List of minor Hetalia characters

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See also: List of Hetalia: Axis Powers characters, List of historical characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers, Creatures of Hetalia

This is a list of minor characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers. These characters often do not appear within the manga or anime, but are drawn in official artwork or sketches, or are referenced in official materials. Some of these characters are also not specifically any sort of nation or kingdom, but simply other minor characters in the series (such as Shinatty).



An unseen character that is mentioned in Greece's bio and relationship chart. Albania finds Greece to be very stylish and is always crowding his home, while Greece dislikes this country and wishes that it would leave.


In the comic Turkey and the EU, an unnamed nation appears asking to join the European Union and he is immediately let in, remarking on how easy it was to Turkey. A few days prior to the comic's posting Croatia had signed the treaty to become the bloc's 28th member, leading to speculation that this nation was Croatia. In a follow up blog post Himaruya identifies the nation as "the country that makes beautifully ornamented, heart-shaped biscuits and uses them as gifts and even sells them as souvenirs!" [1] This practice was identified to take place in Croatia, though Himaruya hasn't explicitly identified him as the character.


Two characters that have been mentioned, but who have yet to make any actual appearance in the series or other artwork, and have no official design.

Originally, only one character for Czechoslovakia was planned, with a possible design being that of a young girl (as Himaruya felt "Cheko" (Czech or Czechia in the country's proper English name) sounded feminine), while another was of a bearded man (as he felt Slovakia made the name masculine). Two other designs for the character were shown, one being a "musician"-looking character (who resembled Iceland), and another clean-shaven younger man who was a "ladies' man" (based off of a Slovakian classmate of Himaruya's).[2]

When later asked by a fan if Czechoslovakia would be brothers, Himaruya appeared to favor Czechia and Slovakia being a duo of the young girl and older male, though he also mentioned that mysterious characters with curly hairs in the vein of Italy also came to mind. In 2011, Himaruya stated that Czechia was planned to be the next female character. The only canon mention of either part of Czechoslovakia so far is on Belarus' relationship chart, where it is shown that Czechia is terrified of her. Himaruya also mentioned that Czechia would have a bad relationship with Liechtenstein, possibly a reference to that Czechia and Slovakia did not recognize Liechtenstein as an independent nation until fairly recently and that the countries confiscated the Liechtenstein royal family's properties that were within them under the misconception that they were German assets and seems to have yet to return them.


Mentioned by Himaruya as having thick eyebrows, but ones with a "different" feel to them than the eyebrows that England and his brothers share. It is currently unknown what their relation to England is, or to Northern Ireland.

In 2007, Himaruya considered the ideas of both a male and a female Ireland, and noted that a "crybaby" sort of girl might work for the female version. However, it has yet to be clarified which gender or type of personality has been decided. In a 2011 blog post, Himaruya stated that he has had problems creating an Ireland character because of the many different images associated with the nation.


Luxembourg was first mentioned in the Christmas Rampage '07 as a sibling to Belgium and Netherlands, and is described as "elegant" by Finland. It can be assumed that Luxembourg may be the youngest sibling, as in the volume 3 profiles of Netherlands and Belgium point out that they are the older siblings. In a 2010 blog post, Himaruya posted a basic outline of Luxembourg's head. Luxembourg officially debuted in the Halloween 2011 event, unable to leave home until his work was finished as instructed by his boss. He expresses a desire to participate in Halloween festivities the next year. The strips also reveal he has a small dog named Peltze. Soon after he posted a discarded design of the character which he described as the "most surreal" and explained that Luxembourg was going to have a dog from the start due to Luxembourg having the most movies with dogs. The discarded design for Luxembourg appeared in Christmas 2011 as a response from a fan request, during Belgium dreams, in which she wondered why she was dreaming with a boy that she didn't know.

During Halloween 2013, a sketch sheet was posted to Bamboo Thicket depicting a character with strong similarities to Luxembourg's concept designs. As he is pictured with Belgium, and his hair is compared to Netherlands', it is likely that the character is Luxembourg, though he is not explicitly identified as such.[3]

Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

All three are brothers of UK and have strange eyebrows.[4] Himaruya has noted that amongst his brothers, UK would be known as "England", confirming that he represents both the UK and England.

