio and relationship chart.[1] Albania finds Greece to be very stylish and is always crowding his home, while Greece dislikes this country and wishes that they would leave.[2] In a blog post made during Halloween 2013, he indicated that Eastern European countries like Albania might make brief appearances during the event.[3]
In a 2008 blog post, Himaruya remarked that it "sounds like a very interesting country for making a character out of", citing that it was "forgotten by France and declared war on Germany despite never taking part on any fights." He concluded that as a character, Andorra would be an interesting country to personify.[4]

In the comic "Turkey and the EU", an unnamed nation appears asking to join the European Union and he is immediately let in, remarking on how easy it was to Turkey.[5] A few days prior to the comic's posting Croatia had signed the treaty to become the bloc's 28th member, leading to speculation that this nation was Croatia. In a follow up blog post Himaruya identifies the nation as "the country that makes beautifully ornamented, heart-shaped biscuits and uses them as gifts and even sells them as souvenirs!" [6] This practice was identified to take place in Croatia, though Himaruya hasn't explicitly identified him as the character.
During Halloween 2013, Croatia is indicated to be standing off panel near Bulgaria and Romania after Hungary locks them out of the main room.[7] A subsequent blog post explained that "for a while he had dark circles under his eyes and was an outlaw but after he started to emphasize on tourism he began to care more about his appearance and shifted into Eastern Europe's freshest and most handsome guy from his natural good looks."[8] In a blog post made during the event, he indicated that Eastern European countries like Croatia might make brief appearances.[3]
Mentioned by Himaruya as having thick eyebrows, but ones with a "different" feel to them than the eyebrows that England and his brothers share.[9] He states that Ireland would hold a grudge against England,[10] and that he plans to let them appear somewhere in stories about England.[11]
In 2007, Himaruya considered the ideas of both a male and a female Ireland, and noted that even a "crybaby" type of girl could work for the female version. He goes on to say that the chance of a female Ireland is high as the folk costumes are cute. Additionally, he states that he wishes to convey all the beauty of the country.[10] In a 2011 blog post, Himaruya stated that he has had problems creating an Ireland character because of the many different images associated with the nation, but that he does "want to see the island of fairies and fantastic landscapes".[12]
He made his formal debut in the four hundred and thirteenth serialized chapter of Hetalia: World☆Stars.[13]
In a 2011, when asked by a fan about a Malta character, Himaruya listed them as one of the most frequently requested.[14] A month later, when asked again, he referred to Malta as "quite refreshing."[15]
Northern Ireland (北アイルランド Kitaairurando ),
Scotland (スコットランド Sukottorando ) and
Wales (ウェールズ Wēruzu )
- Scotland voiced by Chris Ayres in English.
All three are brothers of UK and have strange eyebrows.[16][9] Himaruya has noted that amongst his brothers, UK would be known as "England", confirming that he represents both the UK and England.[17][18] He also noted in 2008 that he felt he still hadn't drawn England enough to show them and until he felt that he had, it would "be England's turn for a while." [19]
In the strip The Battle for America, Scotland is shown offscreen in one of England's flashbacks throwing a bird at him, saying that he's a "rotten little brother."[20] The strip was adapted in Episode 39, where it was changed to England shouting at Scotland as he silently throws a bird at him from offscreen, though the original line was used in the English dub of the episode. In a 2010 sketch, England was given a big straw dummy, labelled "from your Big Brothers", though it remains unclear why they gave it to him.[18]
In a 2008 blog post, Himaruya commented that regardless of the time period, he thought the Scottish national costume was cute and he liked it.[21] Years later, in 2011, Himaruya asked the English-speaking fandom their opinion on how Scotland would be. He followed this up with a explanation saying that he was, to him, a friendly and brave character who likes alcohol, cats, haggis, and either likes or has a rich culture. He included a very rough sketch of a man with bushy eyebrows resembing England's, and a somewhat long, thick hairstyle.[22] Scotland was mentioned in another blog post a few months later to be among the most widely requested characters.[14]
After being alluded to in the preceding chapter, all three characters made their formal debut in the four hundred and fifth serialized chapter of Hetalia: World☆Stars.[23]
Serbia was mentioned in November of 2014 in additional drawings following the story The Students Who Can't Study! Modern Day Eastern Europe, uploaded to the Bamboo Thicket. In one drawing, Bulgaria proclaims that recently he has been the strongest, and not only gained independence, but also fended off an attack from Serbia.[24] Bulgaria was shown in this drawing standing triumphantly over another character. It is possible that this other character was Serbia, but this has not been outright confirmed.
A character who has yet to appear in the actual strip, but that has been mentioned as existing in the Hetalia universe; he is described as an old man[25] who lives near Italy, but is very bossy and considered to be an annoyance, which has caused him to be at odds with Italy.[26][11] He is mentioned as wanting to fight and make up with Italy.[27] He was also mentioned on Switzerland's character profile as having hired him as a mercenary in the past.[28] Himaruya apparently has been working on a design for Vatican City for some time, as he mentioned in a 2009 blog post that he has notebooks filled with Vatican's face.[26]
Vatican City was mentioned again in a 2011 blog post, where Himaruya listed him as a character who had been requested since the very early days of Hetalia.[29]
The characters in this section are personifications of regions and cities, as well as other administrative areas that are not considered independent countries.
