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I'll be using this sandbox for various things, including translations and just general gathering. Maybe. Hopefully I won't spam up the Recent Changes page with edits. . . .

Here's the sourcing reference, so I don't have to run to any extra pages or open my bookmarks to open it.


Belarus Sources
(Belarus' dress was a gift from Russia.)
<ref name="dress">{{cite web|title=確かこれはフィレンツェ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 7, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=If I'm not mistaken, this is Florence}}</ref>
(Italy flirting with European girls+Seychelles; Belarus glaring at him critically)
<ref name="itabela">{{cite web|title=ふぃー!!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 17, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Fuii!!}}</ref>
("Young children seem to have started enjoying Halloween lately, but they don't to go around to different houses requesting candy."; she tells Latvia that she has no candy for him every year; "there are no treats in my house for brats like you")
<ref name="hallow">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーン!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween!}}</ref>
(Belarus and Ukraine's military uniforms. Lithuania and Belarus were something of strange close friends as young children.)
<ref name="lithy">{{cite web|title=ベラルーシさんとウクライナさんの軍服バージョン|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=July 30, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Belarus and Ukraine's Military Uniform Versions}}</ref>
("Miss Hungary didn't shrink, Miss Belarus grew." Something like that. So maybe her height is different now?)
<ref name="tallarus">{{cite web|title=ジョ――――ッ!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 1, 2010|accessdate=}}</ref>
("Miss Monaco is (temporary/lacking substance). Come to think of it, the feeling is that/I have a hunch that Belarus' initial stage also greatly differs.")
<ref name="protolarus2">{{cite web|title=ファイナルマグロファンタジー|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=March 18, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Final Tuna Fantasy}}</ref>
(you can talk about Belarus' occult in this SeaLat update. So her love for the occult could probably be sourced here, too.)
<ref name="occult">{{cite web|title=すっごい!シーランド君とラトビアちゃん その2|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=January 20, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Amazing! Sea-kun and Latvia-chan That 2}}</ref>
(Belarus has no interest in Liechtenstein. "Neither I nor this young girl matter! Bring out big brother! This is big brother's manga!")
<ref name="niisannomanga">{{cite web|title=右京さんに謝れ!!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=January 8, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Apologize to Ukyo-san!!}}</ref>
(Himaruya is unsure whether to make Belarus' ribbon black or white.)
<ref name="ribbon">{{cite web|title=もうそろそろだー|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=September 10, 2009|accessdate=}}</ref>
(Belarus is a girl→without abnormally large breasts→with long hair→and a large ribbon→a singular ribbon. She feels scary.)
<ref name="charchart">{{cite web|title=見分け表途中経過|url=|last=Hidekaz|first=Himaruya|date=April 16, 2009|accessdate=|transtitle=Character Distinction}}</ref>
(Early Belarus' design. She was more slim and more reserved and mild-mannered.)
<ref name="protolarus">{{cite web|title=ちびべら|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=April 5, 2009|accessdate=|trans_title=ChibiBel}}</ref>
(なんかよくわかんない威圧娘。 Something like an intimidating/coercing young woman whom I don't understand very well
ちんことかうんことか平気でいう。 Says things like "penis" and things like "shit" in a calm way.(Something like that. She's vulgar, basically.)
かみはストレート リボンは色々バリエーションがある Hair is straight Ribbon has various variations(in color? "various" and "various colors" = same word)
ロシア←ベラルーシ  ♥♥& Russia←Belarus
ロシア→ベラルーシ  ちょっとこわい Russia→Belarus Rather scary
ウクライナ←ベラルーシ  姉さんのせいで兄さんにきらわれた Ukraine←Belarus Big sister is the reason big brother hates me(I think)
ウクライナ→ベラルーシ  心配 Ukraine→Belarus Concern
リトアニア&ポーランド←ベラルーシ  うっとうしい Lithuania&Poland←Belarus Annoying
チェコ  ガクガクブルブル Czech /shaking with fear (the box with her name in it is shivering and I guess crying?) <ref name="chart">{{cite web|title=表情集|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=October 25, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Facial Expression Collection}}</ref>
(Belarus has been hurting Lithuania since they were children(and he's continued to think nothing of it.) However, this version was discarded and newer information says they were something like childhood friends.)
<ref name="passu">{{cite web|title=没ったコマUP|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=October 19, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Discarded Frames UP}}</ref>
(2008⁄06⁄20 "yesterday was Belarus' birth from modern times"(maybe more like "yesterday was the birth of modern-day Belarus") I. Don't know what he means, though. It doesn't seem to be a significant date? Someone else should translate it. The next line he mentioned Belarus as a dictatorship, but considering the vastly differing words. . .but it's still possible that he intended to say "next month" and not "yesterday?" July 20th is when Lukashenko was elected--and then everything changed a lot so it being a sort of "birth from modern times" or at least a sort of "new era"-like thing makes a little bit of sense??)
<ref name="era">{{cite web|title=ベラルーシ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 20, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Belarus}}</ref>
("Establishment that Belarus is reasonably large" tall? Just big? Idk. He uses dekai/huge, again.)
<ref name="height">{{cite web|title=親父がすごすぎる|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 2, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Old Man Is Super Amazing}}</ref>
(Something about Belarus' power/energy/vigor or whatever and a fight with/in Ukraine. Also, Belarus being a good acrobat.)
<ref name="acrobat">{{cite web|title=終わったー|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 31, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=I finisheed}}</ref>
(Belgium and Belarus have large breasts.)
<ref name="oppai">{{cite web|title=幸せ人間|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 27, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Happy People}}</ref>
<ref name="Vol3SE">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2010|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 特装版|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 3 Specially Equipped Edition|publisher=Gentosha|page=27|isbn=978-4-3448-1938-2}}</ref>
<ref name="Russisters">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2008|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 2|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 2|publisher=Gentosha|page=52-58|isbn=978-4-3448-1514-8}}</ref>
<ref name="Vol2prof">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2008|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 2|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 2|publisher=Gentosha|page=18|isbn=978-4-3448-1514-8}}</ref>
<ref name="Vol1">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2008|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia|publisher=Gentosha|page=55|isbn=978-4-3448-1275-8}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=キタユメ。ヘタリア簡易キャラ紹介|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Kitayume Hetalia Simple Character Introduction}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=つかわんて。つかわんて。|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=March 31, 2010|accessdate=}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーンまとめ 2ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween Summary Page 2}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーンまとめ 4ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween Summary Page 4}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーンまとめ 5ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween Summary Page 5}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=クリスマスの7ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Christmas' Page 7}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=クリスマスの8ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Christmas' Page 8}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=クリスマスの10ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Christmas' Page 10}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=クリスマスの11ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Christmas' Page 11}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=バッキバッキ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Crack Crack}}</ref>
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=G8メンバーについて考えようぜ!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=September 13, 2009|accessdate=|trans_title=Let's Think About The G8 Members!}}</ref>