In a small sketch, England was given a big straw dummy, labelled "from your Big Brothers". It remains unknown why his brothers gave it to England.

Himaruya asked the English-speaking fandom their opinion on how Scotland would be, before saying that he was, to him, a friendly and brave character who likes alcohol, cats, haggis, and either likes or has a rich culture.


Himaruya gave several possible designs (both male and female) for this character, though the official one has yet to be seen. From the sketches, they seem to be related to Spain and Romano.

In the Halloween Event 2011, a shadowy silhouette, whose only noticeable feature was a ponytail, arrived to America's party a day late and was disappointed that they hadn't made it. While it is currently unknown if they were Portugal, their ponytail is similar to one featured in a design, and they were referred to as an "amigo" (Spanish and Portuguese for "friend", using the male gender). Himaruya has also hinted at it being someone important, but the character's face has yet to be seen.

During Halloween 2013, a sketch sheet was posted to Bamboo Thicket depicting a character with strong similarities to Portugal's concept designs, and exhibiting similarities to what was seen of the silhouette in the Halloween 2011 event. Additionally, the female version of the character is depicted alongside the female version of Spain, making it likely that the character is Portugal, though he is not explicitly identified as such.[3]

Vatican City

A character who has yet to appear in the actual strips, but has been mentioned in trivia notes by Himaruya before. He is described as an old man who lives near Italy, but is very bossy and considered to be an annoyance, which has caused him to be at odds with the Italy brothers. He also seems to want them to fight and make up.



In China's Age of Exploration it is mentioned that China got a giraffe from Bengal. It is unclear whether he also represents Bangladesh as well.


An Asian character who has only appeared in a sketch at the end of The Story Of China And Teensy Japan and a chibi sketch of the Asian Nations group. Mongolia is said to have bullied Hungary in his youth, along with the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).

A character named "Golden Horde" briefly appears in volume 3. Golden Horde is also known as Ulus of Jochi, or Tatar (as Russia called his erstwhile boss). He briefly appears as a cameo when Hungary explains to Lithuania about the "idiots in the area" and when Lithuania's boss contemplates on the potential enemies, which he noted the Golden Horde's unstoppable expansion. He appears as a silhouette in Volume 4, and it appears likely that Golden Horde is the same character as Mongolia, having changed his name, though it has yet to be outright confirmed.

North Korea

In '07, Himaruya noted that he had a design in mind for a male North Korea, and that the nation would be more timid than South Korea, a musician, and have a fondness for reading and dancing. It is unknown if this idea will come to pass.


Himaruya was asked if Pakistan was at the 2011 Halloween Event and said that he or she was probably dancing somewhere in the back having thoughts like "That bastard..." in regards to India's dance routine. He goes on to state that "Once you study the history of India, you would be amazed by great interactions between them."[5]


Himaruya mentioned that Singapore had been designed; however, the character's image has yet to be revealed, leading to speculation that it may have only been a draft that he discarded.[6]


A character who briefly appeared in some sketches and the strip The Story Of China And Teensy Japan, who has yet to get an official profile of any sort, though an old note stated that he is "variously pitiful". He is depicted as a young, bald monk. In the anime adaptation of Teensy Japan, he was replaced with a talking panda.

United Arab Emirates

When asked about personifications of Arabic nations, Himaruya states that he finds the United Arab Emirates interesting, and envisions him as a charming old man living in the hot weather.[7]

Other Nations

African Nations

Various African nations were introduced in Gakuen Hetalia, most of which have no confirmed gender. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Botswana, and Uganda are shown as "chibi" head illustrations. Kenya is shown to be female and her favorite food is nyama choma (grilled beef, veal, sheep, lamb, goat, etc.). Uganda is shown to be male and winds up having to be carried off by medics after laughing too hard at Seychelles' bizarre coat of arms.

