Timeline of Hetalia: Axis Powers

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Revision as of 16:16, 20 May 2009 by Ceras SanMarina (Talk) (1914-1918)

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This is the official timeline given for the series Axis Powers Hetalia, as given by Hidekaz Himaruya. Some events mentioned in the chronology have been illustrated and depicted in strips, while others are planned but have yet to be published.

The timeline mostly applies to the webcomic version of the series, except where noted. Some exact dates, such as the Italian Wars, remain ambiguous.

14th-15th Century


England and France become involved in the 100 Years War. It ends in France's defeat.

15th Century


July 25th: Poland and Lithuania face off against the Teutonic Knights and their leader, in the Battle Of Grunwald, also known as The First Battle Of Tannenberg.

  • Polish Swedish Wars (via flashback)
  • What Happened After Tannenberg


May: The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) lays waste to Constantinople.


England and France are involved in the Wars Of The Roses.

16th Century


Sweden and Finland gain independence in running away from Denmark.

  • Running Away With Su-San


The Italian Wars are fought, as France and Holy Roman Empire battle for control over the young Italy.

  • Chibitalia


The First Siege Of Vienna: The Ottoman Empire attempts to seize the capital of Austria, after having successfully defeated and conquered Hungary.


The Italian Wars end. Romano winds up in the custody of Spain. At the same time, Italy becomes part of Holy Roman Empire's household, having been claimed by Austria on his behalf.

  • Boss Spain's Control Of Southern Italy
  • Chibitalia


Spain becomes involved in a war against Turkey, in order to protect Romano.

  • Boss Spain's Control Of Southern Italy (part 2)

17th Century

Sweden and Finland wind up beaten up by Holland while attempting to create a colony in the continent of North America. While there, they discover the feral child America. After England and France hear of the discovery, a war starts over who shall own the child...

  • The Battle For America


The Dutch Revolt: Belgium, with the help of Spain, gains independence from her brother Holland.


The Polish-Swedish War occurs, though Sweden and Finland bow out of the war, leaving Poland and Lithuania with no one to fight.

  • Polish-Swedish Wars


Holy Roman Empire throws himself into the Thirty Years War and slowly falls to ruin over the course of it...

  • Shotalia (unpublished)


The Second Polish-Swedish War ends in the defeat of Poland.


Austria faces off against Turkey in the Battle of Vienna.

18th Century


The War Of Austrian Succession occurs when Prussia (with the help of France and Spain) invades Austria's "vital regions".

Spain captures Italy in hopes of having both brothers live under his roof, but his plan is quickly abolished by Italy choosing to stay with Austria. Austria is subsequently beaten up by Prussia, who later takes Silesia for himself.

It is during this time that France and England defect from the war and opt to be "neutral" so they can continue battling over custody of the child America. It ends in a victory for England.

  • Maria Theresa And The War Of Austrian Succession
  • The Battle For America


The Seven Years War: Prussia and England form an alliance in this war, due to having found out that Austria and France now operate on the same side.

  • Maria Theresa And The Seven Years War (incomplete)


Birth of Napoleon Bonaparte.


The first partition of Poland by Russia.


Marie Antoinette becomes the queen of France.


The grown-up America fights against England for his independence, in the Revolutionary War.

  • America's Cleaning Of The Storage


The French Revolution.


Poland winds up partitioned for the second time by Russia and Prussia.


The third partition and subsequent "extinction" of Poland.


France, with the help of Napoleon, defeats Austria.

19th Century

Late 18th to Early 19th Century: England experiences the Industrial Revolution.


The Napoleonic Wars occur.


The nations of Europe hold the Vienna Conference as the Napoleon Wars continue on.

November 1815: Prussia, Russia, Austria, and England form an alliance.


Greece becomes involved in a war for his independence from Turkey.


The first Olympics game is held.

  • Big Brother France And The Olympian Romance

20th Century


England and Japan form an alliance, having both been loners.

  • The Lonesome British-Japanese Alliance
  • Ghost Culture Of England And Japan


In the midst of World War I, Germany meets Italy for the first time. He takes Italy captive, but sends him back home after the war ends due to him being an annoyance.

  • Hetalia Chapter 1 (webcomic)
  • Prologue (Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1, published manga)


October 24th: The Great Depression occurs and Lithuania is forced to return home to Russia.

  • Lithuania's Out-Sourcing (part 3)


The White Sea Canal is constructed.

  • To Your Heart's Content, Russia!


March 13th: Germany annexes Austria, who becomes a sort of roommate to him.

  • The Austrian Anschluss (webcomic)
  • Axis Powers (Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1, published manga)


May 22nd: Germany and Italy form the Pact Of Steel.

  • Hetalia Chapter 4: Pact Of Steel (webcomic)
  • Axis Powers (Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1)

September 1st: Germany and Austria invade Poland, marking the start of World War II.

  • To The Unfinished Tomorrow (preview) (Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1)


World War II.


September: Japan signs the Tripartite Pact and becomes part of the Axis Powers.

  • Axis Powers (Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1)


July: An unidentified flying object crash-lands in Roswell. America takes in the extra-terrestrial from it, known only as Tony.

  • Assault! The Neighbor's Roswell Incident


France proposes to England, in an attempt for the two of them to marry as he fears dying due to the crisis his people have been in.

  • Dream United Kingdom