Belgium Sources
<ref name="oyabunkobun">{{cite book|last=Hidekaz|first=Himaruya|year=2010|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 3|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 3|publisher=Gentosha|page=60-61|isbn=978-4-3448-1938-2}}</ref>
<ref name="Vol3prof">{{cite book|last=Hidekaz|first=Himaruya|year=2010|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 3|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 3|publisher=Gentosha|page=20|isbn=978-4-3448-1938-2}}</ref>
<ref name="romanikki">{{cite book|last=Hidekaz|first=Himaruya|year=2011|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 4|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 4|publisher=Gentosha|page=42-45|isbn=978-4-3448-2233-7}}</ref>
<ref name="Ned's">{{cite book|last=Hidekaz|first=Himaruya|year=2011|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 4|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 4|publisher=Gentosha|page=34-37|isbn=978-4-3448-2233-7}}</ref>
<ref name="isopan">{{cite web|title=オランダさんと鎖国ニッポン|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 13, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Netherlands And Isolationist Japan}}</ref>
<ref name="redriding">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーン 2ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 2, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween Page 2}}</ref>
<ref name="ditzybel">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーン 3ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 4, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween Page 3}}</ref>
<ref name="beneluxspamano">{{cite web|title=ハロウィーン 5ページ目|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 6, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Halloween Page 4}}</ref>
<ref name="beneluxmas">{{cite web|title=キタユメ。クリスマス予告編|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=2007|accessdate=|trans_title=Kitayume. Christmas Preview}}</ref>
<ref name="fearlessbel">{{cite web|title=キタユメ。クリスマス2011|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 29, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Kitayume. Christmas 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="chibibel">{{cite web|title=クリスマス2012|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 28-29, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Christmas 2012}}</ref>
<ref name="scraplux">{{cite web|title=クリスマス2012|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=January 2, 2012|accessdate=|trans_title=Christmas 2012}}</ref> (Luxembourg is Belgium's little brother. He affectionately calls her "Big Sister." He refers to Netherlands, Spain, and France similarly(Big Brother.) Belgium and Netherlands are his older siblings.)
<ref name="luxsibs">{{cite web|title=お知らせ2|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=January 3, 2012|accessdate=|trans_title=Notification 2}}</ref> (Fan asks if Belgium's hair is brown or blond. Fan also asks if Belgium's apron is white or pale pink. He said the apron is white and referred to the color chart for Belgium's hair color. I'd say it's something like medium blond? Brownish blond would likely be best to describe it.)
<ref name="belcolor">{{cite web|title=ガリガリ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 22, 2011|accessdate=}}</ref> (Belgium and Romano are aquantances from the olden days, so how does Romano refer to her? Something like that. Belgium is calling Romano cute. Romano is saying "H. . .hey, Belgium. . . .good morning. . . .damn it" "にゃ. . .にゃろめー"(you bastard? A cutsey version of it?) Beneath the arrow is something along the lines of "someone who was taught by men," hence why he's saying "you bastard" despite that she's a girl.)
<ref name="romabel">{{cite web|title=キター!!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 27, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=It's Here~!!}}</ref> (Switzerland and Belgium's hairstyles are similar but not. Something like that.)
<ref name="swissbel">{{cite web|title=短パン大国|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=March 23, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Major Powers' Shorts}}</ref> (Germany and Italy are famous for having cool military uniforms, but Bulgaria and Belgium's are also dashing and cool.)
<ref name="cooluniforms">{{cite web|title=寒くなってきたんだぜ!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 21, 2010|accessdate=}}</ref> (The human names Himaruya liked for Belgium are Anri, Laura, Emma, and Manon.)
<ref name="HN">{{cite web|title=「Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs」でのイギリスいじりは異常|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 26, 2011|accessdate=}}</ref> (Belgium for saxophone-playing requester. She said that she had been holding a saxophone, but it was heavy and made her frustrated, so she put it down. Might mean she doesn't have much arm strength? The heaviest saxophone is 45 pounds or so, I think. . . . Or maybe. . .it says "重くて挫折" and 'te' is for when it's connected to the next word. . .so maybe "it was heavily frustrating me" not "it was heavy and I got frustrated?". . .I'll ask my friend.)
<ref name="belsax">{{cite web|title=ベルギーさん|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 31, 2009|accessdate=|trans_title=Miss Belgium}}</ref> (Belgium's famous product is the Manneken Pis, is basically all that says lol)
<ref name="pis">{{cite web|title=ただいま!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=September 5, 2009|accessdate=|trans_title=I'm back!}}</ref> (The girl from the book was an ordinary maid. The girl with the hairband is Belgium.)
<ref name="belinmeeting">{{cite web|title=あんまりこない質問もとめ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 6, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Remainder Of Questions Inside Summary}}</ref> (Belgium and Netherlands are brother and sister.)
<ref name="benesibs">{{cite web|title=オーストリア継承戦争から7年戦争へ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 1, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=From The War Of Austrian Sucession To The 7 Years War}}</ref> (OMG PLANNED BOOB SIZES!!! Belgium and Belarus: HUGE. Seychelles: reasonable/fair. Liechtenstein has small boobs because Swiss and Austrian girls have among the smallest breasts in Europe. Joan of Arc is muscular and has all that heavy armor(lol he was actually like "uh, shit" when trying to answer that.) so I guess he doesn't know?)
<ref name="oppai">{{cite web|title=幸せ人間|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 27, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Happy People}}</ref> (Belgium was set to appear with Ned. Also, Ned has a macho and rough feeling, like Germany.)
<ref name="appear">{{cite web|title=フリーゲーム面白かった!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 16, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=This Free Game Was Interesting!}}</ref> (Belgium is a girl→without abnormally large breasts→or long hair→but her hair isn't short, either. She has almond eyes,a hairband, and a Shiga dialect.)
<ref name="charchart">{{cite web|title=見分け表途中経過|url=|last=Hidekaz|first=Himaruya|date=April 16, 2009|accessdate=|transtitle=Character Distinction}}</ref>

