Latvia ラトビア | |
Character Information | |
Name | ![]() |
Human Name | Raivis Galante (ライヴィス・ガランテ Raivisu Garante)[1] |
Age | 15[2] |
Gender | Male |
Birthday | November 18[3] |
Hair Color | Blond |
Eye Color | Violet (manga) Blue (anime) |
Height | 140 cm (4' 7.1") (webcomic)[4] 155 cm (5' 1") (Hetalia☆Collezione)[5] |
Debut Appearances | |
Volume | Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 1 |
Strip | Chapter 4: Pact of Steel |
Game | Gakuen Hetalia |
Drama CD | Hetalia Drama CD: Volume 2 |
Anime | Episode 01 (cameo) Episode 29 (speaking) |
Voice Actors | |
Japanese | Rie Kugimiya (Hetalia Drama CD: Volume 2), Kokoro Tanaka (anime) |
English | Ryan Reynolds |
Latvia (ラトビア Ratobia) is a supporting character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. Between 2007 and 2008, Himaruya gave out human names to some of the characters and Latvia received the name Raivis Galante (ライヴィス・ガランテ Raivisu Garante).[1]
Latvia has short, curly blond hair and violet eyes, however some art has featured him with blue eyes, mostly notably his chibi art on the back of volume 4.[6] In his WWII appearances, he usually wears a maroon military uniform with brown epaulettes though his uniform is missing them in some older artwork.[7][8][9]
He is the shortest of the Baltic trio[4][10], though he was drawn somewhat taller in his earlier appearances in the webcomic and originally had thicker eyebrows. In his debut strip, his uniform originally had frog clasps in the front instead of buttons[11] and some pieces of artwork featured him with tall boots.[12]
Personality and Interests
The youngest of the three Baltics, he is described as a withdrawn crybaby due to the series of unfortunate events he's experienced in life.[13][14] However, he is also said to have the potential to handle things easily.[15] He is often pushed around by Russia, who he tried and failed to cut ties with.[3][13] Although he is a crybaby, he will often fail to read to the atmosphere and say or do what is prohibited in front of Russia, and then has to face harsh consequences.[3][15] He loves poetry and romance novels,[3] and has been recently hooked on tragic love stories.[9] In his volume 6 bio, Latvia is called a "hidden genius" who manages to do things that seem impossible. However, he often does not partake in these endeavors unless ordered, and therefore has slacked off as of late.[14] This is further elaborated in Hetalia: World☆Stars where Russia forces Latvia to build a railway that goes through his country. After the work is completed, Latvia is both impressed and shocked that everything worked out in one shot and trembles excitedly knowing he had these "hidden powers and talents" within himself. In the next panel however, he tosses the idea to the side saying "Not a chance, right?". In his World Stars character bio, he is said to be a bit pliable and unassertive compared to the other two Baltic States.[16] He has a habit of thinking pessimistically. He is also troubled by stray bullets and is said to suffer from insomnia because Russia haunts his dreams.[9] He has an apparent dislike of the Livonian Order, Alexander Lukashenko, the Teutonic Order, and Cossacks.[17] In a 2015 blog sketch, it was stated he wished he was as confident as Estonia is.[18]
Despite being rather young in physical age, Latvia's profile also states that he drinks a lot of alcohol.[13] This is further elaborated on in the Hetalia Desktop Buddies, where he states that he is able to drink up to forty cups of alcohol at his best.[17] In response to a question asking what Latvia is like when drunk, Latvia is seen saying "What is "drunk"?" in a small sketch.[19] He also seems fairly knowledgeable about many other countries, knowing at least basic information on several of them upon being asked (though, when asked about Russia he simply shivered saying he didn't want to hear his name.)[17]
Main article: Estonia
Despite both being Baltic states, they are not brothers and have little in common.[20] Character notes reveal that Latvia and Estonia are in a "mild battle" over the origin of the Christmas tree.[21] Though they are said to be under a ceasefire, the issue is said to be smouldering under the surface.[22] Estonia seems to care for Latvia's well-being, as he will often yell out Latvia's name if Latvia is in danger or simply in a bad situation.[23][24] In the Sealand and Latvia Desktop Mascots, Sealand pointed out that he doesn't actually know much about Estonia, which upset Latvia somewhat.[17]
Main article: Prussia
Though they've been shown as having little interaction in canon, it's said that Latvia hates the Teutonic Knights, one of Prussia's younger incarnations.[17] In more recent times, Prussia had pet Latvia's head and found his hair very pleasing to the touch.[25] Latvia also mentioned that he and Prussia worked together not long ago, presumably meaning when they were both part of the Eastern Block.
