User talk:Icelilly

From Hetalia Archives
Revision as of 22:33, 31 October 2011 by Icelilly (Talk | contribs) (FH14 Mockups)

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Opening Wiki

Oh is there any way you could change the default skin from Vector to Monobook? :/ -FH14 10:37, 1 November 2011 (EST)

I don't think you can but I can check. I think users can change to whichever skin they like but I think Vector will always be the default skin when they log out.
While I'm still here, would you like me to transfer your userpage over from the old wiki? Icelilly 10:42, 1 November 2011 (EST)
Already transferred it. And Vector is similar enough that it isn't that big of a deal TBH I just need to transfer some extra coding later (Do you mind if I do that now or..?) -FH14 11:11, 1 November 2011 (EST)
Sure! You can do it now. I'm just transferring over the images from the old wiki. Currently working on the flags. Once I get those done the profiles will be complete. Icelilly 11:19, 1 November 2011 (EST)
I thought you had a transfer file. How come some of the pages weren't copied over? :/ -FH14 11:22, 1 November 2011 (EST)
Oh and here this will probably help - Special:MultipleUpload -FH14 11:27, 1 November 2011 (EST)
I have a transfer file and it's a whopping 132 MB file and I can't upload it without it failing so I have to do it the long and hard way. Also the exporting process goes by categories so if a page doesn't have a category, it doesn't get transferred. The news and anniversary portals got transferred but I don't understand why they're not showing properly and it's baffling me. The characters list and the memes page are two pages I can't seem to transfer over without getting a session loss error message so I assume this is because of my slow and crappy internet. You could give it a shot yourself if you like. Exporting doesn't seem to be restricted to admins so anyone can do it. Oh and I'm using the multiple upload. It's my friend right now. :D Icelilly 11:44, 1 November 2011 (EST)

FH14 Mockups

Oh here's a section where we can discuss the mockups~ User:FH14/Sandbox. So what do you think about Cyprus? And I think Thailand and Vietnam may have enough after we get the information from the Special Edition booklet that has yet to be translated. -FH14 14:25, 1 November 2011 (EST)

Yep! You get the okay from me! I think Thailand and Vietnam could be good to go too but if you want to wait till the SE booklet gets translated we can do that too. Icelilly 14:33, 1 November 2011 (EST)