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List of historical characters

This is a list of historical characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers. These characters represent either inexplicably or explicitly actual persons from history and are shown interacting with Nations in different manners such as a "boss" (i.e. ruler).

European Figures

Flag of Germany (1935–1945).svg Adolf Hitler (アドルフ・ヒトラー Adorufu Hitorā?)
Voiced by Ken Takeuchi in Japanese and R Bruce Elliott in English.

Referred to as "Germany's boss", he is seen in stories set around the time of World War II, but his face is never shown. He first appears in Chapter 4: Pact of Steel of the original webcomic, where he and Germany are preparing for a meeting with Russia. He has misplaced something and is giving Germany notes on what to do when he arrives, including having high-class Vodka on hand.[1] Germany later complains to Finland about his boss, claiming that he even sent him to try to find the Holy Grail. Finland asks if Germany worries that his boss might throw him in jail for complaining, and while Germany expresses his doubts, Finland concludes that Germany's boss could foreseeably go that far.[1]

Hitler later appears in The Austrian Anschluss telling Germany to annex Austria,[2] and at the end of Lithuania’s Out-Sourcing Series Part 3: The Great Depression where he is seen kicking away Germany's reparations collections bag that had worsened the country's situation during the Great Depression, having gained power towards the end of the crisis.[3]

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor with haloes (1400-1806).svg Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (カール6世 (神聖ローマ皇帝) Kāru 6sei (Shinsei Roma Kōtei)?)

Mentioned as Charles II, Archduke of Austria, he appeared briefly in the Summary of the War of Austrian Succession, where he is mentioned to be Maria Theresa's father. Having no male heirs, he traveled to other nations trying to get them to accept Maria Theresa as his successor.[4]

Royal Standard of the King of France.svg Charles VII of France (シャルル7世 (フランス王) Charuru 7sei (Furansu Ou)?)

Charles VII appears in Volume 4's A bientot! (Until we meet again) , where Jeanne d'Arc bows before him and states that she will lead him to coronation.[5]

Sweden-Flag-1562.svg Christina of Sweden (クリスティーナ (スウェーデン女王) Kurisutīna (Suweiden Joou?)

She first appeared in a sketch posted on Himaruya's blog in September 2010 and was described as a free spirited woman during the 17th century.[6] She was mentioned again in the third interval drama CD as a former boss of Sweden's. When Finland asked what kind of person she was, Sweden responded that she became queen at the age of 6 then began planning her retirement at the age of 20. He then states she abolished her position on the throne and left on a journey to travel the world, much to Finland's astonishment. When Finland asked if Sweden was okay with her doing that, he responded that she looked like she was enjoying herself so it was okay with him. Finland later notes that despite the lack of change in his facial expression, Sweden appeared to be feeling nostalgic and was probably thinking about how good of a queen she was.[7]

Flag of England.svg David Beckham (デビッド・ベッカム Debiddo Bekkamu?)

Beckham is an English former footballer who makes a brief appearance in Comic Diary 10 in the strip "Liechtenstein vs. England," where he's seen talking to Liechtenstein.[8]

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor with haloes (1400-1806).svg Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (エリーザベト・クリスティーネ・フォン・ブラウンシュヴァイク=ヴォルフェンビュッテル?)

A Holy Roman Empress, Elisabeth Christine appears briefly in the Summary of the War of Austrian Succession as Charles VI's wife and Maria Theresa's mother.[4]

Flag of Spain (1938–1945).svg Francisco Franco (フランシスコ・フランコ Furanshisuko Franko?)

Not mentioned by named, Francisco Franco appears as Spain's Boss in the strip The Story of Italy’s Big Brother.[9]

Flag of Prussia (1892-1918).svg Frederick the Great (フリードリヒ2世 (プロイセン王) Furīdorihi 2sei (Puroisen Ou)?)

Prussia's favorite boss of all time, whom he refers to as "Old Fritz."[10] He appears in Maria Theresa and the Seven Years War where he announces to Prussia that they are allying with England.[11] He also made an appearance in a 4koma strip during the Christmas 2011 event, where the Prussian army requests Frederick to use a certain strategy against their enemy, which results in him playing his flute.[12] A short bio and extra sketches of Frederick were included in the special booklet of volume 4.[13]

Henry VIII (ヘンリー8世 (イングランド王) Henrī 8sei (Ingurando Ou)?)

