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Revision as of 09:07, 29 April 2012 by Tarafishes (Talk) (About Me: . . .did it really want me to do an antispam confirmation for my own page. . . .)

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About Me

Name: Tara (Tarafishes on lj)

DOB: June 21, 1994

Location: Perth Amboy, New Jersey

Occupation: student; moderator of the Hetalia community on Livejournal; moderator of the Hetlia Dressing Room Roleplay on Livejournal and Dreamwidth

I'm nothing special, really. I don't do much aside sleep, eat, and roleplay, although I do my homeschool work, as well, of course. I write, on occasion, and draw, and sometimes color official art. I make icons, although I don't share them. I'm pretty smart when it comes to technology and computers, too. I also study German, when I can, and I've been surrounding myself with Japanese lately. I have a terrible memory, as well, and can be very quiet. Sort of like Poland, but not shy, just anti-social. Also like Poland, when I open up I'm a bit. Annoying. As far as I'm concerned, anyway. I've been told I'm not (that) annoying. I tend to come off as serious sometimes, and I am rather serious, but at the same time, I'm not. Sort of like Prussia. And I have a tenancy to be crazy, sadistic, scary. . .a lot of things. I am a lot of things.

I usually try and be there for my friends(and strangers) to talk to, and I try and help solve problems if I can. Sometimes you just need to tell someone everything or have something you already know told to you from a source that wasn't your own head. Since I don't have much else of substance to be doing, and I'm not useful in any other way, this is what I do.

As I mentioned before, I roleplay. A lot. In fact, it's pretty much the only thing I do. I spend all day roleplay, most of the time. I usually roleplay in the Axis Powers Hetalia Dressing Room on LiveJournal and on Dreamwidth, since I don't trust myself to keep up with normal games. I also moderate those communities. I only actively roleplay Hetalia because, at the moment, it's pretty much the only thing that keeps my attention and the only thing I'm interested in.

I like Hetalia. For the history, for the silliness, everything. Except the hate--let's avoid that. It's something else. It makes me curious about things, especially the world around me and culture and language. Sometimes I like to throw a bit more history and seriousness into Hetalia, but I also love it for what it is. It can be offensive, but it's all in good fun and it's never intentional. The fanbase can be offensive, but it's all in good fun and possibly in intent to educate.

I astound myself with how much I can say about myself. Although, I'm not talking about myself much, am I? If you have any more questions, ask me, I guess, even if they aren't related to me at all. I'll try and help out. For the most part, any of the editing I do here on the Hetalia Wikia will be undoing the work of trolls. Although I also seem to go on wild editing sprees really late at night, after doing things like rereading holiday sitejacks. Since they're done so late at night, they're probably full of spelling and grammar mistakes, so please fix them in my place!