List of minor Hetalia characters
This is a list of minor characters who appear in the series Hetalia, created by Hidekaz Himaruya. These characters often do not appear within the manga or anime, but are drawn in official artwork or sketches, or are referenced in official materials. Some of these characters are also not specifically presonifications of any country or region.
A character thus far only seen in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a "chibi" head illustration. No gender was given. They are depicted with light brown skin and dirty blond hair tied into a ponytail. They state that they believe they can cook seswaa (a simple dish of beef slowly simmered, then pounded with salt and served over corn mush) the best and enjoy weaving baskets and beading things. They are introduced as a British territory, and are alongside Seychelles in the Africa class of the W Academy.[1]
A character of unknown gender and appearance who introduced themselves in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a territory of Portugal. They are in the Africa class of the academy with Seychelles.[1]
A character of unknown gender and appearance who introduced themselves in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a Belgian territory. They are in the Africa class of the academy with Seychelles.[1]
Ethiopia was first mentioned in a 2006 footnote to Kitty Festival as a character that Himaruya wanted to design someday.[2] He was later mentioned again in a character profile for Italy as having fought with him. [3] In October and November of 2006, Himaruya again reiterated that Ethiopia was a character he someday wanted to design.[4][5] In January of 2007, Himaruya mentioned that he wanted Ethiopia to appear in the upcoming Gakuen Hetalia demo, but was unsure if this was possible.[6]
He was finally introduced, albeit with no design shown, in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia in the Africa class of the W Academy as a classmate of Seychelles. He is revealed to be an Italian territory, and while he is reluctant to admit it, he is apparently teased by his classmates for this.[1]
A character thus far only seen in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a "chibi" head illustration. No gender was given. They are depicted with light brown skin and long, dirty blond hair in dreadlocks. Introduced as a British territory in the Africa class with Seychelles, Ghana correctly guesses that Seychelles' coat of arms has something to do with the sea.[1]
A character of unknown gender and appearance who introduced themselves in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia following Cabinda as another Portuguese territory. They are in the Africa class of the W Academy as a classmate of Seychelles.[1]
A female character who made her debut in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia, Kenya is a classmate of Seychelles in the Africa class of the W Academy. She only appears as a "chibi" head illustration, and is depicted with light brown skin and brown dreadlocks tied back into a ponytail. She is introduced as a British territory, and she says that her favorite food is nyama choma- a dish universally eaten in the Republic of Kenya that consists of beef, veal, sheep, lamb, goat, and other meats grilled with lemon juice as well as curry powder and other spices. Kenya asks Seychelles what her national coat of arms is, leading to Seychelles' humiliation as the entire class (seemingly including Kenya) laughs at its strange design.[1]
In design drafts for the Africa class women's school uniform, a character resembling Kenya is used. (Though it should be noted that stand-in designs are also frequently used in these drafts.)[7]
Libya was first mentioned in a 2006 footnote to Kitty Festival, where Himaruya stated that they were a character he wanted to design someday.[2] He reiterated this in blog entries in October and November of 2006.[4][5] Himaruya mentioned in a January 2007 blog post that he wanted Libya to appear in the upcoming demo of Gakuen Hetalia, but was unsure if this was possible.[6] The character ultimately did not appear in the demo.
Madagascar was mentioned by Seychelles in the 16th episode of Comic Birz as the only other character she was able to talk about her animals with at meetings. While many fans speculate that the unidentified girl with whom Seychelles was talking (presumed by many to be another African nation) was in fact Madagascar, Madagascar was mentioned in the third person (though using third person is a somewhat common speech quirk in the Japanese language), and this unidentified girl was rather excited to see the ocean, which would be unlikely for an island nation.
In response to a 2011 fan question asking which other African countries Himaruya had considered adding following Cameroon's debut and which African countries Himaruya had interest in, Himaruya responded that he loved South Africa.[8]In addition, also in 2011, Himaruya posted a sketch (titled Suricate) of a male character interacting with a meerkat.[9] While the character went unidentified, it is possible he was intended to be a personification of South Africa, given the range of meerkats. Based on this, other possibilities include Angola and Namibia. However, it is also possible that the character shown was not a personification for any nation.
