User talk:RayquazaMaster

From Hetalia Archives
Revision as of 17:41, 19 July 2015 by FH14 (Talk | contribs)

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Minor Characters

Thought I should point you in the direction of this - User:FH14/SandboxD - since I've been working on overhauling that whole page but had to put it on hold temporarily due to other things. Also, the untranslated bits are just what I've found in my sweep and might not end up being anything (or could just be mentioning a country in passing as opposed to referring to an actual character). I finished my sweeps of Europe and Asia and I just need to actually format them like the first few Europe entries. If you could help with this that would be great tbh. -FH14 (talk) 16:53, 19 July 2015 (CDT)

Sure thing, I'd be glad to take a look and see what I can do! I'll try my best with it! I'll start work on it right away! For the next few days I'm unfortunately not going to be able to do much seeing as I'll be away from home, but I'll do as much as I can this evening and once I get back! RayquazaMaster (talk) 18:14, 19 July 2015 (EDT)


Btw you don't need to upload the flags since they're available on wikimedia so all you need to do is find the image name on wikipedia and it should work on here -FH14 (talk) 17:41, 19 July 2015 (CDT)