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Mochi!Italy is the second mochi to appear. He has squinty eyes with a "w" shaped mouth, and an Italian ahoge. Estonia bought it online for $2 so Mochi!America won't be lonely. Probably the softest, he is  slow, easygoing and friendly, and more exiquisite with food. Like his counterpart, he is quite scary and usually hangs up with Mochi!Germany; he also seems to have talent for prestidigitation.
Mochi!Italy is the second mochi to appear. He has squinty eyes with a "w" shaped mouth, and an Italian ahoge. Estonia bought it online for $2 so Mochi!America won't be lonely. Probably the softest, he is  slow, easygoing and friendly, and more exiquisite with food. Like his counterpart, he is quite of a coward and usually hangs up with Mochi!Germany; he also seems to have talent for prestidigitation.

Revision as of 16:12, 16 January 2012

In the Hetalia universe, Mochis (also known as "Blobs") are strange senient creatures which resemble the personification of the nations in both appearence and personality.

They are apparently from the country they represent, as they speak their natives languages and can pop up their respective flags from their body, however, they can be found abroad.

Thier anatomy (as they are basically Japanese pastry) is very simple. They're all clear-colored and round in shape, as well as being very soft, flexible and expandable. Each one have different signature abilities.

The mochis doesen't appear in the linear story of Hetalia, they instead have their own spin-off series of strips (similar to Nekotalia), called Omochi and Otayuke, being Estonia the only nation featured. They have also appeared in some events, but they're mainly mascots for the Kitayume site.

Known Mochis


Mochi!America is the main mochi and the first one to appear. He has brilliant blue eyes and lines resemebling glasses under them. The fanon ususally draw him an ahoge, but in the blog he has never shown with it. He is descrived as crazy (maybe a reference to America's hyperactivity, but the mochi is clearly, much more demential), but with no malice. Like his nation self, he has an enormous love for strong tastes, and if neglected, he'll grow to become obese. He is also prone to insult with profane words. He suddenly appeared in Estonia's house one day, and he started rasising him. He seems to be competitive and annoying towards other mochis, as he consider Mochi!Italy a "pig", Mochi!Canada "hairy" and Mochi!England "Gay". His level of insanity goes to the extent to believe that a lettuce can talk, that he is his father and that together they'll destroy the world.

He has the ability to shapeshift in anything he desires, he can shape himself as a hand, as a dog, as a pair of legs, etc. He can also pop up different things from his inside.

He has also shown the ability to evolve into a angelic, big-eyed, winged form, that seems to speak politely, but actually is hostile. In this form he can travel to the Mochi World.

This particular mochi is a main mascot in the Kitayume site and in the Bamboo Thicket bolg.


Mochi!Italy is the second mochi to appear. He has squinty eyes with a "w" shaped mouth, and an Italian ahoge. Estonia bought it online for $2 so Mochi!America won't be lonely. Probably the softest, he is slow, easygoing and friendly, and more exiquisite with food. Like his counterpart, he is quite of a coward and usually hangs up with Mochi!Germany; he also seems to have talent for prestidigitation.


Mochi!Canada is the third mochi owned by Estonia and, like Mochi!Italy, was bougth online (he was even cheaper: $1.50). He has big blue eyes with glasses lines under them, and a Canadian ahoge. He also carries a drawing of a polar bear head around him. Like his counterpart, he is shy, but histeric. When his mentioned to look like Mochi!America, he freaked out confirming his nationality, and then cried. He has a fondeness to pancakes with maple syrup. He is also, sometimes forgotten by Mochi!America.


Mochi!England is a mochi brought to Estonia by his owner, an old English gentleman to meet his fellow mochis. He is a snobby, spoilish and "tsundere" blob. He has the typical British brushy eyebrows, and a small top hat. While Estonia found him extremely clean, his owner said he was a hooligan. He is constantly annoyed by Mochi!America in many different ways.


Mochi!Japan is, instead of a regular mochi, a Sakuramochi. He is pinkish in colour with a Sakura pattern in his side and has dull black eyes. He also carries a katana around him. He is described as quiet, modest, traditional, mysterious and able to read the situation. He brings different seasonal. He is a bit self-denigrating and has no head for pushy attitudes. He has no appeared in comics so far, but he has shown in a blog post, apparently showing cannibalistic apetite towards Mochi!America (since mochis are Japanese food, and being Japanese himself, he founds them edible).


Instead of being round like a regular one, Mochi!Germany is hard and prismal (this can be a reference to Germany's physical and emotional sturdyness). Like his counterpart, he is intimidating, stern and somehow shy. He considers his only friend Mochi!Italy, quite annoying.


Mochi!Liechtenstein lives in the mochi world. She is a small mochi with big eyes and a ribbon on her side. She has the ability to create stapms out of nothing. Estonia found her cute, and wanted to take her home, but he was stopped by her brother, Mochi!Switzerland.