When asked by a fan if Åland would appear, Himaruya responded that it was difficult to say if they would appear, but that they were quite unique.[30] They later were mentioned by Finland and Denmark in the lyrics of the song "Always With You... Nordic Five!" along with the Faroe Islands and Greenland as being a member of the Nordics.
An as-of-yet unseen character only mentioned in the lyrics of the song "Always With You... Nordic Five!" by Denmark as being a member of the Nordics, along with the Åland Islands and Greenland.
Predecessor States
The characters in this section are personifications of ancient kingdoms/empires or tribes, many of which have yet to have a role in the webcomic. Their existence was mostly first revealed through information on the Bamboo Thicket blog and profiles.
Ancient Civilizations

- Ancient Greece (古代ギリシャ Kodai Girisha )
The mother of Greece, described as having been relatively laid-back and easygoing. However, when she fought, she was "scary." Ancient Greece had a troubling internal struggle, compared to that of Japan's feudal clans. Rome fell in love with both her and Ancient Egypt at first sight. In Axis Powers Hetalia: The CD, she is also referred to as Byzantine Empire and it is said that Turkey had feelings for her as well before conquering and killing her.
A unidentified draft sketch of the character appeared in a 2013 blog post, where she is depicted wearing a garment resembling an Ionic chiton and a type of headpiece.[31] She made her first identified appearance as a small, chibi illustration in Act.10 from Hetalia: World☆Stars Volume 1 when Ancient Rome mentions meeting "lots of cute girls".[32] A more detailed illustration appears in a character poll for the Hetalia☆Collezione fan book, where she's depicted as a woman with messy, shoulder-length hair and wearing a tainia.[33]
- Britannia (ブリタニア Buritania )
She was mentioned briefly in one of Himaruya's blog posts (circa September 2011). In an answer to a fan who was looking to know more about the UK family, he writes that she is the mother of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Like her son's (England) characteristics, she's also a tsundere.[34]
- Magyar (マジャール Majāru )
A male relative of Hungary and an enemy to the Byzantine Empire. He trained Hungary in combat when she was younger, which lead to her imitating his masculine speech patterns and fighting style.
German States
These characters represent historical countries that became part of Germany with the unification and that exist in the modern day as its Federal States. In Osōji Prussia, they are all confirmed as Germany's older brothers, thus being other descendants of Germania. However, a note given by Himaruya states that all of Germany's siblings are "retired" and that they may die out and disappear over time due to no longer being active countries, having passed the duty and their skills on to Germany. It is ambiguous as to how many of these siblings are still alive (like in the case of Prussia) or which ones have died out.
This brother briefly appeared in between Saxony and Prussia in the summary of the War Of Austrian Succession. His hair is short and appears to be somewhat messy. Historically, he is also one of the many states that were under the control of the Holy Roman Empire (along with Saxony). In the War Of Austrian Succession, he insisted on the rights to the throne.
It is speculated that he also appeared as a child in the background of one of Prussia's diary segments with his brother, though it remains unconfirmed whether it is actually a younger Bavaria or another Germanic.
An older brother name-dropped by Prussia in the game. Little is known about him, though it is historically heavily tied to Prussia.
Another older brother, also briefly name-dropped by Prussia. It is said that Germany inherited his stubbornness from him, as well as from Prussia and Saxony. He appears in the "Christmas Cartoon Trivia" for the Christmas 2011 site event, where his is a part of England's Hessian army. When America and his army come to attack him, Hesse and his men are celebrating Christmas instead. He is shown to have a large scar running across his face.
- Holstein (ホルシュタイン Horushutain )
Little is known about this brother, other than his name being mentioned when Prussia attempted to count off all of Germany's siblings.
This character was briefly mentioned in a summary of the events of the War Of Austrian Succession, where he appeared in an illustration alongside Prussia, Bavaria, Spain, and France. He has long blond hair like his ancestor. In the War Of Austrian Succession, he attempted to obtain Moravia. He is also mentioned as having been involved in the Seven Years' War.
Saxony has also appeared as a background character in one of Prussia's diary segments in the Liechtenstein's Journal Of Swiss Dopiness strip series, and in an omake illustration in Comic Diary 7, hanging out with Prussia and two other unnamed Germania offspring. His only appearance in the main webcomic storyline has been a brief cameo as one of Holy Roman Empire's guards (in Chibitalia), with two other unidentified German states acting as the others. This appearance was removed in the anime version when the guards' appearances were changed.
In Osōji Prussia, it is said that his stubbornness rubbed off on Germany himself.