Uganda appears in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a "chibi" head illustration. He is depicted as a young man with light brown skin and a shaved head. He introduces himself as a British territory and says he takes his name from the former Kingdom of Buganda. He is a classmate of Seychelles in the Africa class of the W Academy, and when she shows the class her national coat of arms, he laughs so hard he has to be carried off on a stretcher by paramedics.[1]
Zimbabwe appeared in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a "chibi" head illustration. They are depicted with light brown skin, green eyes, and short dark brown hair. They are introduced as a British territory in the Africa class of the W Academy, as a classmate to Seychelles. They enthusiastically ask to see Seychelles' national coat of arms after Kenya brings up the subject, leading to Seychelles' humiliation after the entire class (seemingly including Zimbabwe) laughs at its strange design.[1] No gender was given, though many fans believe the character to be female, likely due to their resemblance to a character appearing in design drafts for the Africa class women's school uniform. (Though it should be noted that stand-in designs are also frequently used in these drafts.)[7]
While Zimbabwe has yet to appear in the manga, a club called "Extreme Zimbabwe" exists in Gakuen Hetalia and is listed on a blackboard among other clubs in the Carry On, Newspaper Club! strip.
- Unidentified Nations
In "Lithuania's Out-Sourcing Part 3 (The Great Depression)", France is seen asking an unidentified country, at the time one his colonies, for money after the onslaught of the Great Depression. It is unclear whether the nation in question is from Africa, but in the same image England is shown speaking to Egypt and Seychelles.
In "The Pearl of the Indian Ocean" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 6, a friend of Seychelles visits from Africa. She is never explicitly identified in the story, though she is very vocally jealous of Seychelles' ocean, which could imply that she is the representation of a landlocked country. She is depicted as taller than Seychelles with approximately the same skin tone, and with her hair tied back in a ponytail.
Predecessor States
The characters in this section are personifications of ancient kingdoms/empires or tribes, many of which have yet to have a role in the webcomic. Their existence was mostly first revealed through information on the Bamboo Thicket blog and profiles.
- Carthage (カルタゴ Karutago )
A rival of Rome situated in North Africa. Rome mentions to Germany that on his path to power one of the things he did was beat up Carthage.
A character of unknown gender and appearance who introduced themselves in the demo of Gakuen Hetalia as a Spanish territory. They are in the Africa class of the W Academy, as a classmate of Seychelles.[1] It is unknown whether they represent modern Western Sahara as well.
Other Nations
In a January 2011 blogpost, following an illustration regarding the French being said to be the most pessimistic people in the world according to a recent public opinion poll, Himaruya said as an afterthought that as opposed to France's pessimism, Brazil, along with India and China, would be more optimistic, with a mindset described as "this year seems like it will be very prosperous!" [10]
During the Halloween 2013 event, Himaruya posted a series of drawings on Bamboo Thicket with the message "Ecuador. I wonder if he’d be like this. I want to make an alpaca set with the South American countries that have a lot of alpacas!". The character is depicted with turtles and an alpaca wearing a hat.[11]
A Greenland character was seemingly introduced in a merchandise announcement. They are pictured with shaggy hair and alongside an animal of some kind.[12] They were previously mentioned by Denmark in the lyrics of the song "Always With You... Nordic Five!" as being a member of the Nordics, along with the Faroe Islands and Åland Islands.
Mexico is briefly mentioned in the drama CD adaptation of Lithuania's Out-Sourcing, in which America is running late to a meeting with the nation and expresses that, because it is with Mexico, he wants to wear a "casual" tie. They are also mentioned in the America and the World Map strip, where America explains to England why the Mexico on his map is "half-assed", stating that "It's because of my grudge over the Alamo." Mexico's name later was seen in the 2010 Christmas event on a list kept by Sealand of the nations who do not have the mark the Parallel Nations are seeking.[13] In "Mr. Canada and His Neighbours" from Hetalia: Axis Powers Volume 6, Mexico was mentioned as trying to raise public safety standards with a Facebook poll.
Paraguay is mentioned in a FIFA 2010 sketch showing Germany manhandling Italy and Romano. Italy tells Germany that Germany is wrong and that they didn't go and watch soccer, and Romano explains that they went to go see Paraguay.
Tonga made a brief appearance during the Halloween 2011 event. Seen only from behind, Tonga has dark hair and is wearing sheep horns for Halloween.
- British Hills (ブリティッシュヒルズ Buritisshu hiruzu )
In response to a fan who asked if following the appearance of Nikoniko there would soon be a personification for the British themed Fukushima resort British Hills "with splendid eyebrows like England's", Himaruya described the potential character as possibly being stylish with "hospitality overflowing from their spirit", and said that the character would somewhat have the distinctive eyebrows.[14]
- Kowloon Walled City (九龍城砦 Kyūryū jōsai )
In response to a fan question about a personification for Kowloon, Himaruya mentioned that he imagined them being a "very chaotic and dirty" character.[15] However, a design has not yet been released.