Monaco Sources
Monaco and Liechtenstein from the olden days have braids.
<ref name="notice">{{cite web|title=お知らせ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=August 1, 2012|accessdate=|trans_title=Notice}}</ref>
Germany might be able to talk with women if it's about work. There's a proverb that's something about letting Germans bring up/raise dogs and children, so characters who are elementary school age and below(MIND YOU he does not say who is and isn't this age, the asker says "Lie, Monaco, Wy" are "very small" girls, but that's the ASKER not Himaruya) he can get along with like a dad. Monaco asks Germany about going to casinos for his next vacation. His reaction is sort of unreadable--he looks sort of uncomfortable to me, so maybe she isn't so young?
<ref name="gergirls">{{cite web|title=お返事|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 19, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Replies}}</ref>
Monaco's height. Asker guessed around 140cms. Himaruya said she's a little bit shorter than Liechtenstein and does not confirm 140 cms.
<ref name="moheight">{{cite web|title=アメメシ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 7, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Amemeshi}}</ref>
She fought with France one time. It stemmed from her zero income tax, which caused many French companies to go to Monaco. Despite France's request, she refused to change it. He called her stupid, and she wondered if it'd be good to call him stupid, too. So they stopped negotiations. But she decided that it was impractical to go on without France and they made up and she made companies pay income tax.
<ref name="fralation">{{cite web|title=国旗グッズの可愛さは異常|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=June 3, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=National Flag Goods Are Strangely Cute}}</ref>
The picture is Manaco. He's a short young man with a tourist-welcoming smile who's pretty strong. He's a gourmet, bad at gambling, likes to drive, and owns a Japanese-style garden. His relationship with France is weird. For some reason, the France drawn was male France.
Beneath is information that probably applies to both Monacos. (Except maybe the "celebrity/rich socialite who gets things done" bit?) They were blessed with an excellent location, but it was also targeted a lot, so they had to get a good grip on how to ensure their safety, such as building fortresses and using the foreign relationships between other countries. Was originally under Spain's protection. Meddled in his affairs/gave him trouble on various occasion. Formed a union with France in 1641 and has leaned more toward him ever since. "As I thought, my[France's] way is good!" Monaco was effected by the French Revolution, too. Nobility lost their privileges and property and Monaco became a French city. Monaco became a protectorate of Sardinia(North Italy, I believe) after the Congress of Vienna. Gained independence with France's help during the chaos of Italian Unification. Friendship Pact with France in 2005. Their relationship is goo despite that one time they fought for two days.
<ref name="manaco">{{cite web|title=お菓子と南欧!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=May 16, 2011|accessdate=|trans_title=Sweets And Southern Europe}}</ref>
Monaco's Gakuen Hetalia uniform. She wears it with an "honor student-like feeling".
<ref name="mogakuheta">{{cite web|title=イタリアのフェンシングの強さは異常|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=September 30, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Italy's Fencing Strength Is Abnormal}}</ref>
"I see. You're that. That is/the fact is, you're in love with me. . . .just kidding."
<ref name="kidding">{{cite web|title=スイスさんちはスイスさんと何らかの関係がないとなかなか滞在できないんだぜ!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=September 4, 2012|accessdate=|trans_title=You aren't allowed to stay at Switzerland's house at all if you have no connection to Switzerland!}}</ref>
TRANSLATION HERE BECAUSE FUCK THAT WALL OF TEXT it's pretty much mostly history but it shows that the Japanese garden is something both Manaco and Monaco have.
<ref name="history">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=March 19, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
Monaco's initial personality as noted in 2008. It hasn't changed much at all! 'w' "Miss Monaco is way more than healthy. A more leisurely optimistic, but refined in some respects sort of feeling would be good, I think."
<ref name="mukashi">{{cite web|title=TOP絵グリグリ|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=August 2, 2008|accessdate=|trans_title=Top Picture GreGre}}</ref>
Translation here and here, I'll go over it myself, too
A beautiful little country by the Mediterranian Sea who is very prideful and gives off a stylish impression.
In some respects, her manner of speaking is like an older man's.
Quite the tactician, to the present day her intellect has protected her country.
Surprisingly, when you speak to her, she's calm and sociable. But she's variously prone to worrying.
Each time she's gazing at the blue sky, she thinks about the state of affairs in the world and economic things.
She's in the best in the world at worrying at other countries being boisterous.
(Contrarily, the best in the world at optimism is Spain.)

