Talk:Let’s Enjoy Today

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I've added the lyrics, but I was wondering, for a number of the landmarks referenced, should somebody include Wikipedia links with information? RayquazaMaster 18:40, June 6, 2013 (EDT)

Wikipedia links wouldn't be a bad idea. But I'm just wondering, did you get the lyrics from this LJ post? If yes, did you get permission to post them here? We usually don't add other people's translations without their permission first because we've had problems in the past with users posting their translations without their knowledge when they don't want them reposted anywhere. ^^; Icelilly (talk) 23:22, 6 June 2013 (CDT)
That would be where I got them from, actually. My mistake, should I take them down? D: I'm sorry! RayquazaMaster 23:58, June 8, 2013 (EDT)