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File:GermanysBossChapter3.png|Hitler giving instructions to Germany in ''Chapter 3''
File:GermanysBossChapter3.png|Hitler giving instructions to Germany in ''Chapter 3''
File:Rkgk1.jpg|France and Jeanne d'Arc from ''Big Brother France and That Kid''
File:Rkgk1.jpg|France and Jeanne d'Arc from ''Big Brother France and That Kid''
File:AmericasBossMtFuji.png|America and his boss discuss their plan in ''Reduce your opponent’s willpower American-style''
File:FranceAndJeanneDArc.jpg|France and Jeanne d'Arc from a [http://himaruya.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-1164.html 2011 Blog Post]
File:FranceAndJeanneDArc.jpg|France and Jeanne d'Arc from a [http://himaruya.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-1164.html 2011 Blog Post]

Revision as of 17:29, 23 November 2011

This is a list of historical characters in Hetalia: Axis Powers. These characters represent either inexplicitly or explicitly actual persons from history and are shown interacting with Nations in different manners such as a "boss" (i.e. ruler).


Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler, referred to as "Germany's boss", is seen in stories set around the time of World War II. He first appears Chapter 4: Pact of Steel of the original webcomic, where he and Germany are preparing for a meeting with Russia. He has misplaced something and is giving Germany notes on what to do when he arrives, including having high-class Vodka on hand. Germany later complains to Finland about his boss, claiming that he even sent him to try to find the Holy Grail. Finland asks if Germany worries that he boss might throw him in jail for complaining, and while Germany expresses his doubts, Finland concludes that Germany's boss could foreseeably go that far.

Friedrich II

See Friedrich II of Prussia on Wikipedia

Prussia's favorite boss of all time, whom he refers to as "Old Fritz."

Jadwiga of Poland

See Jadwiga of Poland on Wikipedia

Poland's boss during the The First Time The Poland Rule Was Used strips.

Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc, also referred to as "Joan of Arc" and "that girl," first appears in a series of illustrations called Big Brother France and That Kid, which showed her relationship with France. Jeanne is shown admonishing France and telling him that she is fighting for his sake.

Joanna of Castile

See Joanna of Castile on Wikipedia

Spain's boss in the Boss's Control of Southern Italy strips.

Joseph Stalin

Josef Stalin, referred to as "Russia's boss" or "Russia's adviser", is seen in stories set around the time of World War II. He is first alluded to in Chapter 4: Pact of Steel when Lithuania overhears a meeting between him and Russia where the later explains the plans for the Invasion of Poland.

Maria Theresa

See Maria Theresa of Austria on Wikipedia

Austria's boss during the War of Austrian Succession strips.

Niccolo Machiavelli

See Niccolo Machiavelli on Wikipedia

Appeared once in a strip. He wrote a book with great war strategies entitled The Art of War, but in the end none of them did actually work.

Władysław II

See Władysław II on Wikipedia

Also known as Jogaila, he is Lithuania's boss in The First Time The Poland Rule Was Used.

Other Characters

Other European historical characters have been mentioned in the context of the series in addition to the ones listed above. In Chapter 3 of the original webcomic, England gets drunk and begins swearing about Lafayette and Kościuszko - two prominent European members of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.


Xuande Emperor

See Xuande Emperor on Wikipedia

China's boss in the China's Age Of Exploration strips.

Zheng He

See Zheng He on Wikipedia

A notable Chinese explorer, he is seen with China asking him a question in China's Age Of Exploration.

Other Characters

Other Asian historical characters have been mentioned in the context of the series in addition to the ones listed above. Tōgō Heihachirō, a Fleet Admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, appears in the strip "The Cuisine That Was Originally England's" in Comic Diary 4, where he orders Japan to prepare him Beef Stew that he had eaten at England's. Japan improvises the recipe leading to the creation of Nikujaga.

North America

North American historical characters have been mentioned in the context of the series. In the strip Reduce your opponent’s willpower American-style, America's Boss (Unclear whether it is Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S. Truman) suggests that they try to paint Mt. Fuji red in order to lower Japanese moral. However the plan is scrapped once they realize how much paint would be necessary to go through with it.


Hetalia Characters
Main Characters Italy · Germany · Japan · America · England · France · Russia · China
Supporting Characters Ancient Egypt · Ancient Rome · Australia · Austria · Belarus · Belgium · Bulgaria · Cameroon · Canada · Cuba · Cyprus · Czech · Denmark · Egypt · Estonia · Finland · Germania · Greece · Holy Roman Empire · Hong Kong · Hungary · Hutt River · Iceland · India · Indonesia · Knights Templar · Korea · Kugelmugel · Ladonia · Latvia · Liechtenstein · Lithuania · Luxembourg · Macau · Malaysia · Moldova · Molossia · Monaco · Netherlands · New Zealand · Nikoniko · Norway · Osaka · Persia · Philippines · Picardy · Poland · Portugal · Prussia · Romania · Sealand · Seborga · Seychelles · Singapore · Slovakia · South Italy · Spain · Sweden · Switzerland · Taiwan · Thailand · Turkey · Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus · Ukraine · Vietnam · Wy
See also Minor Characters (European · Asian· Historical Characters · Animals and Other Creatures · Nekotalia · Nyotalia · Mochitalia · Human names · Another color
Full Character List