Cabinda and Guinea-Bissau are introduced as Portuguese territories, Congo as a Belgian territory, Sahara as a Spanish territory, and Ethiopia as an Italian territory. Ethiopia is revealed to be teased by his classmates for being Italy's territory, but is reluctant to admit it. These other five characters do not have "chibi" head designs.

Himaruya had also mentioned a Libya in a note on planning the game and its characters, but this nation did not appear in the demo or unfinished screenplay. Libya and Ethiopia were also mentioned in a 2006 footnote to Kitty Festival, among potential characters that Himaruya had wanted to design someday.

In the 16th episode of Comic Birz, Seychelles appeared with another girl, presumably an African nation throughout the comics, however who it is remained unstated. Many fans speculate it to be Madagascar as Seychelles mentioned the name while speaking to her, however she was mentioned in the third person (though using third person is a somewhat common speech quirk in the Japanese language), and the girl was rather excited about the ocean, which would be unlikely for an island nation.


During the Halloween 2013 event, Himaruya posted a series of drawings on Bamboo Thicket with the message "Ecuador. I wonder if he’d be like this. I want to make an alpaca set with the South American countries that have a lot of alpacas!". The character is depicted with turtles and an alpaca wearing a hat.[8]


Mexico is briefly mentioned in the drama CD adaptation of Lithuania's Out-Sourcing, in which America is running late to a meeting with the nation and expresses that, because it is with Mexico, he wants to wear a "casual" tie. They are also mentioned in the America and the World Map strip, where America explains to England why the Mexico on his map is "half-assed", stating that "It's because of my grudge over the Alamo." It was mentioned again in Comic Birz in Episode 9 that Mexico attempts to heighten their public safety poll on Facebook.[9]


Paraguay is mentioned in a FIFA 2010 sketch showing Germany manhandling Italy and Romano. Italy tells Germany that Germany is wrong and that they didn't go and watch soccer, and Romano explains that they went to go see Paraguay.


Tonga made a brief appearance during the Halloween 2011 event. Seen only from behind, Tonga has dark hair and is wearing sheep horns for Halloween.

Ancient Empires and Tribes

The characters in this section are personifications of ancient kingdoms/empires or tribes that have yet to have a role in the webcomic. Their existence was mostly first revealed through information on the Bamboo Thicket blog and profiles.

Ancient Egypt

The mother of Egypt, who had a romantic aura of mystery about her. Her pyramids and artifacts still attract archaeologists from all around the world.

Ancient Greece

The mother of Greece, described as having been very laid-back and easygoing. A beautiful woman, she became frightening when she fought. Ancient Greece had a troubling internal struggle, compared to that of Japan's feudal clans, and she constantly worried over the fractions of her own country.

Rome fell in love with both her and Ancient Egypt at first sight. In Axis Powers Hetalia: The CD, she is also referred to as Byzantine Empire and it is said that Turkey had feelings for her as well before conquering and killing her.


She was mentioned briefly in one of Himaruya's blog posts (circa September 2011). In an answer to a fan who was looking to know more about the UK family, he writes that she is the mother of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Like her son's (England) characteristics, she's also a tsundere.[10]


A rival of Rome situated in North Africa. Rome mentions to Germany that on his path to power one of the things he did was beat up Carthage.


A male relative of Hungary and an enemy to the Byzantine Empire. He trained Hungary in combat when she was younger and raised her to be like him, causing her to imitate his masculine speech patterns and fighting style.

In the unfinished screenplay for the game Gakuen Hetalia, Hungary's relative was referred to as Hun, however in Magyar's mini bio posted to Himaruya's blog in 2008, Hun is Magyar's sibling, which would make them Hungary's aunt or uncle.

German States

These characters represent historical countries that became part of Germany with the unification and that exist in the modern day as its Federal States. In Osōji Prussia, they are all confirmed to be Germany's older brothers[11], thus being other descendants of Germania. However, a note given by Himaruya about Germany's brothers states that "the impression is something like they're retired regions and will gradually disappear", having passed the duty and their skills on to Germany.[12] It is ambiguous as to how many of these siblings are still alive (like in the case of Prussia) or which ones have died out.