She variously relies on France for diplomacy and military affairs and stuff, so my current situation is that if you have business with me France needs to let you pass.
However, given that she's embarrassed when he strokes her head, she wants him to stop.

She's famous for her casino's beautiful architecture, however, Miss Monaco, herself, has a rule that she is not permitted to partake in the casino.
Lately, she puts her effort into tourism, interior decorating, and cosmetics.

Someday, she thinks she'd like to become an Archduchess-like woman,
so she tried decorating it with ribbons and growing it out, however
something feels wrong. . . .
<ref name="MicroProfile">{{cite web|url=|title=Axis powers HETALIA Countries of the World|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=2010|accessdate=}}</ref>
Monaco says she'll allow Seborga to take her on a date, if he beats her in poker, of which she's strong in. (He lost, but said she went to dinner with him anyway. She says he seemed like he'd be fun to eat dinner with.)
<ref name="SeboMon">{{Cite web|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 27, 2011|title=2011 Christmas Event|page=4|accessdate=}}</ref>
End-of-the-year Girl Countries' Meeting. Taiwan expresses unease about the Western girls' cleavage, while Monaco says Taiwan can't worry about things like that.
<ref name="girlmeet">{{Cite web|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 29, 2011|title=2011 Christmas Event|page=6|accessdate=}}</ref>
Monaco made comments off-screen that helped calm down the party a bit, which Germany thanked her for, and she continued to offer her assistance if it was needed. Because they were on holiday she considered everyone to be having a lot of spare time for the broadcast, so that so many people had been gathered wasn't able to be helped. She said that, with the Christmas atmosphere, having parents and lovers would be the best.
<ref name="reliable">{{Cite web|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=January 3-10, 2011|title=2011 Christmas Event|page=11|accessdate=}}</ref>
Monaco has a mole on her chest.
<ref name="moley">{{cite web|title=キタユメ。クリスマス2011|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=December 30, 2010|accessdate=|trans_title=Kitayume.Christmas 2011}}</ref>
Calls Seychelles "Seychelles-kun". Wore a tinkerbelle outfit on Halloween. Laughed at England having his cheek rubbed against by France's shaved chin. Showed England the notice about the Halloween party's costume contest, which is why they she, France, and Seychelles got together and went all out on the costumes.
<ref name="tinker">{{cite web|title=ハッピーハロウィーン!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=October 31-September 1, 2011|trans_title=Happy Halloween!}}</ref>
Confident? Didn't think the plan for Peter Pan!France to fly around, handing out pieces of nougat could fail. Then when France's wire stopped swinging and he couldn't "fly" anymore, once he was down she kept laughing.
<ref name="nougat">{{cite web|title=ハッピーハロウィーン!|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=November 6, 2011|trans_title=Happy Halloween!}}</ref>
Same eye and hair color as France. Small. "Honor student." Optimist at heart. Always wearing a stern expression. Ballet is her hobby.
<ref name="Vol3SE">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2010|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 特装版|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 3 Specially Equipped Edition|publisher=Gentosha|page=24|isbn=978-4-3448-1938-2}}</ref>
See here
<ref name="Vol4">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2011|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 4|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 4|publisher=Gentosha|page=20|isbn=978-4-3448-2233-7}}</ref>
Monaco cat. Suggests they ban tuna transactions due to low supply. Trying to be responsible?
<ref name="Vol3">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2010|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 3|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 3|publisher=Gentosha|page=128|isbn=978-4-3448-1938-2}}</ref>