Main article: Russia
Latvia's former ruler, who he has failed to cut ties with.[3][13] Thus, even in modern strips, Latvia is often shown alongside Russia. It's notable that despite how shy, fragile and fearful Latvia seems, he will still say blunt statements to Russia. It is said that Latvia lets the wrong things slip out in front of Russia, and then has to face the consequences.[3][13] Because of their strength differences, Latvia often ends up maimed by Russia's cruel retaliations, or play.[26]
Main article: Sealand
Though Latvia stabbed him with a flower when they first met at a world meeting, the two quickly managed to become close friends, due to their similarity of being small nations that weren't taken very seriously. Latvia attempts to act as an older brother and mentor figure to Sealand, but his own insecurities and worries tend to get in the way.[27]

Latvia has appeared in multiple strips, dating back to the main story line of the webcomic. He makes his debut in Hetare 4: Pact of Steel in a few brief shots that include him and Estonia trembling from behind a wall[11], the two of them being awaken after Lithuania wakes up yelling from his dream about Poland, and them trembling again as Russia reads Poland's letter.[29] He also appears in Hetare 5: Lietuvis!! where Russia becomes fascinated over a facet pipe and Latvia is ecstatic at the the fact that water flows through it. When Latvia plays with the facet, an uncomfortable blank stare forms on Russia's face. The following panel shows a baffled Germany as he watches from his window. He later makes a brief cameo with Russia and the other two Baltics when they arrive at Germany's house for a meeting. After a few strange occurrences, Russia begins to smash holes in Germany's ceiling. The damage causes it to crumble and Japan falls through and lands on top of Latvia, leaving Estonia and Lithuania to yell out his name in panic.[7]
In Comic Diary 4, Estonia decides that he'll stop calling out Latvia's name when something bad happens but when something hits Latvia in the head, he ends up yelling out his name in mid-sentence.[30] In the strip, Let's go take a look at Estonia, Latvia has a small cameo where he is shown playing with a sheep in the background. At the end of the strip, Estonia finds Latvia's head stuck inside the sheep's mouth and yells out his name in distress.[23] In the strip, Truly Just a Scribble Comic, Russia takes notice of Latvia's constant shaking. He grabs a hold of him and Latvia begins to tremble enough that his soul gains wings and escapes his body.[31] In Soviets, both Latvia and Estonia praise Lithuania highly but the second he leaves to meet up with Poland, the air between the two men becomes antipathetic.[32] In The Violent Sve of Northern Europe Takes a Mighty Swing! Latvia is delighted to see Finland arrive after he and Sweden fled Denmark's home. When Sweden decides to take him and Estonia with him and Finland back home, Latvia anxiously says they would have to ask for Poland's approval. In the end, Sweden later gains partial custody over him and Estonia, but only due to Poland getting "stranger anxiety."[33]
Latvia is often seen in strips focusing on Sealand. In It's Sealand! Latvia stabs Sealand in the shoulder with a lily of the valley but apologizes and the two later become friends. Latvia decides to be a big brother figure towards Sealand and gives him advice on how to grow as a country. However Latvia eventually breaks down in tears but thanks him after Sealand cheers up by saying they're both work hard to get stronger.[27] In With Sealand!, he often sends distressing calls to Latvia throughout the strip when something doesn't go right.[34] This strip was republished in volume 3 the name, Keep Moving!! March Forward, Sealand![35] In The Principality of Wy & the Mysterious Sealand, Latvia hears the news that Wy has declared independence from Australia and knowing that Sealand has mostly likely already heard the news, he decides to call him to check up on him. Thinking he would be crying over it, he is relieved to know the two micronations have become friends.[36] This strip was republished in volume 4 under the name, Keep on moving!! March Forward, Sealand![37]