Three states were shown and unnamed in the 11th Birz Episode,[13] and two others were also shown(one from the back) with Prussia, Austria, and Saxony in reference to the unification of the German states.[14]


This brother briefly appeared in between Saxony and Prussia in the summary of the War Of Austrian Succession. His hair is short and appears to be somewhat messy. Historically, he is also one of the many states that were under the control of the Holy Roman Empire (along with Saxony). In the War Of Austrian Succession, he insisted on the rights to the throne.

It is speculated that he also appeared as a child in the background of one of Prussia's diary segments with his brother, though it remains unconfirmed whether it is actually a younger Bavaria or another Germanic.


An older brother name-dropped by Prussia in the game.[11] Little is known about him, though it is historically heavily tied to Prussia. It was mentioned in Liechtenstein's Diary of Stupid Big Brother that "Prussia, too, began as the Margraviate of Brandenburg intended to buffer Slavic expansion, and later incorporated the territory of the Teutonic Knights" though it's likely meant that Prussia, as a war-loving state, began with Brandenburg, as Prussia had already been shown to have been the Teutonic Knights in the same strips.


Another older brother, also briefly name-dropped by Prussia. It is said that Germany inherited his stubbornness from him, as well as from Prussia and Saxony.[11] He appears in the "Christmas Trivia Comics" for the Christmas 2011 site event, where his is a part of England's Hessian army. When America and his army come to attack him, despite being told to exercise extreme caution as he would be even more cruel than England, Hesse and his men are cheerful, drunk, and celebrating Christmas, inviting America to do the same, leading to his defeat. He is shown to have long hair pushed back and put up at the back of his head with a single bang hanging down past his shoulder on his left side and a large scar running down his face, diagonally over his right eye, from his forehead down to his jaw.[15] Whether or not this has effected his vision is unknown.


Little is known about this brother, other than his name being mentioned when Prussia attempted to count off all of Germany's siblings.[11]


This character was briefly mentioned in a summary of the events of the War Of Austrian Succession, where he appeared in an illustration alongside Prussia, Bavaria, Spain, and France. He has long blond hair like his ancestor. In the War Of Austrian Succession, he attempted to obtain Moravia. He is also mentioned as having been involved in the Seven Years' War.

Saxony has also appeared as a background character in one of Prussia's diary segments in the Liechtenstein's Journal Of Swiss Dopiness strip series, and in an omake illustration in Comic Diary 7, hanging out with Prussia and two other unnamed Germania offspring. His only appearance in the main webcomic storyline has been a brief cameo as one of Holy Roman Empire's guards (in Chibitalia), with two other unidentified German states acting as the others. This appearance was removed in the anime version when the guards' appearances were changed.

In Osōji Prussia, it is said that his stubbornness rubbed off on Germany himself.[11]


General Winter

A character who represents Russia's winter. He torments Russia, but is also his greatest ally. However, he's unable to bring harm to countries that were born and raised in cold places, such as Prussia, Sweden, and Denmark. When the shadow defeated him in the Christmas Bloodbath of 2010, Russia began to experience odd weather patterns, and midsummer temperatures suddenly arose all around. He's based off of the Russian character Old Man/Father Winter, who is the personification of Winter in general.

Kowloon Walled City

In response to a fan question about a personification for Kowloon, Himaruya mentioned that he imagined them being a "very chaotic and dirty" character.[16] However, a design has not yet been released.

Mr. Newspapers

The name for a series of characters that are made to represent a country's newspaper. The first notable appearance of one is in Comic Diary 9, during Austria's presidential elections. He appears as a freckled man in a flatcap.

An omake illustration depicts at least six "Mr. Newspapers", including one that resembles France, though it is noted that every country has their own and that all of them happen to be megalomaniacs.

Parallel Nations

During the 2010 Christmas/New Years event, a world parallel to the canon Hetalia one was introduced. This world is one like the canon world, however all of the nations are feline (as they bear cat ears and tails), don't wear clothes(and also lack accessories such as glasses). In this world are 123 Frances, each individually named by number. The one which was seen most being 23 or ni-san, a pun on nii-san, or big brother in Japanese, what canon France wants to be called.) Their personalities seem to differ from their Earthen selves as well.