Sealand Sources
"England's parting gift he made in the sea. He left him alone and before he knew it he was a country. Same eyebrows as England. Sailor suit. Cheeky character whose favorite phrase/speech quirk is "~desuyo"(sort of like "it's really ~"--"yo" adds emphasis or indicated certainty.) and a guy whose always troubled with pressing for acknowledgement of his country. One way or another he looks at England as hostile and he worried over news from England. Age is approximately 12 years old. First person: Sea-kun, Sealand-kun, boku. England: Bastard England"
<ref name="matome_heta">{{cite web|title=どうでもいい設定集|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Trivial Establishment Collection}}</ref>
England's parting gift from on the sea. "Miracle" smallest country(unrecognized.) A boy with a slight running wild feeling and the verbal expression "~nanodesuyo"("It's really, certainly ~") Small body, but it's entirely made of steel. Boasts about his "rocket punch" he can fire but it might be impossible. Lately, often sells his titles to Japan and America. Hobby is the comfortable/agreeable internet. It seems his prince might try and sell him.
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=キタユメ。ヘタリア簡易キャラ紹介|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Kitayume Hetalia Simple Character Introduction}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
Fort England left at sea who became a nation before he knew it. An active boy who is the self-styled smallest country in the world. Isn't at all concerned by that England finds him annoying/gloomy. Because his King/Prince is always going somewhere, he's looked after and cared for by his soldiers. Currently recruiting countries and people who recognize him, in short, looking for friends. His hobby is playing football with other unrecognized nations. Has a feeling England recognized him. Has a feeling Germany could come to recognize him. Has a feeling Japan could seem to come recognize him. Has a feeling Sweden seems to want to buy him.
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
England built an above-sea fortress back in 1944 and forgot about it after the second world war. The fortress is now Sealand's body. It's 207 square meters. Sealand says he has a big heart despite his small body. He wants to, someday, be an empire that even England will bow to. He considers himself as having professional duties and attended a world conference and decided to greet some nations in an effort to get recognition. Switzerland and Romano ignored him, however Japan returned his greeting after he was concerned he was being too quiet and rose his voice(though England did glare at Japan for doing so.) He feels that if a person is too shy, they won't be popular. Because he wasn't recognized by anybody he decided to ask Lithuania how to go about becoming a country. He wasn't worried about that his body was very small. When Lithuania was done advising him a little, he realized that he forgot to have him recognize him as a country, before being stabbed with a lily of the valley(a poison flower which Latvia said was Finland's national flower.) England caught him in the meeting, and he greeted him cheerfully despite that he was yelling at him. Sealand thanked him for acknowledging him, however England had merely said that Sealand wasn't his territory, however Sealand thought that if it wasn't England's territory then it was his and took it as acknowledgement. However England attempted to take him home, telling him to be obedient at home, however Sealand demanded that he fix their brotherly relationship first. Despite his small body, he intends to do his best, and believes his barons and baronesses around the world will help him. He doesn't want to be mocked for being so small. When Sealand's house caught fire, England was the one to help him out and try and get him to come home again, however Sealand just yelled over him, cheerfully, having recovered more or less instantly. England is, however, the one who takes care of him and the soldier who rescues him when he's in trouble. He did, eventually, get him to come home for a bit and lent him the storage room to stay in, putting a sign on the door with his name on it. (England's cellphone's ringtone is Amazing Grace.) (Sealand was born in 1945?) Sweden noticed and bid on him. England later had a dream in which he found Sweden and Sealand and Hanatamago laughing and smiling together about the Internet. England asked if Sweden had a minute and, after a mixed signal which he took as