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France/Canada, or FraCan (from their nation names, France and Canada) is a slash pairing in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers involving the characters France and Canada. It is also called Franada in some cases.

Fan Speculations

This pairing probably started because France once took care of a young Canada. It involves France's interest in Canada since he used to be his colony. Also, France was one of the few people who was able to recognize Canada from America, pointing out to England that Canada inherited his "silky French hair," although in a manga story he was included among the nations who didn't realize Canada was in the room too.

Fanworks for them typically focus on the long real-life history and cultural exchange between the two countries, with Canada still having a sizeable French-speaking population in modern times, or on the concept of one of the most lecherous nation in the series being in love with an oft-forgotten nation who likely wouldn't believe that anyone would be interested in him, much less someone as promiscuous as France, for drama.


Published Manga

  • The 6th Person (Track 2: Power Ranger Allied Forces Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1)

Webcomic: Extra Stories

  • Fly, Canada-san, Fly!