Henry VIII has a small cameo appearance in the In those days, Chibi-chan was... chapter of Volume 6, where he is mentioned breaking away from the Catholic Church in order to divorce his wife.[14] He is also briefly mentioned in The Revenge of Medieval England's Hair and Clothes, where it is recommended not to ask about Henry VIII's codpiece in class.[15]

Kingdom of Poland-flag.svg Jadwiga of Poland (ヤドヴィガ (ポーランド女王) Yadoviga (Pōrando Joou?)

Poland's boss during the The First Time The Poland Rule Was Used strips.[16] It's worthy to note, however, that in the strips, she's aged up quite a bit compared to her historical age of 11 at the time of her consummation with Jagiello of Lithuania.

Royal Standard of the King of France.svg Jeanne d'Arc (ジャンヌ・ダルク Janne Daruku?)
Voiced by Michiko Neya in Japanese and Dana Schultes in English.

Also referred to as "Joan of Arc" and "that girl," she first appears in a series of illustrations called Big Brother France and That Kid, which showed her relationship with France. Jeanne is shown admonishing France and telling him that she is fighting for his sake,[17] and then briefly again in the Power Ranger Allied Forces from Volume 1.[18] In À Bientôt!, France meets a girl named Lisa, whom he believes to be Jeanne's reincarnation.[19]

Joanna of Castile (フアナ (カスティーリャ女王) Huana (Kasutīrya Joou)?)
Voiced by Michiko Neya in Japanese and Stephanie Young in English.

Referred to as "Spain's boss", she appears in Boss Spain’s Control of Southern Italy, where she questions Spain about how Romano's education is going.[20] In the footnotes it is explained that she was sometimes called "Mad Queen Joanna" due to a purported mental illness, and it was said that she would sometimes do things repeatedly in confusion. As a result of that environment and time period, the pressure of her position made her a very unhappy and ridiculed ruler.[20]

In the anime adaption of Boss Spain’s control of Southern Italy, Part 2 she replaces an unseen ruler in scolding Spain for starting a war with Turkey just so he could get Romano back. In Volume 3, a retelling of Spain and Romano's history is presented in the chapter Boss Spain & Chibi Romano, where Joanna is replaced with Belgium.[21]

Flag of Austria.svg Kurt Waldheim (クルト・ヴァルトハイム Kuruto Varutohaimu?)

Kurt Waldheim made an appearance in Comic Diary 9 in the strip "Twisted Nobel". He became the president of Austria despite disapproval from other nations.[22]

Leonardo da Vinci (レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ Reonarudo da Vinchi?)

Da Vinci made a small cameo appearence in A Call for Russia from Volume 6, where he is seen running away from a job he doesn't want to finish.[23]

Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg Maria Theresa (マリア・テレジア Maria Terejia?)
Voiced by Michiko Neya in Japanese and Stephanie Young in English.

Maria Theresa is initially mentioned in the footnotes of the second part of Lithuania’s Outsourcing Series where she is not "particularly gung-ho" about participating in the partitioning of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.[24] She appears in her own series of strips as Austria's boss in stories set around the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War.[25][11][4]. A short bio and extra sketches of Maria Theresa were included in the special booklet of volume 4.[26]

Michelangelo (ミケランジェロ・ブオナローティ Mikeranjero Buonaroti?)

Michelangelo made a small cameo appearence in A Call for Russia from Volume 6, where he is seen giving a thumbs up after finishing some work.[23]

Napoleon Bonaparte (ナポレオン・ボナパルト Naporeon Bonaparuto?)

Napoleon made a cameo appearance in Power Ranger Allied Forces from Volume 1 where France is bragging about him. [18] He was also mentioned in Big brother France and that kid.[17]

Niccolò Machiavelli (ニッコロ・マキャヴェッリ Nikkoro Makyaverri?)

Machiavelli makes an appearance as a bust Italy pulls out of a suitcase in the Axis Powers chapter of Volume 1.[27]

Princess Sophie of Bavaria (ゾフィー (オーストリア大公妃) Zofī (Ōsutoria Taikou Hi)?)

Princess Sophie makes an appearance in Executive March Revolution from Comic Diary 10, where she is seen tossing out Prince Metternich during the revolution.[8]

Other Mentions

Sweden-Flag-1562.svg Gustav II Adolf (?? ???)

He was briefly mentioned in the third interval drama CD under his nickname The Lion of the North. He was also mentioned to be a former boss of Sweden's.[7] His daughter Christina was also mentioned in the drama CD as well.