okay, he and Sealand also laughed and smiled with one another, Hanatamago, and a whale, while Sweden watched with a smile as well. England was laughing so loudly in his sleep that America came to tell him to shut up. America then told him he was bad at bringing up children, to which England couldn't respond. Sealand was excited to meet his new prince and sat waiting for him when Latvia showed up. He claimed he was like Sealand's big brother and came to give him advice, telling him that he should make friends and cooperate with others like he did. However, he began fretting over the things that happen if one doesn't have friends and began to cut himself off dispite the importance of the topic, much to Sealand's distress. He then told him not to cry because he would get sad, too, before cheering him up, saying that, even though they were small, the road would open for them, too, one day, if they did their best.
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
<ref name="Vol1">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2008|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia|publisher=Gentosha|page=104|isbn=978-4-3448-1275-8}}</ref>
Danbolis(danbo-ru+igirisu; cardboard+england; Cardbland?). Sweden puts Sealand under a cardboard box with "England" written on it to create Danbolis. It takes 3 minutes. Finland declines comment. Sweden only wants to play with Sealand when he's watching TV.
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
France strips Latvia and Sealand(Sealand is still in his boxers; Latvia appears to be naked.) He then says that "Of course boys are good! Boys are the best!"
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
Sealand notices Iceland being sold on Ebay and goes to befriend him, because their circumstances are similar. He says that he should call him "senpai" and rely on him. However, Iceland says he doesn't know what he means. Sealand calls Latvia and screams and cries at him noisily. Later, Sealand approaches Japan about the Power Rangers, expressing his love for them and asking to be made like one. Sealand refuses to believe England who tells him that stuntmen do all the cool things he sees on Power Rangers. Japan transforms him into a robot from Lost Galaxy using a Gingaman Transformation Kit, and he uses his Rocket Punch. However, it flies all the way to Latvia's house and hits him in the head. Sealand proceeds to call Latvia to cry on him about the Rocket Punch not coming back, to which Latvia says he'll return it later.
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
Sealand disguises himself as Canada to get into a world meeting, though he brings a large teddy bear. Sweden "Sweded" his hair for him. He give shimself away by calling England "Bastard England." He refers to Sweden as "Papa" here.
<ref name="canasea">{{cite web|title=飛び越せ!カナダさん|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|accessdate=|trans_title=Leap! Mr. Canada}}</ref>
<ref name="Vol2">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2008|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 2|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 2|publisher=Gentosha|page=112|isbn=978-4-3448-1514-8}}</ref>
Sealand leaves a comment on Prussia's blog, on the entry about him going to the beach with America. He refers to him and Germany as "Bastard Prussia" and "Bastard Germany" respectively. He says that it would be good if Prussia came over, because all around his house is sea. He then says that he'll be at Sweden's house, as he is Sweding again, and tells him to give his regards to Germany for him. England comments after him saying to ignore him and that he'll talk to him later. Prussia greets Sealand casually and tells him that good children should sleep and eat properly. He then tells England that he would like to go back to being a child and doing as he pleases too.
<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
Sealand believed in Santa until he attempted to wake up his watchman, who told him that he forgot to buy presents and that he would order them later, shocking him into leaning that santa wsn't real. He then called England to cry at him about it.
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<ref name="">{{cite web|title=|url=|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|date=|accessdate=|trans_title=}}</ref>
Adult Sealand.
<ref name="Vol3">{{cite book|last=Himaruya|first=Hidekaz|year=2010|title=Axis Powers ヘタリア 3|trans_title=Axis Powers Hetalia 3|publisher=Gentosha|page=9|isbn=978-4-3448-1938-2}}</ref>