A character who appeared in Canada's nightmare in 'Fly, Canada, Fly'. In Canada's nightmare, anglophones and francophones in his country began to squabble over whether the national anthem sounded better in English or French. As a result, Quebec emerged as an independent country. He is depicted with hair similar to Canada's own but with a thicker ahoge at the front without a curl as in Canada's. It is mentioned in notes by Himaruya that Quebec "once caused a huge ruckus about independence, but was voted off by 50.6%".[16]
It should be noted that as Quebec has only appeared in Canada's nightmare, it is uncertain as to whether or not he is in fact a canon character. The wording of the narration when he emerges as a new country is unclear as to whether this was the character's birth or the character's independence with him having existed prior to the hypothetical event of the nightmare. While some fans speculate that the character does not exist outside of this nightmare Canada was having, others speculate that he is in fact a distinct character.
An old man who appears briefly in volume 2, representing the U.N.. He briefly appears in the anime adaption in Episode 69.
- General Winter (冬将軍 Fuyu-shōgun )
A character who represents Russia's winter. He torments Russia, but is also his greatest ally. When the shadow defeated him in the Christmas Bloodbath of 2010, Russia began to experience odd weather patterns, and midsummer temperatures suddenly arose all around. He's based off of the Russian character Old Man/Father Winter, who is the personification of Winter in general.
- Mr. Newspaper (新聞君 Shinbun-kun )
The name for a character that is made to represent a country's newspaper. The first notable appearance of one is in Comic Diary 9, during Austria's presidential elections. He appears as a freckled man in a flatcap.
An omake illustration depicts at least six "Mr.Newspapers", including one that resembles France, though it is noted that every country has their own and that all of them happen to be megalomaniacs.
- Parallel Nations
During the 2010 Christmas/New Years event, a world parallel to the canon Hetalia one was introduced. This world is one like the canon world, however all of the nations are feline (as they bear cat ears and tails), don't wear clothes(and also lack accessories such as glasses). In this world are 123 Frances, each individually named by number. The one which was seen most being 23 or ni-san, a pun on nii-san, or big brother in Japanese, what canon France wants to be called.) Their personalities seem to differ from their Earthen selves as well.
Unlike the other Parallels, Parallel America seems to be fascinated with the clothes of Earth, and finds people wearing them to be cute. As a result, upon searching Hong Kong and China, he dressed them up in women's clothes. According to Parallel France 23, he is a pervert. Unlike America of Earth, he doesn't wear glasses. The France that was seen most often was the 23rd France. His name is a pun on France-nii-san (ni being two in Japanese and san being three), or Big Brother France. Rather kind and cheerful at most all times, he was defeated by Sealand, but shortly after explained why they had all come and begun stripping the nations of Earth. He appears to also be dating Parallel Spain, as when he admitted his crush on Belgium he began to accuse him of cheating on him. Also, he lacks the facial hair of Earth's France. He was the one to send a letter back to earth, thanking them for their help and the introduction on how to celebrate a New Year to them, and left them $500 and a voucher for the Hyatt Hotel. The shadow that attacked Belgium (among others) was Parallel Spain. Upon receiving her scarf from her concern for him running around in the cold, undressed, he fell in love with her. That angered his supposed boyfriend Parallel France 23 (however he seemed confused and contradicted, asking who was cheating). He seems to share Spain's passion, as he seemed willing to stay on Earth and forget about his possibly to be destroyed home world to stay with Belgium.
- Shinatty-chan (シナティちゃん Shinati-chan )
- Voiced by Hozumi Gōda in Japanese.
A middle-aged man in a Hello Kitty knockoff costume. He is a frequent companion of China, and has only been shown out of his mascot suit twice so far.
His name comes from Shina, an older offensive term used for China by the Japanese.
American States
These characters are representations of U.S. states mentioned by Himaruya with quotes from a handful of states in response to a fan question regarding personifications of U.S. states. Currently none of them have designs, nor any mention beyond a quote from them, and as the fan's question explicitly regarded hypothetical characters representing U.S. states, it is currently uncertain whether or not they will ever appear or be mentioned within the series itself.