Unlike the other Parallels, Parallel America seems to be fascinated with the clothes of Earth, and finds people wearing them to be cute. As a result, upon searching Hong Kong and China, he dressed them up in women's clothes. According to Parallel France 23, he is a pervert. Unlike America of Earth, he doesn't wear glasses. The France that was seen most often was the 23rd France. His name is a pun on France-nii-san (ni being two in Japanese and san being three), or Big Brother France. Rather kind and cheerful at most all times, he was defeated by Sealand, but shortly after explained why they had all come and begun stripping the nations of Earth. He appears to also be dating Parallel Spain, as when he admitted his crush on Belgium he began to accuse him of cheating on him. Also, he lacks the facial hair of Earth's France. He was the one to send a letter back to earth, thanking them for their help and the introduction on how to celebrate a New Year to them, and left them $500 and a voucher for the Hyatt Hotel. The shadow that attacked Belgium (among others) was Parallel Spain. Upon receiving her scarf from her concern for him running around in the cold, undressed, he fell in love with her. That angered his supposed boyfriend Parallel France 23 (however he seemed confused and contradicted, asking who was cheating). He seems to share Spain's passion, as he seemed willing to stay on Earth and forget about his possibly to be destroyed home world to stay with Belgium.

Provinces of China

In Hetalia Fantasia 2, China mentions that Guangdong and Liaoning can make anything out of the game's items. He also mentions that business is much easier due to his many provinces, municipalities, and regions working for him.

In a picture posted to Bamboo Thicket after the events of Christmas 2010, China is seen reading messages on his phone from characters representing the provinces of Jiangsu, Hebei, Henan, Sichuan, and Fujian. Fujian makes a cameo during the Halloween 2011 event, in which he is asleep during the brawl in China to decide on the costume theme for that year.

Ryukyu Islands

Himaruya mentioned the Ryukyu Islands and Australia within a 2008 Bamboo Thicket post, noting he hadn't initially thought he would draw them, but that they were likely to be added. Himaruya also expressed that he thought the two would have contrasting personalities.

In volume 4, a character named Okinawa was spotted enjoying watching baseball from TV. Since Okinawa was formerly the Ryukyu Kingdom, it is possible they are the same character.


A middle-aged man in a Hello Kitty knockoff costume. He is a frequent companion of China, and has only been shown out of his mascot suit twice so far.

His name comes from Shina, an older offensive term used for China by the Japanese.

United Nations

An old man who appears briefly in volume 2, representing the U.N.. He briefly appears in the anime adaption in Episode 69.

Crossover Characters


See Nishinomaru Hunai at the Kitayume wiki

Nishinomaru Hunai (府内西丸, Hunai Nishinomaru), better known as Nomaru is a classmate of Yamato's, and originated from Himaruya's second webcomic Barjona Bombers (which later shared the same universe as Kitakou and crossed over with it). One of the most normal students at Barjona Marine High School, he works part-time at a local convenience store. He makes a non-speaking cameo in both the manga and anime adaption of Why Americans Love Spring as the cashier at the convenience store Japan goes to to buy manga and ice cream.


See Noto Kanazawa at the Kitayume wiki

Noto Kanazawa (金沢のと Kanazawa Noto), better known as Noto-sama, is the lead character from Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club, the first webcomic by Himaruya. He has appeared in the Hetalia comic on a few occasions and crossed over with the nations in the games Noto-sama 5 and 6. Though he first appeared as a regular schoolboy in the original comic, it is his later cross-dressing and vengeful self ("Black Noto") that is shown in these appearances, usually wearing a red sailor uniform dress and a detachable ponytail with a red bow. He is best-known for exacting his vengeance on people more popular than him by stripping them, or humiliating them in other sexually-suggestive ways.

He first appears in the deleted Christmas 2007 sequel to exact his revenge for having an unhappy Christmas, only to wind up stripped by France. His next cameo is during Spain's April Fools event, in one of the fake news reports where it states that he, Yamato, and Prussia were all arrested for lewd conduct at school. He later appears to wish the readers a happy April Fools' day, after France tricks Spain into stripping to appease the "God of Lies".


