Episode 14

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Episode 14
Episode Information
Production Credits
Hetalia Episode Chronology

The fourteenth episode of Axis Powers Hetalia was broadcast on April 24th, 2009. It adapts the strip German Simulator from Axis Powers Hetalia volume 1, as well as two strips from Axis Powers and a strip from the original webcomic Allied Forces arc.

Plot Summary

The Italian Army

In the middle of a desert at night, Germany has just finished a training session with the Italian Army (who all happen to have haircurls like Italy) and orders that they all sleep to recover their energy.

Later, outside of a tent, Italy and one of the other men in the army make sure that Germany is asleep and that the coast is clear. The Italian Army proceeds to loudly and wildly flee through the desert, some of the men even traveling in hot air balloons.

The next morning, Germany and one of his fellow soldiers stand in the desert. Germany is surprised at how fast everyone managed to flee, while the other soldier remarks that they're truly professionals.

The Special Abilities Of Italy

Italy meets an attractive woman in the desert and attempts to charm her, but is quickly apprehended by Germany, who delivers a punch to his gut. As Italy is carried off over the taller man's shoulder, he finds that his hands touch against something, which just so happens to be Germany's butt. He finds the butt to be softer than he thought, much to his disappointment.

A German Simulator

An old Technicolor film-style title card is shown with the above title (and a shot of Germany), as the narrator reads it off.

The segment opens with Germany in the middle of a supermarket, as two narrators both comment on the following situations in English and Japanese:

Germany buys a bunch of wurst and proceeds to the checkout, but finds that the checkout line in the supermarket is very long and crowded. The narrators explain that this is due to the carefree Spaniard (Spain), who works as the cashier. They proceed to explain that in the country of Spain, this is an everyday occurrence.

A Grecian (Greece) is shown next, slowly handing Spain his groceries. The narrators explain that in the country of Greece, this too is an everyday occurrence. An Italian man (Romano, whistling the ending theme Marukaite Chikyuu) proceeds to walk right into the busy line and cut ahead of another man. The two narrators state that in Italy, this type of behavior is something you see everyday as well.

An annoyed Germany waits in the busy line, as the Austrian man ahead of him (Austria) starts to get even more impatient with their situation. Spain starts loudly chatting to Greece, as "Italian #2" (Italy) takes his spot in line behind Germany and begins chanting "Ve" over and over.

While everyone else in line is making noise, a Japanese man (Japan) remains quiet, though the narrators mention that he looks as if he wants to speak up and say something. Austria finally gets fed up and loudly orders Spain to do his job "properly", while Russia comments that long lines like that are a normal thing.

Austria continues to voice his frustration, while Spain remains oblivious and continues to chat with Greece. Finland offers to tell America a joke about Russians, to pass the time in line. As the commotion builds, an SD version of Sweden is shown laughing manically in a speech balloon.

Germany steadily becomes increasingly aggravated by the combination of all the different noises in the line, but can do nothing but stand and wait his turn.

The final shot is of a video game, "Postal 4", that features Germany on the front, as both narrators advertise that this German simulation game is now on sale.

In France

Germany sits in the middle of a French restaurant, and decides to order a plate of potatoes. However, as he's handed his plate of food, he realizes that his waiter looks VERY familiar. France asks if something is wrong with the dish, but Germany insists that everything is alright.

As Germany mashes up his potatoes, he thinks to himself that his disguise (of a suit and glasses) seemed to fool France well. France, however, notices the way that the other man is handling his potatoes, and approaches him, asking if he is in fact Germany. A horrified Germany can only shout "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" in response.

The screen goes black, as a footnote reads that the segment was based on the story of a German spy who was found out due to having the wrong table manners: While the French would cut up their potatoes into small pieces and take small bites, Germans would mash their potatoes into a pulp.

Character Appearances

Non-speaking cameos:

Voice Cast


  • One noticeable difference in the adaptation of German Simulator is the complete removal of South Korea from the segment, most likely due to controversies surrounding his character. In the original strip, Korea was shown to be standing in front of Austria, and he too complains of the lousy service in the supermarket. He proceeds to roll around on the floor in protest, but winds up stepped on by the other impatient customers.
  • The first two segments of this episode were originally contained in the Axis Powers arc of the published manga, and took place before the debut of Japan.
  • The ending segment is adapted from the original Allied Forces arc in the webcomic version of Hetalia, and originally took place before Russia and France's conversation at the end of Episode 09.