Latvia appears in all volumes except for the fifth one, however most of his appearances end up comprising of brief and small cameos. In volume 1, he makes a small appearance in Meeting of the World where Belarus has a knife against his back.[38] He makes his official debut in the strip A Natural Rags-to-Riches Story, where he is living at Russia's house with the other two Baltics. When Latvia says something he shouldn't have towards Russia, Estonia walks out nervously, stating he's going to make some tea. In the following panels, Russia asks where his coat is and Latvia chimes in saying he donated it to a museum, saying it looked like "a priceless artifact". Latvia however begins to tremble and apologize profusely after Russia tells him that he was still wearing the coat regularly and bought it recently.[39]. In the strip Squished, Russia begins to press down on Latvia's head and asks why Latvia appeared so short, to which he replies he would be 10 centimeters taller if he didn't press down on his head so much. In the following scene, Latvia states he hates living with Russia and would much rather rely on Germany instead while Lithuania refuses, thinking he is way too scary. In a change of conversation, they talk about dinner and each want a different meal. In the last panel, Latvia agrees with Lithuania and Estonia that they are too different to be considered "The Three Baltic States".[26]. These two strips were combined in Chapter 2: Power Ranger Allied Forces. In volume 2 Latvia makes a brief appearance in the strip, Unrequited Love, showing a panel of the numerous faces that lived in Russia's house.[40] In Don't Think Too Much Into It, Latvia says he would like to have a sibling to which Estonia and Lithuania give him odd looks.[41]. Both these strips were combined within the Russia's Big and Little Sister chapter. In volumes 3 and 4, Latvia appears in reprinted versions of With Sealand! and The Principality of Wy & the Mysterious Sealand.[35][37] Latvia is also mentioned by Estonia as part of the Choir Club on a part-time basis and their club is frequently targeted by the Soviet Union Club (which Russia is the only member of) in the strip, Gakuen Hetalia: Go Forth! Newspaper Club!![42] In volume 6, Latvia appears appears in two republished strips, the first being The Nordic Five +α, where Lithuania and Latvia over-hear Estonia wanting to join to the Nordics to Finland. Latvia notes they can't be the Baltic Trio without him but Estonia however states nervously that even if he pulls out, the two could still get by as the Baltic Duo, an idea that Finland thinks won't end well.[43] In the strip A Call for Russia, Russia apologizes for calling the Baltics over so late at night and asks if the three of them had any requests for him that he could fulfill for them. While the other two Baltics have nothing to ask for, Latvia chimes in asking if he could finally have other friends besides Russia like America. Later in the strip, Estonia watches Latvia closely, noting that Latvia can't work hard without a carrot and stick approach.[44] Both these strips were originally published in Comic Birz in March and June 2013 respectively.[45][46]
In Hetalia: World☆Stars, he has appeared in a few short chapters. In Chapter 63, his first in the series, Estonia is concerned over Latvia's workload however he says that he doesn't mind, replying that medicine and pounding iron is interesting to him and works as his stress relief. Latvia continues on saying that he also plays solo chess as he works. Estonia however replies that it sounds like bragging to him while his inner voice says "That's terrible but good luck." In chapters 93 through 96 where Latvia drifts off into a daydream about bunnies (one of which turns muscular) every time Estonia brags about being grouped in the Nordic group for sports events. Estonia confronts him about this, saying he always goes into a "weird state" whenever he talks about the Nordics. Latvia replies rather nervously and teary-eyed that he tends to escape reality when the topic comes up as he feels that Estonia is tired of being a Baltic country. Estonia is surprised by this and he apologizes, saying it was far from true and only wants to join the Nordics because he wishes to possess the charms of his "cute Baltic side and cool Nordic side." In Chapter 96, Latvia begs Lithuania to step in and stop Estonia's constant chatter about the Nordics but Estonia replies that Latvia's overacting. Lithuania refuses to take sides, replying they were supposed to be a trio and had been falling apart as of late. He proposes they need to be more united just as they did when they declared independence from Russia. However during the flashback, as much as they agreed they were done with Russia, the group was divided on how to go about it with Latvia not mentally ready to leave right away while Estonia chooses to stick with his plan of gradually gaining rights and seizing full authority. The flashback leaves Lithuania unwell and is shown roughly squeezing Estonia and Latvia's shoulders.