List of historical characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers

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This is a list of historical characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers. These characters represent either inexplicitly or explicitly actual persons from history and are shown interacting with Nations in different manners such as a "boss" (i.e. ruler).


Adolf Hitler

See Adolf Hitler on Wikipedia

Germany's boss, seen in the World War II-set strips.

Friedrich II

See Friedrich II of Prussia on Wikipedia

Prussia's favorite boss of all time, whom he refers to as "Old Fritz."

Jadwiga of Poland

See Jadwiga of Poland on Wikipedia

Poland's boss during the The First Time The Poland Rule Was Used strips.

Jeanne d'Arc

See Joan of Arc on Wikipedia

Also known as Joan of Arc, she was shown in the strip Big Brother France and That Kid, which showed her relationship with France.

Joanna of Castile

See Joanna of Castile on Wikipedia

Spain's boss in the Boss's Control of Southern Italy strips.

Joseph Stalin

See Josef Stalin on Wikipedia

Russia's boss during the World War II-set strips.

Maria Theresa

See Maria Theresa of Austria on Wikipedia

Austria's boss during the War of Austrian Succession strips.

Niccolo Machiavelli

See Niccolo Machiavelli on Wikipedia

Appeared once in a strip. He wrote a book with great war strategies entitled The Art of War, but in the end none of them did actually work.

Władysław II

See Władysław II on Wikipedia

Also known as Jogaila, he is Lithuania's boss in The First Time The Poland Rule Was Used.

Other Characters

Other European historical characters have been mentioned in the context of the series in addition to the ones listed above. In Chapter 3 of the original webcomic, England gets drunk and begins swearing about Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette and Tadeusz Kościuszko - two prominent members of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.


Zheng He

See Zheng He on Wikipedia

A notable Chinese explorer, he is seen with China asking him a question in China's Age Of Exploration.

Xuande Emperor

See Xuande Emperor on Wikipedia

China's boss in the China's Age Of Exploration strips.


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See also Minor Characters (European · Asian· Historical Characters · Animals and Other Creatures · Nekotalia · Nyotalia · Mochitalia · Human names · Another color
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