See Yamato Nara at the Kitayume wiki

Yamato Nara (奈良大和 Nara Yamato) is Noto-sama's partner in crime, and originated from Himaruya's second webcomic Barjona Bombers (which later shared the same universe as Kitakou and crossed over with it). He became Noto's partner after the third Noto-sama game, and has since shown up in cameos in Hetalia as well.

Yamato's first appearance is also during the Christmas 2007 sequel, where he assists Noto in carrying out his revenge on Christmas. When the two attempt to invade Poland's house, they wind up finding that their targets have already stripped naked for a celebration and wind up with their clothes stripped off by France. He next appears in April Fools 2008 in a fake news report stating that he was arrested on the World Academy W campus for exposing himself to a girl (along with Noto and Prussia).



  1. Himaruya, Hidekaz (December 18, 2011). "来月号の". Retrieved December 21, 2011. 
  2. Himaruya, Hidekaz (2007). "「5話のおまけ」". Retrieved November 18, 2012. 
  3. 3.0 3.1
  5. Himaruya, Hidekaz (November 30, 2011). "お返事!". Retrieved December 5, 2011. 
  6. Himaruya, Hidekaz (May 28, 2008). "ホルヘルイスボルヘスの時代だぜ!". Retrieved September 17, 2012. 
  7. Himaruya, Hidekaz (November 29, 2011). "少しお返事". Retrieved December 5, 2011. 
  9. Himaruya, Hidekaz (August 1, 2012). "Comic BIRZ October 2012 Issue (Hetalia: Axis Powers Ep.9)". Retrieved September 9, 2012. 
  10. Himaruya, Hidekaz (September 21, 2011). "らきがき!". Retrieved December 19, 2011. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Hidekaz Himaruya. おそうじプロイセンさん (in Japanese). (Kitakou Yumezakka 2010). PC, (v1). Scene: Germany-option1. (August 31, 2010) ""That's right! I, myself used to be a genius at cleaning (among other things)! I'll tidy up someone's house and be showered in gratitude!""
  12. Himaruya, Hidekaz (September 4, 2010). "スイスさんちはスイスさんと何らかの関係がないとなかなか滞在できないんだぜ!". Retrieved September 4, 2010. 
  13. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2012). 月刊コミックバーズ Axis Powers ヘタリア EP. 11 [Monthly Comic Birz Axis Powers Hetalia Episode 11]. Gentosha. p. 27. 
  14. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "オーストリア併合 [Austria's Annexation]". Retrieved October 2, 2012. 
  15. Himaruya, Hidekaz (January 18, 2012). "クリスマスの豆知識漫画 [Christmas Trivia Comics]". Retrieved September 26, 2012. 
  16. Himaruya, Hidekaz (August 1, 2012). "お知らせ". Retrieved August 2, 2012. 
Hetalia Characters
Main Characters Italy · Germany · Japan · America · England · France · Russia · China
Supporting Characters Ancient Egypt · Ancient Rome · Australia · Austria · Belarus · Belgium · Bulgaria · Cameroon · Canada · Cuba · Cyprus · Czech · Denmark · Egypt · Estonia · Finland · Germania · Greece · Holy Roman Empire · Hong Kong · Hungary · Hutt River · Iceland · India · Indonesia · Knights Templar · Korea · Kugelmugel · Ladonia · Latvia · Liechtenstein · Lithuania · Luxembourg · Macau · Malaysia · Moldova · Molossia · Monaco · Netherlands · New Zealand · Nikoniko · Norway · Osaka · Persia · Philippines · Picardy · Poland · Portugal · Prussia · Romania · Sealand · Seborga · Seychelles · Singapore · Slovakia · South Italy · Spain · Sweden · Switzerland · Taiwan · Thailand · Turkey · Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus · Ukraine · Vietnam · Wy
See also Minor Characters (European · Asian· Historical Characters · Animals and Other Creatures · Nekotalia · Nyotalia · Mochitalia · Human names · Another color
Full Character List