Taiwan Sources

Hong Kong Sources

Vietnam Sources
Her history is full of strong women. In her initial stages, she was rather different-looking. Lately, she's been skillfull with her hands, so she can make anything she wants.
Vietnam's various ponytail styles. He says that even now her visuals give him toruble.
Her ao dai is either green or white.
She used to be a weaker character.
Something about her eyebrows("まゆ?すごい"?.) Chibi uniform sketch. I can't read what it says next to the things she's carrying by hanging them off of her paddle, so I'll get help.

Vol. 4 Profiles

Wanna know why these aren't done? Because the font used for the profile bits is a nightmare. For me, anyway. I'm going to assume it's the same with everyone else since it isn't done. . . . (Really, so far, there isn't new info in them.) LUCKILY JFEN WROTE A LOT OF THEM OUT HAHAHA. /COPYPASTES!!


A young man who, no matter the environment, is relatively gutsy and does everything wildly! Therefore his meals are also wild!


A musical young man whose staple foods are coffee and cake! He only got into [preposterous/unreasonable/messy] marriages.


色々禍々しいオーラを放つロシアの妹さんだよ! ロシアに重すぎる愛を送り続けてリトアニアの指をポキポキするよ!
Russia's little sister who gives off a variously sinister aura! She continuously sends her deep love to Russia, and snaps Lithuania's fingers!


A kind, soft, sociable big sister. When you eat her food compared to her older brother's, her cooking is also very likable! Freshly made waffles are delicious!


A quietly sociable big brother whose prides he tries to talk about are soccer and dancing! He speaks a somewhat mysterious language!


朗らかで穏やかな性格のお人好し青年だよ! アメリカとは昔から兄弟みたいなもんだけど、 全然似てないし振り回されっぱなしだよ!
A softhearted young man with a cheerful and gentle character! In regards to America, the thing isn they were like siblings in the old days, but they don't resemble one another at all, and America keeps pushing him around!


かなり年齢はいってるのに、もの凄い若作りだよ! マイブームはよれよれよのTシャツ着てサンダルはいて太極拳することだよ!
A considerably old man, and yet he frequently makes himself up to look young! He's currently obsessed with wearing worn out t-shirts, sandals, and doing Tai Chi Chuan!


踊るのとラム酒とアイスが大好きな、情に厚い気さくなあんちゃんだよ! スポーツへ情熱が半端じゃないよ! サルサやルンバが大好きだよ!
A big bro who really loves dancing, rum, and ice cream, who's very faithful in his feelings! His passion for sports is overwhelming! He really loves the salsa and the rumba!


A quiet young man who had engulfed himself in a mysterious atmosphere, though he's rumored to be quite a talker! Because his mother left her inheritance behind for him, Tourists from around the world visit! He's improved his relationship with Turkey from the old days, and the result is that they like each other quite a lot.


バルトの優等生でバルトより北欧に入りたがってるイケメンさんだよ! 最近変なペット飼い始めたよ!
The Baltic's cool guy honor student who wants to be going into Scandinavia from the Baltics! Lately he's begun to raise strange pets!


A powerful big brother who, in the old days, was full of guts and fought with Sweden! Today, he's come to calm down considerably, and puts his strength into social services and making furniture!


ワインと芸術に酔いしれる兄ちゃん。 バカンスがないと生きていけないよ! イギリスとは犬猿の仲だよ!
A big brother drunk on wine and the arts. Without vacations, life is hopeless! In regards to England, they're like cats and dogs!


He's overwhelmed by the strong faces of his neighbors, but he's a serious, simple boy who keeps at it! It's well known that Mr. Santa lives in his house!


The grandfather of all the mysteriously large Germanic peoples! In regards to Grandpa Rome, their excessive rotting skeletonized into an undesirable but inseparable relationship!


Serious to an extreme degree, and abides by the rules no matter what! Looking after Italy has already become part of his daily routine!


A philosophical young man with a serene atmosphere who had covered himself in cats leisurely! He doesn't hide his lewdness! In regards to Turkey, lately, they behave like they're compromising, but while doing things like lowering each others' trunks and posing like they're getting along, he'll make him eat his cat punch!