Other Historic States
First appearing in "Chapter 311" (later compiled as "Chapter 158" in Hetalia: World☆Stars Volume 5), Genoa is a young man with dark hair and wears a royal crown. Just like Italy, Romano, and Seborga, he has a hair curl pointing upwards on the top of his head. Genoa is said to not be good with governing territories that are far away from him. His style of governing was considered to be "too arrogant" so Corsicans revolted frequently. In return, Genoa put their sovereignty up for sale and France purchased the entire island.[35]
- Hun (フン Fun )
A relative of Hungary mentioned in Magyar's character profile in 2008 as his sibling, which would make Hun Hungary's aunt or uncle.[36] Interestingly, in the unfinished screenplay for Gakuen Hetalia, Hun, rather than Magyar, was said to by Hungary to have raised her. In this screenplay, Hungary describes Hun as having been a very strict person who only thought of fighting.[37]
A planned character mentioned in a 2008 blog post as an older sister to Spain. Himaruya stated that while he had been thinking about a Castile character, it was still unclear to him as to when, or even if, she would appear.[38] Many fans speculate that Himaruya has forgotten about her, due to official art of a young Spain hinting at the Reconquista, one of his bosses being shown to have been Joanna of Castile, and Castilian culture being the predominant culture of Spain. These indications among others have led some fans to believe that Spain may have represented Castile when he was younger. In Volume 3 however, he was shown representing the Crown of Aragon. To date, the nature of Himaruya's plans of Castile as Spain's older sister remains unknown.
- Kingdom of the Franks (フランク王国 Furanku Ōkoku )
When asked whether the Kingdom of the Franks prior to its dissolution into three separate kingdoms would've been France as a child or a separate character, Himaruya responded that he had been troubled over whether or not to have the Kingdom of the Franks appear as a separate character, and that were they to appear they would likely be a parent figure to France. [36]
A 2010 sketch of England being given a straw dummy "from his big brothers".
Hesse as he appears in the 2011 Christmas Event.
Hesse as he appears in "Nordic Manga Summary".
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "ヘタリア簡易キャラ紹介 [Hetalia Simple Character Introduction]". Retrieved November 15, 2013.
- ↑ Hidekaz, Himaruya (October 25, 2008). "表情集". Retrieved November 15, 2013.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (November 12, 2013). "ワイ公国ちゃんとゆかいなお兄さん". Retrieved November 17, 2013.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (July 11, 2008). "ブライアンデネヒーとゆかいな仲間たち". Retrieved January 3, 2014.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "EUとトルコさん [Turkey and the EU]". Retrieved November 15, 2013.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (December 18, 2011). "来月号の". Retrieved December 21, 2011.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "ハロウィーン漫画 [Halloween Cartoon]". Retrieved November 15, 2013.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (November 4, 2013). "ちょっと補足". Retrieved November 20, 2013.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (June 7, 2008). "ランラ大誤算". Retrieved November 24, 2013.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "2007年1月 [January 2007]". Retrieved November 17, 2013.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (June 4, 2008). "かぼちゃ". Retrieved November 24, 2013.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (January 27, 2011). "ウンフォラ スティーロ!!". Retrieved November 17, 2013.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (February 3, 2022). "[413話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [Hetalia World Stars Chapter 413]". Retrieved February 2, 2022.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (October 3, 2011). "hare hare MABUSHIT". Retrieved September 30, 2014.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (November 17, 2011). "ふぃー!!". Retrieved September 30, 2014.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "4月 [April]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (June 6, 2008). "あんまりこない質問もとめ [I sought questions that don't usually come]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (August 4, 2010). "描きため作業 [Drawing work]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 14, 2008). "お返事 [Replies]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "新大陸アメリカ争奪合戦 [The Battle for America]". Retrieved July 21, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (August 26, 2008). "オート三輪に踏まれたい [I want to step on a three-wheeler]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (February 9, 2011). "いつもお手紙やメールありがとうございます! [Thank You Always For the Letters and Emails!]". Retrieved July 18, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (December 9, 2021). "[405話]ヘタリア World☆Stars [Hetalia World Stars Chapter 405]". Retrieved December 8, 2021.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (November 16, 2014). "学生で学べない!東欧の近代 [The Students Who Can't Study! Modern Day Eastern Europe]". Retrieved September 5, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "2006年11月 [November 2006]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 15, 2009). "CDいただきました。 [I received some CDs.]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (June 24, 2008). "山場は今週。 [The climax is this week.]". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "ヘタリア *心のそこからヘタレイタリアをマンセーする* スイス". Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (October 3, 2011). "hare hare MABUSHIT". Retrieved July 21, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 31, 2008). "終わったー [It's Done]". Retrieved July 14, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (October 16, 2013). "八重歯っ! [Double Tooth!]". Retrieved October 2, 2021.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (December 1, 2014). "[21話]ヘタリア World☆Stars". Retrieved August 20, 2015.
- ↑ "『ヘタリアWorld★Stars』初のキャラクター投票開催!". Shonen Jump+. August 6, 2021. Retrieved October 2, 2021.
- ↑
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (October 2, 2017). "(311話)ヘタリア World☆Stars [Chapter 311 Hetalia: World☆Stars]" (in Japanese).
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 6, 2008). "おわんないぜ!". Retrieved July 14, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "学園ヘタリア台本 [Gakuen Hetalia Script]". Retrieved July 21, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 10, 2008). "タイトル忘れてた [I Forgot the Title]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.