Alaska was mentioned by Himaruya in an early 2015 blog post in response to a fan's question about hypothetical personifications of U.S. states. They were quoted with "...Everyone seems like they're having fun".[17]
Massachusetts was mentioned by Himaruya in an early 2015 blog post in response to a fan's question about hypothetical personifications of U.S. states. The quote given for the potential Massachusetts character was, "My house is the prettiest", although the word used could also mean "cleanest" or "nicest".[17]
New York was mentioned by Himaruya in an early 2015 blog post in response to a fan's question about hypothetical personifications of U.S. states. Their quote was "The center of America is me, right?".[17]
Texas was mentioned by Himaruya in an early 2015 blog post in response to a fan's question about hypothetical personifications of U.S. states. They were simply quoted as shouting, "Yahoo!".[17]
Washington was mentioned by Himaruya in an early 2015 blog post in response to a fan's question about hypothetical personifications of U.S. states. The quote provided for them was, "I'm not basic. I'm serious and moderate."[17]
- Western Seaboard (西海岸 Nishi kaigan )
Mentioned by Himaruya in an early 2015 blog post in response to a fan's question about hypothetical personifications of U.S. states, the Western Seaboard was not explicitly divided by state (apart from the aforementioned Washington) and was simply quoted with "What?".[17]
Crossover Characters
Noto-sama (のとさま Noto-sama )
- See Noto Kanazawa at the Kitayume wiki
Noto Kanazawa (金沢のと Kanazawa Noto), better known as Noto-sama, is the lead character from Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club, the first webcomic by Himaruya. He has appeared in the Hetalia comic on a few occasions and crossed over with the nations in the games Noto-sama 5 and 6. Though he first appeared as a regular schoolboy in the original comic, it is his later cross-dressing and vengeful self ("Black Noto") that is shown in these appearances, usually wearing a red sailor uniform dress and a detachable ponytail with a red bow. He is best-known for exacting his vengeance on people more popular than him by stripping them, or humiliating them in other sexually-suggestive ways.
He first appears in the deleted Christmas 2007 sequel to exact his revenge for having an unhappy Christmas, only to wind up stripped by France. His next cameo is during Spain's April Fools event, in one of the fake news reports where it states that he, Yamato, and Prussia were all arrested for lewd conduct at school. He later appears to wish the readers a happy April Fools' day, after France tricks Spain into stripping to appease the "God of Lies".
Yamato (大和 Yamato )
- See Yamato Nara at the Kitayume wiki
Yamato Nara (奈良大和 Nara Yamato) is Noto-sama's partner in crime, and originated from Himaruya's second webcomic Barjona Bombers (which later shared the same universe as Kitakou and crossed over with it). He became Noto's partner after the third Noto-sama game, and has since shown up in cameos in Hetalia as well.
Yamato's first appearance is also during the Christmas 2007 sequel, where he assists Noto in carrying out his revenge on Christmas. When the two attempt to invade Poland's house, they wind up finding that their targets have already stripped naked for a celebration and wind up with their clothes stripped off by France. He next appears in April Fools 2008 in a fake news report stating that he was arrested on the World Academy W campus for exposing himself to a girl (along with Noto and Prussia).
Nomaru (のまる Nomaru )
- See Nishinomaru Hunai at the Kitayume wiki
Nishinomaru Hunai (府内西丸, Hunai Nishinomaru), better known as Nomaru is a classmate of Yamato's, and originated from Himaruya's second webcomic Barjona Bombers (which later shared the same universe as Kitakou and crossed over with it). One of the most normal students at Barjona Marine High School, he works part-time at a local convenience store. He makes a non-speaking cameo in both the manga and anime adaption of Why Americans Love Spring as the cashier at the convenience store Japan goes to to buy manga and ice cream.
Draft designs for the Africa class womens' uniform in Gakuen Hetalia, featuring characters resembling Zimbabwe and Kenya.
2013 sketch of Ecuador with an alpaca.
2013 sketch of Ecuador.
Tonga as they appear in the 2011 Halloween Event.
United Nations, as he appears in the anime.
Green Dam Youth Escort's personification.
Canada dreams of a hypothetical Quebec, born from a divide between English- and French-speaking citizens
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "学園ヘタリア台本 [Gakuen Hetalia Script]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "猫祭り [Kitty Festival]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "どうでもいい設定集 ["Anything Is Fine!" Setting Collection]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "2006 October". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "2006年11月 [2006 November]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "2007 January". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "制服 女子の [Women's Uniforms]". Retrieved January 21, 2021.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (February 9, 2011). "いつもお手紙やメールありがとうございます! [Thank You Always For the Letters and Emails!]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (June 21, 2011). "ミーアキャットさん [Meerkat-san]". Retrieved July 27, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (January 12, 2011). "デレボワイエ氏にフランス話聞きたい". Retrieved August 25, 2018.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "Christmas 2010". Retrieved August 8, 2015.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (December 8, 2014). "ICカード! [IC Card!]". Retrieved August 25, 2018.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz (August 1, 2012). "お知らせ". Retrieved August 2, 2012.
- ↑ Himaruya, Hidekaz. "飛び越せ!カナダさん [Fly, Canada, Fly]". Retrieved August 8, 2015.
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Himaruya, Hidekaz (January 10, 2015). "うさうさ [Bunny Bunny]". Retrieved August 9, 2015.