Episode 65

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Revision as of 16:35, 21 June 2010 by ItsukoChan (Talk) (Trivia)

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Episode Information
Length 5:00
Production Credits
Hetalia Episode Chronology

The thirteenth episode of Hetalia: World Series (sixty-fifth overall in the Hetalia series) was broadcast on June 18th, 2010. It continues and finishes Maria Theresa and the War of Austrian Succession (reprinted as Daybreak Chaos in Hetalia: Axis Powers volume 1), albeit in an abridged format.

Plot Summary

The narrator recaps the events of the last episode, describing how Prussia allied with France and Spain to take down Austria.

England and Austria's Food

England gloats about how he beat up France, as he and Austria eat their lunch. Austria then offers him some food, which England finds delicious. He asks if it was made by first-class chefs, though Austria replies that he himself made it and it's simple by their standards. He then apologizes to a dejected England about his (England's) lack of food culture.

Austria Lost the First Battle

Prussia has beaten Austria up severely and calls for a painter to come immortalize the scene, while Austria tries to get England's help. However, both find that England has defected from the battle and declared himself neutral, for the purpose of wanting to go "kick France's ass". Austria thinks to himself about how England's unreliability will be remembered for centuries.

Reinforcement from Hungary

Austria informs Maria Theresa that he lost, though she states that she could tell due to the state of his hair. She then adds that she was prepared for the situation, and Hungary appears to offer her support (of 100,000 soldiers) though Austria feels it would be too risky.

But Hungary is all too eager to fight Prussia, and chants that his vital regions will be seized and that she'll crush him (to Austria's shock). The narrator explains that Maria Theresa relied on the Hungarian reinforcements to help save Austria.

Hungary was Freakishly Strong Back Then

Hungary takes on Prussia's army, while the narrator explains that the Hungarians managed to fend off the enemy forces. Prussia then figures that he's done enough for one invasion. The narrator then says that despite the power of Hungary's army, Prussia managed to take Silesia for himself as he fled (with the war being terminated by the Treaty of Aachen.

Prussia then laughs in his bed, thinking about how he managed to get what he wanted and having turned the war in his favor even with losing battles. Suddenly, he hears an angry whispering chant and discovers Hungary beside his bed. She threatens him to give back the regions he stole, causing him to recoil and scream in horror.

Character Appearances

Voice Cast


  • Scenes excised from this adaptation of the story included:
    • After England and Austria eat lunch, Prussia laughs at Austria having not shown up yet, while Spain remarks that Austria is incredibly late.
    • A sequence involving Spain capturing North Italy and having to fight against Austria. Italy then becomes terrified at the idea of living with Spain and defects back to Austria's side, causing him to lose. South Italy then wonders why Spain is crying.
    • After Austria is beaten by Prussia, France decides to loot his body, much to the annoyance of Spain (who then remarks that France had done that to him as well).
  • This episode introduces another new eyecatch, featuring Hungary in her maid dress.
  • The ending sequence received yet another slight change with this episode, featuring a group shot of the Allied Forces (as opposed to the Axis Powers) and a close-up shot of America.
  • The episode was also extended 15 seconds for a short ad concerning the movie Paint it, White.