Hong Kong

我が道を行く商売上手で流行好きな美食家青年だよ! イギリスや中国に会うたびちょっかいかけるのが趣味だよ! 噂と不動産と流行のものと「の」が大好きだよ!
A "going-my-way", businesslike, fashion-loving, gourmet young man! Meddling with England and China is his hobby! He really loves rumors, real estate, fashionable things, and "の"! [I don't know what that means either.]


昔は平野を馬で駆け巡る、おてんばさんだったよ! 今は素敵なお姉さんだけど、怒らせると、とーっても怖いよ!
In the old days, a real tomboy who chased horses on the plains! Today, a lovely big sister, however, get her angry and she's awwwfully scary!


Taciturn in order to appear matured, but still sometimes rather childish true little brother of Norway!


パスタと女の子が大好きなイタリアの兄ちゃん。 弟(ヴェネチアーノ)とはちょっと微妙なカンジだけど、負けず劣らずヘタレな部分もあったりするよ!


お茶目で陽気で泣き虫な、女の子とパスタとピッツァとシエスタが大好きなラテン息子! 本気は女の子のために温存しているよ!


武士の精神を受け継ぐ、東洋に浮かぶ島国。 空気を読みすぎちゃうけど、本人は普通のことだと思ってるよ!


実は色々こなせる実力を秘めた少年だよ! ロシアの前で空気読めない発言して、後の祭り状態がしばしば起こるよ!
A young boy who, to tell you the truth, hid his true strength and ability to handle things easily! Saying things to Russia's face without reading the atmosphere once it was too late often occurred!


A modest, level-headed young lady! Reasonably sociable, with many friends!


バルト三国の生真面目すぎる苦労青年だよ! ポーランドに振り回されてロシアさんの視線に晒されてるよ!
The super serious and troubled youth of the three Baltic states! Poland pushes him around, and he is exposed(to danger) to Russia's gaze!


France's resort-like protege! Behaving cleverly is best! To eat tuna is no good!



New Zealand





おちゃらけているように見えて人見知りだよ! 仲良くなるとべったべただぞ!リトアニアとはとっても仲がいいよ!
In order to face his shyness, he's acting silly! Succeed in befriending him and he's really clingy! He's awfully close to Lithuania!


Germany's big brother with an ego the size of the world! He often meddled with his neighbors and Russia!

Roma Antiqua

The women, alcohol, bathhouse, and fighting loving supreme ruler of the Mediterranian Sea! It can't be helped that he loves, loves his grandchildren! If he sees a strong guy, he trembles with excitement!


Variously large! General winter always accompanies him! He's frighteningly innocent! He's devoted himself to how to be able to make friends!


イギリスが海上要塞放置してたら占拠されてて、国にバージョンアップしてた不思議国家だよ。 普段は自分の体の修理と、一人だけいる傭兵さんたちにちょっかいかけるのが主な任務だよ!






いつも陽気でマイペースな兄ちゃんだよ! 情熱の炎は簡単には消せないよ! ロマーノを異常なくらい可愛がってるよ!






芯が強くマイペースな性格の島国少女だよ! 料理作るのが得意で、美味しい料理を安く振舞うためありがたがられているよ! 中国に遠まわしにちょっかいかけるのが趣味だよ!


トリッキーな外交で立ち回りの上手い、微笑みの青年だよ! 料理上手でうま辛いもの作らせたらピカイチだよ!




昔はワルだったせいか、片鱗がちらほら出てる紳士だよ! 料理のレシピより、おまじないや魔術のほうが多いよ!


泣き虫のように見えて、実はこのキエフで一番怖いロシアの姉ちゃんだよ! 胸は自己主張するためにあるよ!
She looks crybaby-like, but in actuality she's Kiev's scariest big sister of Russia! Her breasts are used for the sake of self-assertion!


ファーストフード大好きなヒーロー青年だよ! ナンバーワンが大好き!結婚式はオープンカーだよ!


とても芯の強いアオザイに身を包んだお姉さんだよ! 歴史上でも強い女性が多いよ!



Volume 5 Profiles

Just retranslating them, myself. . .Prussia's wasn't done so well(all of Prussia's contain "Germany's big brother" in the first line, so far, I think,) and apparently neither was Romano's? Let's see about the others. I'll get to it.


Germany's big brother with a constantly self-satisfied expression! A hard worker, however his exterior shows a "Not doing anything~" face! He's unexpectedly fairytale-like!


Rather unlucky, hard working big sister! She loves hotsprings, and she sings scary songs!




A big brother emitting an intense respectable prince aura! His transcendence and going-my-way thoughts overwhelm foreign countries! Is strength in mathematics and arguing is truly extraordinary!