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Joseph Stalin (?? ???)

Referred to as "Russia's boss" or "Russia's adviser", he is seen in stories set around the time of World War II. He is first alluded to in Chapter 4: Pact of Steel when Lithuania overhears a meeting between him and Russia where the latter explains the plans for the Invasion of Poland.[28]

Asian Figures

African Figures

North American Figures


  1. 1.0 1.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "*ヘタレ4 鋼鉄協約* [Hetare 4: Pact of Steel]". p. 1. Retrieved September 12, 2012. 
  2. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "オーストリア併合 [The Austrian Anschluss]". Retrieved January 18, 2014. 
  3. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "『出稼ぎリトアニアその3』 [Lithuania’s Out-Sourcing Series Part 3]". Retrieved September 12, 2012. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "オーストリア継承戦争まとめ [Summary of the War of Austrian Succession]". Retrieved January 19, 2014. 
  5. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4]. Gentosha. p. 55. ISBN 978-4-3448-2233-7. 
  6. Himaruya, Hidekaz (September 11, 2010). "デンマークさんがスウェーデンさんに殴りかかりすぎな件について". Retrieved September 12, 2012. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol. 3: Nordic Five! Track 2- The Case of Sweden Beating up Denmark Too Many Times (Translation)". August 14, 2012. Retrieved September 12, 2012. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "日記漫画まとめ その10 [Comic Diary 10]". Retrieved January 19, 2014. 
  9. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "イタリアの兄ちゃんのお話 [The Story of Italy's Big Brother]". Retrieved January 19, 2014. 
  10. Himaruya, Hidekaz (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア [Axis Powers Hetalia]. Gentosha. p. 17. ISBN 978-4-3448-1275-8. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "マリアテレジアと七年戦争 [Maria Theresa and the Seven Years War]". Retrieved January 19, 2014. 
  12. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "クリスマス2011 [Christmas 2011, Part 8]". Retrieved January 19, 2014. 
  13. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 特装版 冊子 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4 Special Edition Booklet]. Gentosha. p. 21. ISBN 978-4-344-82234-4. 
  14. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2013). Axis Powers ヘタリア 6 [Axis Powers Hetalia 6]. Gentosha. p. 71. ISBN 978-4-344-82867-4. 
  15. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2010). Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 [Axis Powers Hetalia 3]. Gentosha. p. 73. ISBN 978-4-3448-1938-2. 
  16. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2010). Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 [Axis Powers Hetalia 3]. Gentosha. p. 96. ISBN 978-4-3448-1938-2. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 "フランス兄ちゃんとあのこ". 2006. Retrieved November 18, 2012. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 Hidekaz, Himaruya (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア [Axis Powers Hetalia]. Gentosha. p. 56. ISBN 978-4-3448-1275-8. 
  19. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4]. Gentosha. p. 58. ISBN 978-4-3448-2233-7. 
  20. 20.0 20.1 Himaruya, Hidekaz. "スペイン親分の南イタリア支配 [Boss Spain’s control of Southern Italy]". Retrieved September 24, 2012. 
  21. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 3 [Axis Powers Hetalia 3]. Gentosha. p. 60. ISBN 978-4-3448-1938-2. 
  22. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "日記漫画まとめ その9 [Comic Diary 9]". Retrieved January 19, 2014. 
  23. 23.0 23.1 Hidekaz, Himaruya (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 6 [Axis Powers Hetalia 6]. Gentosha. p. 118. ISBN 978-4-344-82867-4. 
  24. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "『出稼ぎリトアニアその2』 [Lithuania’s Out-Sourcing Series Part 2]". Retrieved September 12, 2012. 
  25. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "マリアテレジアとオーストリア継承戦争 [Maria Theresa and the War of Austrian Succession]". Retrieved January 20, 2014. 
  26. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2011). Axis Powers ヘタリア 4 特装版 冊子 [Axis Powers Hetalia 4 Special Edition Booklet]. Gentosha. p. 22. ISBN 978-4-344-82234-4. 
  27. Hidekaz, Himaruya (2008). Axis Powers ヘタリア [Axis Powers Hetalia]. Gentosha. p. 27. ISBN 978-4-3448-1275-8. 
  28. Himaruya, Hidekaz. "ヘタレ4 鋼鉄協約 [Hetare 4: Pact of Steel]". p. 13. Retrieved September 12, 2012.