[16] In Chapter 237 and Chapter 238, Latvia and Moldova are the only ones visiting Russia for New Years because of a bad snow storm. Latvia originally didn't want to come but feared the worst would happened if he didn't go. He also picked up Moldova on the way there, calling him "a strange creature".[47] While deciding on what to do for fun, Russia feels that going for a swim in the cold weather is the best option. Latvia tries to get out of it by saying it would be too harsh on Moldova. However once Moldova finishes off a quick snack, he says it's not a big deal and announcing that he's going home, leaving Latvia alone with Russia.[48]
Latvia has also appeared in several Kitayume Hetalia holiday events, mostly in small and brief cameos. In Halloween 2006 Comic, Latvia anxiously wonders where Lithuania and Poland are while Estonia replies that Russia went over to meet up with them.[49] In the 2010 Christmas event, Latvia is requested to send a photograph to Finland during their livestream. After he sends the photograph, he slips and falls and Estonia yells out his name in distress. Latvia insists he's doing okay but is upset he dirtied his favorite hoodie. He warns himself to be more careful but is cut off mid-sentence when Parallel France rushes out of the shadows towards him.[50] During the Halloween 2011 event, Latvia arrives at America's Halloween party with the rest of the Baltics, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, dressed in Alice in Wonderland-themed costumes.[51] Later in the event, Latvia is seen shaking on Russia's shoulders when Denmark asks if he's going to put Latvia down before greeting everyone.[52] In an extra comic posted on Himaruya's blog before the event, Latvia has to work the next day and tries to leave but Estonia and Lithuania, who are still partying, keep him from doing so.[53] In the Christmas 2011 event, Estonia is seen briefly riding Mochi!America (who has morphed into a horse-like creature) and saying he will visit Latvia and see his Christmas tree. As Estonia rides off, Latvia thinks he'll bake some cookies for him this year.[54] In the 2013 Halloween event, Latvia runs into Lithuania after being chased by a cat. Latvia says Poland said he was having fun, but adds he was in a corner with tears in his eyes as well. The two men decide to relocate him together and bid farewell to Greece.[55] At the end of the comic, Latvia is seen carrying around a bucket full of screams that others can munch on and is later seen eating several screams himself. Sealand however questions if it's safe to eat as the one Latvia is holding is still twitching.[56]
Latvia's first appearance was a brief cameo in the incomplete game Gakuen Hetalia in the form of an angel. In a gag scene titled Go to Heaven, Italy's soul leaves his body after getting dizzy and collapsing from bumping into Seychelles and join angel forms of Estonia and Latvia.[57] Latvia plays a central role with Sealand in the PC game, Hetalia Desktop Buddies, where they stand in the corner of the user's desktop and interact with the player or among themselves.[17]
Latvia first appeared in Episode 01 at the Meeting Of The World, where he was being bullied by Russia and Belarus, the latter holding a knife to his back. He officially appears in Episode 29 with the other two Baltics, speaking for the first time.
His design in the anime adaptation was altered slightly, with his light blond hair having been changed to a darker shade, while his violet eyes were changed to an aqua blue. This look was carried over into Hetalia: The Beautiful World where he makes a very brief cameo as a chibi head in Gakuen Hetalia: Go Forth! Newspaper Club!! First Half. He did not reappear until Keep on moving!! March Forward, Sealand! where he calls Sealand to tell him about Wy but later discovers they're already friends. Though Latvia was originally voiced by Rie Kugimiya in his appearance in Hetalia Drama CD: Volume 2, he is instead voiced by Kokoro Tanaka in the anime series.
- His birthday corresponds with the date for Latvia's declaration of independence from Russia and Germany, November 18th, 1918.[3] Latvia would later wind up occupied by both Soviet and Nazi forces in 1940 and 1941 respectively, before being reoccupied by the Soviet Union in 1944. While it announced its renewed independence from the union in 1990, it took a year for it to actually be restored.
- In (No Longer Copy) Book of History Stuff I Can’t Really Draw, Himaruya mentions a story he heard of when the Baltics separated from Russia, Lithuania threw away anything associated with Russia, Latvia was scared to throw them away, while Estonia sold everything at cheap prices and believed it fit their personalities.[58] The page was later reposted on Bamboo Thicket with some additional sketches.[59]
- In The Principality of Wy & the Mysterious Sealand, Latvia's living room is full of small but interesting references. The book he holds has the word Rilke on it, a reference to Rainer Maria Rilke, a Bohemian-Austrian novelist and poet. Though the speech bubble covers the painting, the frame has the word Balsam scribbled on it. Balsam is a type of beverage that is high in alcoholic content and one of Latvia's most famous alcoholic beverages is Riga Black Balsam. In the scene where Latvia phones Sealand, there's also a poster on the wall with Latvia and Lithuania's faces on it that says "MTV Lithuania & Latvia".[36] This was a real station operating in the two countries that launched in January 2009 but only lasted several months before shutting down and was replaced by MTV Europe at the end of the year. In the animated adaptation, the reference to Rilke is maintained as well as the painting of balsam but the poster is removed entirely.
- In a parody otome game described on Bamboo Thicket, Latvia's character is described as a student who worries about what others think of him. However because he thinks too much about it, he ends up blurting out things he should not say, thus he is stuck in a constant cycle. He doesn't think of himself as special but is said to be able to do "amazing things" when he puts his mind to it.[60]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 2007). "(cache) 【ジョルジュ長岡を心の底から愛でまくるサイト】 キタユメ。 【まゆ毛がステキ】". Archived from the original on November 22, 2007. Retrieved October 8, 2012.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (October 2006). "(cache) 【ジョルジュ長岡を心の底から愛でまくるサイト】 キタユメ。 【まゆ毛がステキ】". Archived from the original on ???. Retrieved September 18, 2012.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Himaruya, Hidekaz (2008). ヘタリア Axis Powers [Hetalia: Axis Powers]. Gentosha. p. 85. ISBN 978-4-3448-1275-8.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "Height chart from around 2008. (Deleted from Himaruya's blog)".
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2021). ヘタリア☆Collezione [Hetalia☆Collezione]. Shueisha. p. 124. ISBN 978-4-0888-2870-1.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4]. Gentosha. ISBN 978-4-3448-2233-7.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (2007). "ヘタレ5 Lietuvis!! [Hetare 5: Lietuvis!!]". Archived from the original on October 22, 2018. Retrieved March 3, 2019.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (June 2, 2008). "落書き乱舞". Retrieved March 3, 2019.
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- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (March 24, 2008). "ロッソ使いやすい". Archived from the original on June 8, 2013. Retrieved March 2, 2019.
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- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (July 21, 2008). "壁紙シリーズ". Retrieved March 2, 2019.
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- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (2013). ヘタリア Axis Powers 6 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 6]. Gentosha. p. 13. ISBN 978-4-344-82867-4.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4]. Gentosha. p. 17. ISBN 978-4-3448-2233-7.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (2016). ヘタリア World☆Stars 3 [Hetalia: World☆Stars 3]. Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-0888-0615-0.
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Himaruya Hidekaz. すっごい!シーランド君とラトビアちゃん (in Japanese). PC. (January 6, 2014)
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- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4]. Gentosha. p. 112. ISBN 978-4-3448-2233-7.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア [Axis Powers Hetalia]. Gentosha. p. 5. ISBN 978-4-3448-1275-8.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア [Axis Powers Hetalia]. Gentosha. p. 58-59. ISBN 978-4-3448-1275-8.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア 2 [Axis Powers Hetalia 2]. Gentosha. p. 56. ISBN 978-4-3448-1514-8.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア 2 [Axis Powers Hetalia 2]. Gentosha. p. 57. ISBN 978-4-3448-1514-8.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4]. Gentosha. p. 5. ISBN 978-4-3448-2233-7.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2013). ヘタリア Axis Powers 6 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 6]. Gentosha. ISBN 978-4-344-82867-4.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (2013). ヘタリア Axis Powers 6 [Hetalia: Axis Powers 6]. Gentosha. p. 2. ISBN 978-4-344-82867-4.
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